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Everything posted by Justice
Wow! Not once did I support Arafat, Abbas, or the Palestinian government for that matter, and somehow you come to the conclusion that I do? Amazing! I've been against the government of Palestine for quite some time now. I don't agree with resistance through violence, either. To me, gaining the world's sympathy is the best way to get our own state back. Some of you people just love to think the worst of people and that's a crying shame. It's almost as if you want someone to disagree with you just so you can have an argument. They had the ability to travel before 2000, you say? Really? That's funny, because my cousins couldn't even get into the Israeli side or Jerusalem in '92 when I visited. Sure be does. He's brilliant, plus he has no life so he reads all the time. Forget experiencing the situation in Palestine like I have and actually being there, he read about it. That carries so much more weight.
Don't argue with me, argue with Newton.
You really should have better reading comprehension skills for a person that throws around that idiot word a lot . You're kind of like an idiot connoisseur, since you are one yourself and as they say, "it takes one to know one". I said "I like to hear first hand accounts", I didn't say I have to be there. Moron. I guess you didn't bother to look into my links that I provided that had first hand account testimony from the actual survivors of The USS Liberty Attack, huh? Well, I also have an observation of my own, according to your post count, YOU are the one with NO LIFE. That's proof positive evidence for your butt, right there. So why don't you crawl back under your blankeys and cry me a river and take a look into your pathetic, unfulfilled, wood crafting life! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, why come at it me with, "my sad, pathetic excuse for a life", isn't that my insult I made towards you? Or is that the banality of someone who reads books BECAUSE they can't form their own opinions, you plagiarizing sheep! I'm done with you. All the books you read can't help you outwit me in the ranking game. It's an unfair match and I don't like to pick on the defenseless!
At first glance, you only see the degenerate murderer and insane, part. Even you quoted them as saying that at first, and only after further investigation did you find the rest and you say I'm way off ? You did the same thing! Also, take a look at those first two sentences, if that were Palestinians you would see them on the news visiting that murderers grave site, but NO, not Israel. You can find that on the net, not the news. Besides, where's the proof of them describing Baruch as a terrorist? Yeah, they bulldozed the shrine, but where's the more important daily news on TV calling that guy a terrorist?
What do you mean by, " look at how Israeli's respond to terror groups on their side"? You want me to give them credit for that? He wasn't called a terrorist, now was he? Why is that? What's the difference? And you want me to believe in the "news" and "books"? Please!
Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to find this? http://en.wikipedia....iarchs_massacre This guy is called "insane" and "degenerate murderer". Why not terrorist? See what I mean about the "news" or "books"? How they mold things to fit their agendas?
That's awful. I hate it. Make's you wonder, what pushes a man into doing the things they do? Is there good and evil in this world? Of course, on all sides, so please don't just show me just the one side when the other side is there as well. Many people have died on both sides, but much, much more on the Palestinian side. How can the oppressor play the role of the victim, anyways? Besides, we're US citizens with no criminal records and we're not allowed to step foot in your precious Tel Aviv? Why not tell us that before we book our flight so we avoid landing in Tel Aviv altogether? After flying over 12 hours the last thing you want to do is unknowingly board another plane at last second rates.
Meazza, I respect you, you don't resort to insults, but one person's view or version of history doesn't exactly coincide with someone else's. History that is taught in books often reflect the views of someone with an agenda. Me, personally, like to hear first hand accounts, look at motive, look at the results, and come to my own conclusion. I'm not saying I'm always right, because I'm not, but don't try to sell me on history lessons or popular opinion because I don't work that way. I've been to Israel. As a matter of fact the last time I was there in 2007, my wife who is a US citizen but born in Palestine wasn't even allowed to set foot in Tel Aviv. We were traveling with our two young girls, and my parents and they made us get on a plane to Jordan just so we can enter Palestine from there. That's the kind of collective punishment and discrimination I'm talking about so I know how SOME of those people are. First hand. Screw a book. Just 'cause it's written don't make it true. OOOOHHHHHH, man, I concede to your intellectual might. I am in complete awe to be associated with such greatness, even if I'm only in the same forum as you. My life will never be the same again. Things? What was I thinking? Bro, I called them "things" because you're most likely not familiar with actual human interaction. You're a handy man with a lot of books. Excuse me, you're so much better than I. I'll go back to trying my best at functioning as a mere mortal. If only I wasn't sick, today, I'd be at the beach with my friends. Maybe I'll just build a bow window, myself, by hand, so that I can say I accomplished what the Great Tom has. Bro, let's just call a truce. You don't know me and I don't know you and let's leave it at that.
Oh me, I was interacting with actual human beings. You know, thing's that you can talk to and they talk back. Remember that? Yeah, it was great, we shared a few laughs and had a BBQ. I had fun. That's what I do. Herb.
Listen, these are jokes. Insults. Not necessarily true. I warned him not to take no jabs at me. He didn't listen. He's always insulting people on this board. Hopefully, he can see the error of his ways.
I like it too, but damn 28K? He's been a member 15 months longer than I am, but he's got 26K more posts than I do. That's a bit excessive, don't you think?
Hell, forget stupid and happy, I'd rather been like the dumbest m'er f'er of all time than be him. What's it to you Kevin Costner?
I didn't say anything about his wife. I was talking about mine.
I take the gloves off when insulted. My insults aren't necessarily true, even though there's sufficient evidence to prove otherwise, and I'm not trying to take away his credibility, either. Hell, he reads all those books so he can come out here and impress us with all his infinite knowledge. We should be praising his name, he's so darn intelligent. He was forewarned. He goes around here calling people idiots and he doesn't even know them. He deserved it.
Whatever, dude. Survivors of The USS Liberty attack said it was no accident. American Flag and all. They knew who they were hitting, but don't take my word for it. http://whatreallyhap...ussliberty.html http://www.viewzone.com/liberty.html I can give two craps about your little books you read. I form my own opinions by looking at end results. I have thoughts of my own. I'm not a little sheep, like you. Actually, I feel sorry for you. Hell, between having a job, eating, sleeping, all your reading and your astonishing 28K+ posts, it's a wonder you have time for a real life. You want to insult me? That's fine, but you have no life. Keep reading your books and posting here ALL DAY LONG!!! 28K posts? Do you even have real friends? Pathetic. I'd rather be stupid and happy than live your life. So, go ahead and cozy up to your books and computers. Take a break every now and then and grab some lotion and tissues, since you have no time for the real thing, while I enjoy life. And when you're finished with that, grab yourself a bottle of whatever bottle of devil's piss you like to enjoy and drink yourself retarded. I know how you folks like to drink alcohol. What, you don't like it when I rush to judgements, even though I don't really know you? Now you know how it feels. Maybe now you'll lay off the insults cause I can go on busting you up all night. My wife's not home, so I've got some time on my hands. It's funny how you mentioned all of the things, because the Palestinians are going through the same exact things as the Israelis were back then.
I'm trying to convey that it wasn't preemptive, it was offensive. Just look at the end result. Even Netanyahu just stated that the Golan Heights are vital to Israel's security. So what makes you think Israel's attack wasn't offensive? You mean to tell me they took over all of that land just because other countries was talkin' crap? Come on, man.
The reason why I brought it up is if you buy the Israelis' story on The USS Liberty, than you'll buy any story they're willing to give you. That attack took place during the '67 war, did it not? We're discussing the '67 war, aren't we? And I just love how you used that word "canard", as if it didn't happen! I see what I'm dealing with here. You guys believe everything you read and hear from the Israelis anyways and I'm not going to change that. So what's the use? Who had the most to gain in the '67 war? The Israelis took back land they said was originally theirs, no? Who had all the motives to fight that war? It wasn't preemptive. It was offensive. Plain and simple. All the proof is there for you, it's a shame you can't see it. If it wasn't an offensive attack to gain more land then why won't the Israelis give the land back? They're at peace with the Jordanians, right? Why not give back the portion of the land they took from Jordan? Answer that.
I'm the idiot? These guys destroyed their opponents in 6 days and you can still believe they destroyed The USS Liberty by accident? Oops, our bad, we're inept and at the same time we're strategic geniuses. Why resort to insults? Did I insult you? Sure, mistakes happen in battle all the time, but this seemed to be more than a "mistake". Why wasn't there at least a US Congress investigation into the attack, then? HHMMMM!!!!! I wonder? So we just take their word for it, huh? Maybe this is the reason for the cover up: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/margolis12.html Let me take this even further. I can insult you back, that would be easy, but I try hard not to. I don't want to resort to elementary name calling. If you have to resort to that it weakens your argument. Sooner or later, though I'll snap, and my words won't be so kind. I take a lot of crap around here. People take shots at my intelligence, my religion and my race and I let it be. I can only take so much, so treat me with respect and I'll do the same.
Explain to me how those geniuses destroyed The USS Liberty, then, if there isn't more to the "story".
Amazing, isn't it? It's also amazing to me that such an effective and intelligent military force can "mistakenly" destroy The USS Liberty.
Can you get anymore unbiased than an article written by the "Jewsish Virtual Library"? Really? If these countries really wanted to attack Israel, than why the hell did they last only six days, huh? Are you people that gullible to believe that multiple countries joining together to fight one enemy because "they wanted to", only had it in them to last 6 DAYS!!!! HAHAHAHAA. Funny. Israel attacks first, says it was preemptive, and ya'll eat it up like starving pigs, because it's easier for you to believe the Arabs are that stupid enough to start a war in which they can only last a hair under a week. Amazing! Why do you think that? Because I don't eat up the lies and propaganda our news outlets and history books regurgitate? I've been there. I know people that went through both wars. I see my parents, whom were both born there, not even be allowed to stay in their own home for longer than 30 days in some cases. I've been through check-points. I've had family members arrested for no reason at all. I see the things you don't, pal, you have to experience it before you come and say I know nothing about the region. I know plenty. My grandfather passed away at the age of 96. He's seen it all and taught me every bit of it.
Wrong. Israel started the war in '67. They struck first. There's no disputing that.
I had a Bills customized jersey made with my name on it and I chose the number 98. Don't really know why I chose 98. No significance in that number, I just liked the way it looked, I guess. Lukewarm is a good way to describe my feelings to every team, except for the Bills. He'll, I'd give up ten years of my life for one Super Bowl championship. It hurts when the Yanks lose, too, but when the Sabres or Heat lose, I'm a little pissed, but not much. I cheer for the Sabres more for the city than the team itself. Good thing I'm not a Hindu. Lol!
I'll start of this post by admitting that I am a bandwagon jumper. I'm pretty sure no one cares, but I just had to get this off my chest. Football I started following the Bils in '88. The year they made it the conference championship. Before that, and I really hate to admit this, but I was a Cowboys fan. I was only 14 in 1988 and football was introduced to me by my cousin who followed the Cowboys, so naturally I'd be a fan of the team that I was exposed to first, but Shen the Bills got good and the city started really getting behind them I caught the fever and have been die hard ever since. Baseball I first I couldn't stand the sport, but when I finally started to like it, guess who I decided to back? That's right, the Yankees. Is there a bigger bandwagon team to follow than the Yanks? Still a fan. Hockey I followed Gretzky wherever he went, except for his last two stops. By then I jumped on the Sabres' bandwagon when they had Hasek. Still a fan. Basketball I used to root for anyone that played the Bulls in the playoffs, when Jordan was there, and when he left I had noone to cheer for. Then I moved to Miami and jumped on that bandwagon when they hired Riley because I liked his style. When the Heat won the championship, I was celebrating with the rest of the fans on south beach and them it hit me like a ton of bricks. I really didn't like celebrating with Miami fans. All I could do was think about the Bills and the city of Buffalo. Until...The Heat signed LeBron and Bosh and here I am back on the bandwagon-again. I don't know what this says about me as a person, but still following the Bills, with even more passion than ever, through all the losing and heartache, proves I am a good fan... I hope. Anybody else want to confess to bandwagon jumping?
Good post, but what's with the "shocking as this may be" remark? What's so shocking about it?