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Everything posted by Justice
I'm not that sensitive. I'm not calling you a racist, either. Stereotyping isn't cool. Actually, I have never felt what it's like to be discriminated against in the US, now Israel, that's a different story. I apologize if it sounded like I called you a racist. I was just making a statement that stereotyping is a cousin of racism, I didn't call you a racist. I'll try to catch up on some of that other stuff, later.
Nice job with the stereotyping! The cousin of racism! Sweet!!! I already said I can't answer that question, so why do some of you keep asking it? I know nothing about those other countries and I wasn't a part of their government, so how am I supposed to know? Boy, there sure are a lot of Kevin Costners on this board. You can't even spell the word correctly, much less school me on what it means. Besides, I never said I would discredit the guy in court by getting someone else to quote his book, I'd get Kenneth Pollack on the witness stand and let him do it himself.
So, he didn't write a book entitled, "The Threatening Storm", regarding his thoughts on invading Iraq? That isn't hearsay, (that's how it's spelled, BTW), you bumbling buffoon. He wrote the damn book! And I'm the one that's mentally challenged?
I'm going to do DCTom's next post for him. You're an idiot...yada yada yada....I'm intelligent yada yada yada...I'm going home to rebuild my house by hand yada yada yada I form my own opinions yada yada yada About right?
If it's good enough for our judicial system, it's good enough for me. Discredit the witness, he if can be discredited, which Kenneth Pollack certainly is. Why don't you try reading some books written by guys with no interest in the matter? Seriously.
I just did, minion, that guy has no credibility whatsoever. Where did he get his info on Iraq's WMD's? He got it from someone, right? He didn't see them for himself, because they weren't there. What else did his "sources" get wrong? For real. This dude is amazing! Brilliant! He can't be stopped!! The guy is a brain! I'm just honored to be in his presence. My life will never be the same again.
I just did a quick check on the writer of "Arabs at War", Kenneth Pollack. A former CIA intelligence analyst ( there's a non-biased source) and advocate of attacking Iraq because, (wait while I laugh), the Iraqis had WMD's, Real nice source, Very credible. LOL!!!!! Whatever. No wonder you have the opinions you do.
So, DCTom, there isn't ANY merit to the link chicot provided? It was written so it must be true, right? Why discount it when the info was provided by one of Israel's own, Moshe Dayan? http://www.nytimes.c...lan.html?src=pm 1. Yeah, Palestine's borders. The Golan was never ours. 2.. Greatly appreciated. I can find it on my own, but I'd like to know what YOUR sources were. Also, I'd like to see your response on General Dayan's comments. Thanks. Like I said before, I don't know what goes on behind closed doors and don't pretend to know, either. I can't answer those questions. Besides, the size of Israel's borders has nothing to do with their defense. If they were to give the Palestinians a state of their own, then no one will have it in them to attack Israel knowing the world's fury will be coming down on them. They will be protected. To take this even further, just take a look at Israel as it is now in the middle of the middle east surrounded by and outnumbered immensely by Arabs, are they in jeopardy now? Has anyone taken their land?
You freaking moron, if the Israelis were to offer everything to the Palestinians, unconditionally, except for the Golan, I'm sure they would take it. Back when peace talks broke down, it wasn't because of the Golan, it was because of the right of return and East Jerusalem. Those are the core issues. Not the freaking Golan. Well documented? By whom? Not a sarcastic question. I really would like to know where you get your info.
Question for you, what do you call the Arabs that live in the West Bank and Gaza? Palestinians, right? Well Palestinians should live in a place called PALESTINE or give us equal rights. Like I said, I can care less if we ever get our country back, just treat us like you treat yourselves and eventually, over time, we can live in peace. What are we going to give them? Peace and peace of mind. Isn't that enough?
I didn't ignore your first question. They gave back chicken scraps, big deal!!! And now for the second question, I didn't answer it because I can't. I have no idea why they would be stupid enough to attack a much stronger opponent. Remember, I'm for peaceful resistance, whether the Arabs are stronger or not. I don't agree with violence. As far as why the Arabs did what they did, who knows? Maybe THEY were expecting Israel to attack and were getting ready. We're not privy to that type of information to don't assume to know why.
Good morning, minion. I'm glad to see you're still in form. Listen, I didn't discount the value of reading completely, I just pointed out that just because you read something doesn't make it necessarily true when someone has an agenda, I don't know exactly what you're reading and who wrote it, but the link I provided was written by Jews. No agenda there. They want whats fair, as do I. The Jewish voice for peace people see things exactly I do and they're not even Muslim and I'm sure they're more familiar with the happenings in Palestine than you are. I can care less about the Golan Heights, they can have it. I'll be happy with the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. I'm not greedy, we don't have to take back all of the land that was taken in the '67 war and that doesn't make me a pinhead, that makes me realistic. The Israelis say they need the Golan Heights for their protection, fine, take it. I didn't have time to respond to this hogwash fully before, so I'll start now. Are you that presumptuous that you suspect my family in Palestine, whom you don't even know, of being violent people or even condoning violence? That couldn't be further from the truth. My family members are all people of peace. They have never taken part in any form of resistance of the occupation. They are very religious, peaceful people. That may come as a shock to you, but it's true. There are peaceful people in that part of the world, believe it or not. A preemptive strike is an offensive strike, I know that, but I don't buy it. Look at the motive, Israel wanted more land and they took it, that's what it was all about. Thanks for the chicken scraps and BTW, they didn't attack, they were attacked.
You and the Israelis say they went on the offensive for self-defense, well that ain't true at all, now is it? They did it for land. Plain and simple. They have one of the strongest military in the world and your trying to tell me that the West Bank and Gaza, which are already predominately occupied by Arabs, is the only thing stopping Israel from being attacked? Get real. Besides, you can't punish people just because you think they might do something. If any of those Arab countries attack Israel, the US and Israelis will wipe the floor with them in less than a week, it's been done before.
I was in a hurry when I posted earlier. What I meant to say was Israel, since 1949 until today, has received more US foreign and military aid than all the other countries combined in that same time span, per capita. I had a link, I'm trying to find it. [EDITED] Can't find it, but this is a good read. http://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/content/us-military-aid-and-israel
Do you know how they get more financial aid from the US than all the other countries combined? I want that kind of coverage.
Been going on for numerous years now. My question for you is how did you know? That type of stuff doesn't get much pub in the states. Did you google search it or do you read the Haaretz often! Just wondering. BTW. I commend all involved with trying to help the people of Palestine with that problem.
So what are you saying? That i have a double-standard thing going on?The difference is the treatment of both the parties involved. I'd have no problem with a unilateral state of Israel that gives the Palestinians equal rights, such as the rights given to the Natives here today in America, but that's not going to happen because the Israelis know the Palestinians will have the power of the vote behind them and they can't/won't allow that.
You're in no position to question anyone's reading comprehension, minion.
They didn't see the flag, okay, but the USS Liberty is almost twice the size of the Egyptian ship. And that second paragraph of yours is just plain stupid. lybob wasn't even going there. Once again, your lack of reading comprehension got the best of you.
No, it's still 3 misspelled words and you didn't put anyone in a "tizzy". As you can see, you got plagiarizing wrong here.
Nice post. Let's not forget that the USS Liberty is almost twice the size of the Egyptian ship, as well.
God forbid this country gets overtaken by someone and then ultimately ends up back into the hands of the Native Americans and they give us a small piece of land to live on and then continuously build settlements on that making our chicken scraps even smaller. Maybe then you'll have a different perspective on what the Palestinians have to go through. Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.
Accountability. A very important word. I place a lot of blame on the Palestinians for the situation that they're in. All the blame does not go to Israel or the people of Israel, but Rabin, who was very instrumental in the peace process, was assassinated by one of his own. If Rabin was still around, I believe peace would've been attained, you just can't blame it all on that idiot Arafat. As far as your comment about the Intifada goes, I wasn't the one that claimed Palestinians were free to travel before 2000, you did. You forgot about the intifada. Besides, my cousins couldn't go to the Israeli side when I was there in '86 either and that was before the Intifada.
How many times do I have to explain it? Damn, you are a pea brain! For real, you need some help. I can't hold your hand through this, I thought I made it abundantly clear in my last post. You were stealing my material about having no life, moron. Get it through your thick skull!
I find it laughable that you're writing a book and have absolutely no reading comprehension skills and can't spell worth a lick. I said you were plagiarizing, that's how it's spelled BTW, my material when I made the comment about you having no life and you said the same thing right back to me.