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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Watch. If you dare. Take note on who's providing the commentary, here, as well. Americans, Jews, Israelis, Christians...These aren't biased, political driven opinions. Real truth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWpOqAitZLs&feature=player_embedded#at=4760 Now it's 4. OH, NO.... What am I going to do now???? My life is over!!! BTW, I've changed my name to NoJustice
  2. Sorry for your loss, mead. Keep your head up
  3. Sorry guys, but I live in the real word. I don't let the game of politics distract me. Like the Israel didn't annex the occupied territories, yet, so they didn't break any laws thing, for example. Semantics. Nothing more, nothing less. It's called the occupied territories for a reason, because it's OCCUPIED! You guys can win the political discussion, I don't care about. Our world is screwed up because of politics. You guys are good guys, but DC Tom is driving me to the edge. I can't take it anymore and I don't have to stick around for it. That's the real reason I'm backing out of this discussion. Not because I want answers right away or the answers I want to hear, but its because of him. Listen, I've been to Palestine on several occasions and I don't need the UN, you guys, Israel, the media or some books to tell me something seriously wrong is going on there.
  4. I'm done with this topic. You guys don't answer my questions anyways so why should I answer yours? Besides, I'm actually giving Tom a person he can talk to and I dont want to do that. Let him go back to being a sorry little recluse with no real friends.
  5. Yeah? Well you're a lonely, pathetic, no life having, waste of a human life that leads an unfulfilled life. That doesn't stop me from giving you someone to actually converse with.
  6. First off, I'm typing from iPhone, so there will be few typos. Secondly, Nasser might have incited the Israelis to attack, but how does that effect the WB, Gaza and most importantly East Jerusalem? Does Nasser's mistake allow Israel to get away with more than just taking over the Straits of Tiran? Of course you won't answer my questions, because you can't. I laid out a challenge to you all and as usual, it goes unanswered.
  7. Whatever. So the Soviets vetoed the UN's resolution? The US does the same thing. It's not the UN that's a joke, it's the people in charge of the US and Russia that veto those resolutions that are a joke. That still doesn't change the fact that wrong is wrong and right is right. None the less, the occupation is illegal and that hasn't been vetoed. So answer my questions.
  8. Wow! That's your answer? What a cop out! The governing powers give Israel the right to use the Straits of Tiran and when Nasser takes away that right, you guys justify a pre-emotive strike by Israel, but when the shoe is on the other foot, you pretend like it doesn't matter what the international community says. What a joke! Also, I'll take your silence as a sign of victory in this debate. Game over. When confronted with legitimate questions you take the low toad and answer back with a question and a knock on the UN. You lose.
  9. Personally, I can't wait to see RW decked out in full pads and jersey, since the lockout likely won't be over by June 24th.
  10. I've let you guys go on the offensive for a little too long now. It's my turn to hit back. 1. Is the occupation, illegal? Yes 2. Does the UN regularly condemn Israel for various violations only to have the US veto them? Yes 3. Are settlements illegal? Yes 4. How did we go from Reagan's "tear down that wall" speech to allowing the Israelis to build their own, at the same time confiscating even more land from Palestinians? Answer those questions, just like I've answered yours, please. You guys conveniently ignore certain points I've made in the past, so I'd like to see you all come clean on these points. Thank you.
  11. What does the PA have to do with it? They've been in "control" of the WB fir years and theyre not allowed to have an airport, either. Secondly, the PA and Hamas are together now and they still won't get an airport. How can daily rocket attacks stop a "sovereign" nation from opening their own airport.
  12. 1. When the people of Gaza can receive aid, open an airport without Israeli interference, then we can say they gave Gaza back. Also, the Israelis can enter Gaza whenever they like. That isn't the definition of giving Gaza back. 2. You made my point for me, already. 3. Israel controls the Golan Heights. Why bring up the GH? It may not be the answer you're looking for, but that's the bottom line. If the Israelis needed it, they wouldn't have given it back. Just like the Golan Heights, they won't give that back because they want it. The point is, they only give back land they dont need. What's do funny? I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong, but you wouldn't know nothing about that.
  13. Nasser, with the support of the Soviet Union, did indeed provoke the Israelis into a war he thought he could win. He felt like the Straits of Tiran belonged to him and wanted to deny the Israelis access. 100% Nasser's fault. Happy? They kept what they wanted to keep. Why is that so hard to understand? Do you believe that Israel is vulnerable to attack without the land they gave back? I think not. They're stronger than ever.
  14. They kept all the good stuff. The West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. They gave back the crap. You want me to give them credit for that? Plus, they continue to build illegal settlements on the WB.
  15. That's because it doesn't. You come to that conclusion on your own. I never said Israel is likely to attack for land in the future, now '67, that's a different story. I do believe they launched their attack in '67 for expansion of land purposes, but if they give that land back, why in the world would they attack anyone to take it back---again? How did you come up with that?
  16. What a evil, sick, twisted, terrorist douche bag. He's one of those do as I say, but don't do as I do guys. Why didn't he blow himself up if it was such a duty? I hate guys like that.
  17. If you know who Yonel Jordain is, you might be a Bills fan
  18. Bro, I can care less about the Golan. You're barking up the wrong tree. I see you added to your post. Like I said several times already, and I'll say it again, I don't care if the Palestinians get their own country, just give us equal rights. Can you deal with that?
  19. That doesn't change the fact that I tried to end the beef well before post 147.
  20. Maybe so, but I take exception with that "inciteful" remark. I treat people here with respect and that's the way I expect to be treated. As you can see in this thread that I repeatedly warned DCTom about his insults and tried to stop my little spat with him a few times, but he just continues to ask for it. If anyone's inciteful, it's him. Why not reprimand Tom? Because you share his views or is it that you just favor him?
  21. I'm not that sensitive. I'm not calling you a racist, either. Stereotyping isn't cool. Actually, I have never felt what it's like to be discriminated against in the US, now Israel, that's a different story. I apologize if it sounded like I called you a racist. I was just making a statement that stereotyping is a cousin of racism, I didn't call you a racist. I'll try to catch up on some of that other stuff, later.
  22. Nice job with the stereotyping! The cousin of racism! Sweet!!! I already said I can't answer that question, so why do some of you keep asking it? I know nothing about those other countries and I wasn't a part of their government, so how am I supposed to know? Boy, there sure are a lot of Kevin Costners on this board. You can't even spell the word correctly, much less school me on what it means. Besides, I never said I would discredit the guy in court by getting someone else to quote his book, I'd get Kenneth Pollack on the witness stand and let him do it himself.
  23. So, he didn't write a book entitled, "The Threatening Storm", regarding his thoughts on invading Iraq? That isn't hearsay, (that's how it's spelled, BTW), you bumbling buffoon. He wrote the damn book! And I'm the one that's mentally challenged?
  24. I'm going to do DCTom's next post for him. You're an idiot...yada yada yada....I'm intelligent yada yada yada...I'm going home to rebuild my house by hand yada yada yada I form my own opinions yada yada yada About right?
  25. If it's good enough for our judicial system, it's good enough for me. Discredit the witness, he if can be discredited, which Kenneth Pollack certainly is. Why don't you try reading some books written by guys with no interest in the matter? Seriously.
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