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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Words can't express how devastating a loss of a loved one, especially a parent, can be. My heart goes out to you and your family, brother, may she rest in eternal peace.
  2. Marcel Dareus agrees with the new rookie wage scale, so I don't think he's very upset with the new deal at all. http://recruiting.scout.com/2/1084992.html
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we also lose a lot of jobs because of NAFTA?
  4. Maybe they wouldn't have to spend so much if we had our stuff together as a nation. You see as long as we stay uninformed, uneducated, and distracted they can get away with anything. But if you have an issue with my suggestions then maybe you should include yourself in that group of idiots. How can it hurt? You don't believe education or lack there of has anything to do with what our elected officials can or can not get away with? You don't believe our behavior has an effect on our society? These things go hand n hand. For example, who caused the real estate market to crash? Was it the gov't, the banks or the people? I'd say it was the peoples fault. Nobody told them to take loans they can't afford or to purchase homes that had an over inflated value. They did that to themselves and that led to a huge gov't bailout. Correct? Cause and effect. If we get our sh@t straight we won't need them to step in and "help".
  5. I don't pretend to know much about the economy, but I do know this, the troubles in our economy doesn't fall on Obama's shoulders alone. This country has been in a tailspin for quite some time now. We are a consuming nation, not a producing one and that will lead to our downfall. Let's face it, we are a spoiled, lazy, and unmotivated bunch that have a sense of self entitlement. All of these ingredients will lead to disaster. No one has been able to explain how NAFTA helps us, either. We can't compete with the cheap labor that other countries can, so how does free trade help? Outsourcing our jobs won't help, either, at this point we just can't compete. We need to be innovators, again. We need to make products the rest of the world would want/need. In order for this to happen, IMO, we need to put all our resources into education. Education is key and at this point, our children are struggling to even pass the FCAT. This has to change. There is no quick fix to this dilemma. This will take time, much more time than one or two terms for our President, who essentially is nothing more than a puppet or figure head. The Pres has no real power. I find it laughable that every four years we get to hear more and more of the same empty promises and people just eat it up. What a joke! What is it, like 2% of the nation owns 98% of it's wealth? How did we let this happen? That's insane and this stuff didn't happen overnight. So blame Obama or Bush Jr or Clinton or Bush Sr or Reagan or Carter all you'd like, but that isn't the main issue, if you ask me. It's us, the people. We are to blame. We need to stop pointing the finger at others and take a long look in the mirror. It's always someone else's fault. No it isn't. It's all our fault. It's time to face reality. Give more. Work harder. Stop getting divorced and raise your children in a healthy environment so that they can focus on their education instead of their parents' problems. Put the drinks and drugs down. Stop being consumed by television and video games. Tutor your children that need additional help. These are all the things we control as a people, not the government. We don't need help from them. Let's get things straight at home and the rest will take care of itself.
  6. Speaking of Merriman, why aren't the Bills selling his jersey?
  7. D. Ware D. Revis If QB's were allowed Rodgers Ware
  8. Nice find, eball, but my one concern is how they look like for real. It looks like those pics were taken from bb.com, I'd like to see some photos of the jersey he makes before I order one.
  9. Check out Buffalobills.com for an in depth look at the new jersey and helmet. http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Bills-Focus-Behind-the-New-Uniform-Design/cec026ef-e721-44fa-9485-461794ed93c9
  10. Just ordered an away Stevie Johnson and a home Dareus jersey!
  11. You cam split the signal, but keep in mind, if you change the channel on one tv the other tv will do the same.
  12. My question is, why move the receiver, when all you have to do is set your remote to RF mode and keep it indoors? You will save good money on running a dedicated line, a new TV and a new receiver. My way is cost effective. If he can get someone or if he himself can run his hdmi cable through his attic/basement to a spot of his choice that whole process will only cost $22 (if he runs the wire himself) or $75 if someone else runs it for him as opposed to no less than $1,200 for a dedicated setup with new TV and receiver.
  13. To those of you that would like to use your PS3 in multiple rooms all you have to do is get a splitter and a long HDMI wire. Make sure the splitter is the one that needs to be plugged in, otherwise this won't work. Send a hdmi wire from the PS3 to the input portion of the splitter and then two hdmi wires from the output to your TV's and walla, you can now use your PS3 on different TV's. The controllers for the PS3 work in any room so you won't have any problems. Before you try this make sure both of your TV's are set to the same setting, either 1080p or 1080i. They can't be different.
  14. Cool! This is the best way, IMO, you don't have to move your receiver, you don't have to re-boot your receiver, either. All you have to do is move the TV and remote outdoors. That's it. Your only problem will be how to get your HDMI outside without leaving any windows/doors open. You might have to drill a hole through your wall. One of the other posters, I forget whom, said you may need other things to make this setup work, but that's just not true.
  15. That's not what I meant. The set up I suggested will be all for nothing if he doesn't have HD. And then again, he can always order a long component wire and do the same thing.
  16. I didn't read all the posts in this thread, but here's my suggestion. Go to amazon and order a very long HDMI wire. You can get one real cheap and they run about 50 meters, that should be long enough. The next thing you need to do is convert your remote to a RF setting, real easy to do just go to remote settings and follow the instructions. The RF setting will allow you to control your receiver even though you're in a different room. All this is for naught if you don't have HD.
  17. B, here. For the record, I have drank alcohol in the past, but not anymore. It's a horrible drug that has no place in Islam. As for the folks that eat dinner in Ramadan, as long as the sun has gone down it is perfectly fine. What did you think Ramadan was? Starve yourself for a full month?
  18. Here's my list, according to the poll. This isn't my Top 32 QB's, I'm only going by the poll results for each group. Group 1 Manning-2 Brady-1 Rodgers-4 Brees-3 Rivers-7 Roethlisburger-5 Ryan-10 Vick-6 Schaub-8 Eli Manning-9 Group 2 Cutler-12 Stafford-16 Fitzpatrick-20 Bradford-15 Romo-11 Flacco-13 Freeman-17 Cassel-14 Palmer-18 Sanchez-19 Group 3 Orton-21 McNabb-23 Hasselbeck-24 Young-28 Campbell-27 Kolb-26 McCoy-32 Garrard-25 Tebow-30 Smith-29 Henne--31 Garrard-22
  19. Here are some results that don't take other round votes into account for the final tally. These rankings are by groups and groups only. There is no particular numerical order. Group 1 Manning Brady Rodgers Brees Rivers Roethlisburger Ryan Vick Schaub Eli Manning Group 2 Cutler Stafford Fitzpatrick Bradford Romo Flacco Freeman Cassel Palmer Sanchez Group 3 Orton McNabb Hasselbeck Young Campbell Kolb McCoy Garrard Tebow Smith Henne Garrard If you'd like, simply copy and paste this list and then put a number next to each guy's name signifying where exactly you feel the QB belongs. Don't change the groups, though. Group 1, for example, should have the same exact names as they are now, but with your ranking.
  20. The verdict is in. Thanks to all of you that participated. 1st and 2nd round votes helped some in the grading system. Group 1 (1-10) 1.Manning 2. Brady 3. Rodgers 4. Brees 5. Rivers 6. Roethlisburger 7. Ryan 8. Vick 9. Schaub 10. Eli Manning Group 2 (11-20) 11. Flacco 12. Romo 13. Bradford 14. Freeman 15. Cutler 16. Cassel 17. Stafford 18. Fitzpatrick 19. Sanchez 20. Palmer Group 3 (21-32) 21. Orton 22. McNabb 23. Kolb 24. Garrard 25. Campbell 26. Hasselbeck 27. Young 28. Tebow 29. McCoy 30. Henne 31. Smith 32. Grossman
  21. You know what my stance on violence is. I'm all about peace. I changed my name because I felt like it. There is no justice in this God forsaken world. Thus the name NoJustice. Palestine doesn't belong to the Palestinians. The Bills haven't won a Super Bowl. The Sabres haven't won a cup. DC Tom doesn't have any friends. etc etc etc No Justice.
  22. Props to the activists! We need more people like that on both sides!! As far as the classless idiots in that video goes, we have plenty of those on the Palestinian side, as well.
  23. Thanks. I'll give it another day or two to give people enough time to cast their votes then we can move on to the next phase.
  24. Yeah, you're contradicting yourself with those two statements. "I'm not proving anything" suggests you care enough to see that I can prove anything and plus, you're still posting in this thread. A thread, BTW, that has been stagnant for 2 days and yet, here you are, two days later checking in on a thread, replying, and posting links that you apparently don't give a damn about.
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