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Everything posted by Justice

  1. You and me both bro. The only thing I can think of is they hope the nations join in to help them. It’s insane. Maybe. And then again Israel isn’t allowing the hostages to speak
  2. I mean you know I can do this for the other side too right? You can’t be serious with this. This proves you’re biased. I would never share stuff like this because I know both sides are guilty of it. Hell the number one song in Israel is a violent one towards Palestinians, Bella Hadid, Mia Khalifa and such. Foh with this lol
  3. There is a list bro
  4. You see what you choose to see. Some ppl watch that video and notice he’s not using his handing and his shoulder is slumped. It could be a lie. Maybe it isn’t. Bro I think your mom’s ***** got nuked when you were conceived.
  5. They’re charging their phones using energy created on a bicycle. How embarrassing for you.
  6. You’re simply ignoring the occupation. We can’t do that. You’re isolating the 7th and taking away all that goes with it. No mention of the hundreds of Palestinians killed in the West Bank this year prior to 10/7. You’re Ignoring the expansion of settlements. You’re ignoring all the evictions that have been taking place. BOTH sides have handled this poorly. Peace isn’t easy. There will be tons of obstacles in the way but over time they can be overcome.
  7. This issue is a lot more complex than this. I mean we fought proxy wars and actual wars in the entire ME. We had a hand in completely destroying it and now you wonder where the leadership is? Every Arab leader is in survival mode and their only interest is not to become the next country on the hit list. As for teaching hate I’ve yet to meet a family that actually does that. Oppressors do a great job of teaching how to hate on their own. The Israelis aren’t eager to give up land. They vilified and then assassinated Rabin. This is BS.
  8. Appreciate that. And I agree. I want Hamas gone too but I know another group will follow and maybe even worse. You know that too. It’s not up to me but if it were I’d give up on having a Palestinian state. I just want the right to return and equal rights. I realize that’ll never happen. Israel doesn’t want that either.
  9. Honestly I don’t know What I do know about water is my family that lives in the WB always have to make sure their wells are full because their water gets cut off frequently by the Israelis.
  10. Yeah. That’s what I meant to say. First to strike. My point was Gaza has just as many reasons if not more than what Israel had. “International law is very clear: annexation and territorial conquest are forbidden by the Charter of the United Nations,” Would you agree that the war of 1948 and the war of 1967 were both justified by the Arab nations? Were they supposed to just handover the land for free and not fight for it?
  11. The war of 67 was started by Israel for far less reasons than what Gaza currently has but somehow one is validated and the other isn’t. Besides isn’t it against UN rules to gain land from wars? You danced around the question. I can assure you no matter the reason or whomever started it the people of the US will not sit back and do nothing. We would resist and we’d resist with force.
  12. October 7th didn’t happen in a vacuum. Listen man I’ll tell you like I told y’all. By all accounts you’re an intelligent person. Sounds like you have some military background so you should understand that a brutal occupation will have blowback. I assume you live here in the US. If we were invaded and occupied what do you think our reaction will be? I do not support their actions. Burning people alive, rape and all those vicious things are inexcusable. I hate Hamas. I’ve said this over and over again. You simply can’t see through your programmed propaganda which leads you to say such asinine crap like that. I’m all for resistance, but I have my limits. The first intifada is my preferred course of action. Not October 7th or anything like it.
  13. Read this post over and over again until you catch the irony of it. Focus on the third paragraph. Also answer this one question for me. If someone invaded your country and pushed you off into a small piece of land that’s blocked off from the rest of the world what do you think will happen? If you can’t answer that question then it is you that doesn’t have a functioning brain.
  14. No. It isn’t. Politicians always ask for votes by saying I can protect the people better than the next guy. What’s funny is others can say Netanyahu will be held accountable (which means he’s responsible) on this thread with no opposition but as soon as I say it it’s an issue.
  15. George W got reelected
  16. Hamas is evil Who’s responsibility is it to protect their people huh?
  17. I’ve been there. I know all about that wall. Only a asshat would think this wasn’t allowed to happen. One guy or a handful of guys ok I can see that. But thousands? Enter without opposition? For hours? And to be clear I said they might have assisted with it. We already know Hamas was given tons of cash from the Israelis. So I’m sure that helped. But never mind all of that. You said this was Hamas’ narrative and that’s what I’m disputing.
  18. Ah i see. So you think everyone is Hamas?
  19. I highly doubt this is a Hamas narrative. If you let Hamas tell it they’ll make it like it was the greatest invasion ever. They’ll say it was their strength and capabilities that carried them through. The last thing they would say is their mission was a success because Israel is inept.
  20. They knew and allowed it. They might have even helped facilitate it. ‘Sometimes you have to get bombed into going to war’-Netanyahu
  21. And Netanyahu handed Hamas tons of dollars too. Funny how that always works this way. Al Qaeda and the Taliban as well. Strange coincidences. Or are we just stupid? Or maybe insane? Because doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. He’s already banned the slogan “from the river to the sea…”. It’s crazy how even a man with F you money has to bend the knee. I was hoping that someone, hell anyone, would have brought up the fact that the Israeli death count is down to around 1,200 now and most of those were military and a lot of the Israeli civilians were gunned down by the Israelis themselves. Yes even one death is inexcusable. but like Ben Shapiro likes to say, “facts don’t care about your feelings”. Burnt bodies might have been at the hands of the Israelis as well now that we’re seeing burnt Palestinians along with them. Bulldozed homes in the Kibbutz? Israeli tanks did that. Can y’all be that so one sided that you can’t even point any of this stuff out? I know you all seen it. And another thing. What do you guys feel about that commercial airing on Fox News asking for $45 donations for ‘bomb shelters and food that is running short’? Don’t we give enough? Is their food really running out? The ad even showed apartments and cars on fire as if that were ongoing. It’s misleading and insulting the intelligence of all of us. Idk who’s responsible for that commercial, but whomever it is lacks integrity.
  22. I’ve spent time in PA territory. Not a police officer in sight in the village I’m from. There’s almost zero crime. They police themselves. In major cities like Ramallah there are some law enforcement, but they are few and far between. The people don’t trust whomever is in power. The people are the judge, jury and executioners. That’s the reality of the situation. It’s barbaric but that’s just the way it is. Their situation calls for it.
  23. Everything in my being said it was an accident after I seen that video I posted but since the news reported explosives and such I thought it was terrorism. I’m sure there are ppl out there that wish it were. I don’t think any of those ppl are posting here.
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