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Everything posted by Justice

  1. PLEASE!!!! For real!!!! The anger over the Smith signing would subside for me if we land Clabo!
  2. Maybe he's just using the Bills to get more money?
  3. IMO, the Bills are not going after Clabo, Burnett, or anyone else that has been reported. When the Bills sign someone it's usually an off the radar guy that no one expected. I have tempered my enthusiasm when it comes to these other guys that are being rumored to have the Bills' interest.
  4. The old age at OBD has finally cost us! Whaley was locked out of his office and didn't have a key, so he began to shout, "we need a locksmith, a locksmith", and Buddy thought he said Brad Smith. So he signed him. Clown on me all you like, but I would feel better if I heard that this was the story of how it all went down, because there is no logical explanation for signing B. Smith. NONE!!! PERIOD!!!! That money can be better utilized elsewhere and I love the receivers and returners we already have, and so should they.
  5. What a stupid, stupid signing! This must mean Evans is getting the boot. I hate this pick-up with a passion. Is this a cost cutting move so that the Bills don't have to re-sign Stevie Johnson, next year? WTF!!! What about Clabo? Burnett? Miller? Boss?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7PgJkGK9Ho&feature=related I hope we sign him! Especially now that Reggie Bush is now in Miami.
  7. You can structure the contract any way you see fit in the NFL.
  8. Speaking of Tony G, didn't he turn the Bills down when we were 3 & 1 a couple of years ago? People don't want to come here! Plain and simple. Until we prove that we can compete for a playoff spot.
  9. Who says they aren't trying? Maybe nobody wants to come to Buffalo. Maybe Nix is just trying to save face when he says they aren't gonna be huge players in free agency. How would it look if Nix told the world he was going to go out and make a big splash in free agency only to find out that no one wants to be here? Like it or not, this is the strategy the Bills are going with, what sense does it make to complain about it? We can whine and cry all we like but that isn't going to change the way things are done in OBD.
  10. It could be and of course Miller would be a huge upgrade, but has Gailey ever had a great tight end? Not being a jerk here, honest question. Did Gailey ever have a tight end that he utilized with other teams? That answered my question. I forgot all about Tony G.
  11. Are you implying that the Bills can compete in free agency, with a team that plays near New York city? A big market like that is very hard to compete with, especially for a city like Buffalo. Not to mention the charisma Rex Ryan has compared to Gailey.
  12. TE's aren't a big part of Gailey's offense. Why would we break the bank to bring one in?
  13. I agree with you completely. The offensive line is one area we should go after, this year, and hard! Offensive lineman, for the most part, aren't primadonnas looking for big cities and attention like all the skill position players. We can compete for offensive lineman with all the other teams in the league. We might have to pay them more for their services, but they can be signed. So far the Bills haven't let anyone of their picks leave, under Nix's watch, that we shouldn't have let leave. He's doing the right thing, so far. In the future, we do need to re-sign our own as long as they are worth it.
  14. Buddy Nix has been in control of only two of those drafts. He needs more time and shouldn't be held liable for the other regimes. Plus, we made a huge change to a 34 and that will take some time. We're almost there. We have our DE's, DT's hopefully 3 out of 4 linebacker spots filled and our secondary will be okay if we re-sign Drayton. Next draft we can fill in the rest of the spots and then hit free agency.
  15. I'd also like to add that we are only one day into free agency and so far no one can argue that the Bills are doing things the wrong way. Letting Poz go for that price was the right thing to do. He isn't a difference maker and at that price, he should be. Let's see how the rest of the week plays out before we hang the Bills' front office.
  16. It wont take that long. It will take a year or two, though. Ask yourself this question, with all things being considered equal, financially, why would any free agent sign with the Bills over someone else? We don't win, it's cold, and Buffalo is a small time city that many people don't like, (not a knock against B-Lo, as far as I'm concerned, I love Buffalo). Why would they come here? Draft well, win 8 or 9 games then pounce all over free agency. It's a painful strategy that takes time but it's the only way. Winning puts us back on the map and the draft will have to be the route that gets us there. Free agents aren't coming to Buffalo unless you WAY OVER-PAY, and that isn't the wisest thing to do.
  17. Listen, I'd like to speed up the rebuilding process myself by signing a bunch of free agents, as well, but we simply aren't ready for that, yet. We can't compete with all of these teams with huge cap space. There simply are too many at this point. After a year or two, most teams will be in cap trouble because they spent up to the cap and we will be sitting pretty. Besides, we need to build through the draft, first.
  18. Everyone is wondering how the Bills will reach the salary cap floor without signing free agents. It's pretty easy, front load contracts to people like Dareus and Florence, re-sign some upcoming free agents such as Stevie Johnson and front load his deal and walla, you're at the floor of the cap without signing any outside free agents. We need to spend $26 million to get to the floor and Dareus' contract can theoretically get us half-way there, if that's what the Bills want, by making his signing bonus apply towards this years' cap. If the Bills follow this strategy then they will always have cap space and will be able to make the big signings when the rest of the league is at a disadvantage financially. As of now, most teams are way under the cap because there was no salary floor in 2010 and many teams took advantage of that. Give it a year or two and those same teams will be trying their best to get under the cap. In the meantime, we will be holding all the cards and then we can make a major impact in free agency. IMO, this is what the Bills need to do. We aren't in the position of going after free agents, yet. We need to build this team through the draft until we are competitive or knocking on the playoff's door, at the very least, and then you can go out and make a big splash in free agency. Free agency should be used to put the finishing touches on your roster, not the other way around.
  19. Words can't express how devastating a loss of a loved one, especially a parent, can be. My heart goes out to you and your family, brother, may she rest in eternal peace.
  20. Marcel Dareus agrees with the new rookie wage scale, so I don't think he's very upset with the new deal at all. http://recruiting.scout.com/2/1084992.html
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we also lose a lot of jobs because of NAFTA?
  22. Maybe they wouldn't have to spend so much if we had our stuff together as a nation. You see as long as we stay uninformed, uneducated, and distracted they can get away with anything. But if you have an issue with my suggestions then maybe you should include yourself in that group of idiots. How can it hurt? You don't believe education or lack there of has anything to do with what our elected officials can or can not get away with? You don't believe our behavior has an effect on our society? These things go hand n hand. For example, who caused the real estate market to crash? Was it the gov't, the banks or the people? I'd say it was the peoples fault. Nobody told them to take loans they can't afford or to purchase homes that had an over inflated value. They did that to themselves and that led to a huge gov't bailout. Correct? Cause and effect. If we get our sh@t straight we won't need them to step in and "help".
  23. I don't pretend to know much about the economy, but I do know this, the troubles in our economy doesn't fall on Obama's shoulders alone. This country has been in a tailspin for quite some time now. We are a consuming nation, not a producing one and that will lead to our downfall. Let's face it, we are a spoiled, lazy, and unmotivated bunch that have a sense of self entitlement. All of these ingredients will lead to disaster. No one has been able to explain how NAFTA helps us, either. We can't compete with the cheap labor that other countries can, so how does free trade help? Outsourcing our jobs won't help, either, at this point we just can't compete. We need to be innovators, again. We need to make products the rest of the world would want/need. In order for this to happen, IMO, we need to put all our resources into education. Education is key and at this point, our children are struggling to even pass the FCAT. This has to change. There is no quick fix to this dilemma. This will take time, much more time than one or two terms for our President, who essentially is nothing more than a puppet or figure head. The Pres has no real power. I find it laughable that every four years we get to hear more and more of the same empty promises and people just eat it up. What a joke! What is it, like 2% of the nation owns 98% of it's wealth? How did we let this happen? That's insane and this stuff didn't happen overnight. So blame Obama or Bush Jr or Clinton or Bush Sr or Reagan or Carter all you'd like, but that isn't the main issue, if you ask me. It's us, the people. We are to blame. We need to stop pointing the finger at others and take a long look in the mirror. It's always someone else's fault. No it isn't. It's all our fault. It's time to face reality. Give more. Work harder. Stop getting divorced and raise your children in a healthy environment so that they can focus on their education instead of their parents' problems. Put the drinks and drugs down. Stop being consumed by television and video games. Tutor your children that need additional help. These are all the things we control as a people, not the government. We don't need help from them. Let's get things straight at home and the rest will take care of itself.
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