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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I'm really sorry I have offended you, Meazza. You have always been cool with me and I have taken things too far. I hope you accept my apology. It's not in my character to insult anothers' religion, believe it or not. I don't have a good enough excuse to start now. Easy, big guy. Why take part in a political forum if you're going to tell people to shut the hell up? Is that all you can come at me with after I said what I said? Am I wrong? Well prove me wrong then.
  2. What? Are you angry? Good. Now you know what it feels like. Alcohol and a joint? No, that's your gig, remember? Maybe you're right. I could have handled myself a lot better, but that title isn't new around here, I've seen it several times and just snapped, I guess. How much can a man take before he hits back?
  3. Mocking someone's religion funny to you? Do you know what I find funny? That Christians and Catholics read a book that has been rewritten several times and think Jesus is some white dude that died on a cross for their sins. I find that highly laughable. You people don't even have the decency to call him by his real name. The man is from the middle east, he doesn't look like a hippie from the 70s, bro!!! You shouldn't even attempt to depict Jesus' (I only call him that because that's what you guys know him as) likeness, you'd be better off, but since the white man thinks he's better than everyone else they have to make Jesus look just like them. How nice. If they are willing to lie about his name and looks, what else are they willing to lie about? And what's with this new testament vs old testament? What, God made mistakes so he had to correct himself? What about King James' version? Say what you want about the Koran, but that book has never been altered. Not a single word. All's I ever hear around here is disrespect towards my faith and I've never struck back with insults about yours, until now. I've had enough. No more Mr Nice Guy. You want to take a shot at my religion? Well, I can do the same right back. BTW, I liked what they have done to Christmas. A Fat white man in a red suit fits the celebration of Jesus' birthday just fine. Everything's about money with you people. Do you know what I take exception with? The thread title. It's highly offensive. The Religion Of Peace in quotations. Sure, some so called muslims are extremely violent, but the religion, itself, isn't. That's whats got me heated.
  4. The only homo around here is you, since you make love to a man's hand every chance you get, dipshit. You want to hurl insults? I can play that game, too. Trust me when I tell you that I will destroy you.
  5. The US paid $395 billion in interest alone, last year. How is that a good thing?
  6. This is the reason why interest is forbidden in Islam Riba (loosely translated to mean “interest”) is strictly forbidden. The Qur’anic verses and Prophetic Hadiths (sayings or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad) that outlaw interest are clear and irrefutable. Islam strictly forbids the giving or taking of interest on any loan in any amount. Interest is defined as a set return on a loan, and as such implies a profit based on no risk or effort – a principle completely against Islamic ideals. Financial profit is a result of effort or risk (or both), and interest seeks to undermine the risk-based nature of trade. Furthermore, in many instances interest is exploitative – it is typically used as a means of deriving profit from the financially weaker members of society by a wealthy class in whose hands the lent money is concentrated. With these people, a loan is not a favor done to help others or the society, but is used as a means of oppression and undermines social cohesion. Interest has crumbled empires, while making oppressors out of others At the same time, Islam encourages investment and loans given as a means of charity. Such loans are given by Muslims with the expectation that they be paid back. However, the intention behind helping a fellow Muslim in distress is not profit but the pleasure of Allah. Interest, as known today, is ubiquitous in the financial markets of the world. It allows richer nations to capitalize on the resources of poorer nations under the guise of “paying back national debt.” Interest has crumbled empires, while making oppressors out of others. Most importantly, our sustenance is determined by Allah, and He has promised to decrease the sustenance of the collector of interest and increase the sustenance of the one who gives alms. While the reality of this may seem against intellect, it is a fact that will be clear tone with a proper understanding of the Ability of Allah.
  7. Yup, My sig and avatar is the same, ain't it? I wasn't referring to the whole middle east, I'm talking about the west bank, here. Do you call Israel a desert?
  8. It's not my problem. I don't have to do nothing but follow my religion and go about my own business. I have always denounced terrorism, violence and extremists here on the PPP forum. Take a look at my posting history and you will see that. The thing is, I feel like I don't have to stand on a soapbox and continually do so. Sure, many of these spiritual leaders have to go, but the religion itself is just fine. Don't blame the Koran, blame the ones that promote violence. You sure are ignorant. They have everything we have. As a matter of fact, the average home over there is better than anything you can find in the suburbs, here.
  9. "Once again, the line of communication has broken down". My Cousin Vinny All drugs and alcohol is forbidden in Islam. I'm sure many muslims take part in the use of drugs and alcohol regardless of what the Koran says, but the issue at hand here is whether it's allowed or not. Straight cash, homie. All of my relatives in Palestine own their homes outright. Whatever loans they obtain from the construction company that built their homes are interest free. A beautiful thing, ain't it? you don't have to pay three times the amount for your home. Must be nice.
  10. Who do you think you are? Coolio? Trying to put us on a ride on a fantastic voyage? I don't have to discuss Granada with you if I choose not to.
  11. No, it's not. I never said it was evil, but it is harmful. It's not like every American that ever lost their home, because they were no longer able to afford to pay their mortgage because their adjustable interest rate loan just went through the roof, causing them to lose their home, was because they were stupid. There's way more to that than simply being dumb.
  12. Welleck yeh jehesh, sechir thimeck. Caya la boca, puto sucio Oh, shut the hell up, herb!!! Homework assignment? History? This ain't grade school, homie. I just flipped you off in three different languages! LOL!!! What does that tell you?
  13. No, alcohol and drugs will get you there, right? If you can't see why interest is bad then I can't help you see it, either. Now I'm not talking about low interest rate loans,those aren't so bad and can be helpful. I'm talking about the type of interest rates that have some people living on the streets now, because they had to buy food to stay alive instead of using that money to pay off their loans they no longer could afford because some job that they had no longer exists because they couldn't pay off their own high interest rate loans. That's what I'm talking about. That can be devastating to some.
  14. So what ya saying? Every time you post it's some ground-breaking news that no one else on earth knows? Who are you? The Neil Armstrong of TSW?? Get outta here with that crap!!! Show me where in the Koran it says it's okay to deal Opium. See, that's what I'm talking about... Some of you people come on here blaming a religion for the actions of men. You don't have a clue.
  15. Congrats, you ran through this whole thread and this is what you come at me with? Sweet!!! You're amazing!!
  16. 1. What are you, a white American? Do you confront every white guy you see for all the issues that they have? Really? 2. WTF??? I never once claimed to be a victim in this thread. What the hell are you talking about? 3. Are you sure about that? Because I've got two things that are forbidden in Islam that can help out every American, tremendously. 1. No drugs or alcohol 2. No interest. Do you have any idea how many problems just these two remedies can solve?
  17. If we see anymore crap from Muslim extremists in this country?? What are they going to do? Drop a bomb on Patterson, NJ or Detroit?? There's a lot of muslims living there, some might even be extremists. When I read crap like this it makes me feel like the terrorists did indeed win. Sad. You keep talking as if I'm responsible for this crap! If you ask me, our problems, here in America, far outweigh anything those idiot terrorists can inflict on us. Including 9/11. Wake up and smell the coffee, homie, it's burning!!
  18. Really?? They use drugs over there?? NO!!!!! It's forbidden, you moron! That doesn't mean everyone will listen. The fact that it's forbidden in the Koran is enough for me. Huge difference, huh? Go read the Bible and tell me about the prophecy of the one that will follow Moses, or did they change/remove that scripture? Use vs abuse?? You mean to tell me God didn't know that people will in fact abuse the hell out of it-constantly? Why even give them the option?
  19. "You leave us with no help, no solutions, and are willing to use our own freedoms against us to protect bad Muslims." You?? What the hell did I do?? Damn, man, don't do me like that!!! BTW. You ever hear of the Arab Spring? Maybe you're too busy Keeping up with the Kardasians! LOL!! The time has come for everyone to clean up their own backyard!! LOL
  20. Jesus said to just turn the other cheek. What happened to that? LOL! Keep fighting wars abroad. That's the ticket!! It's not like we don't have our own problems right here in the states.
  21. Okay, I'm an idiot. Alcohol is cool. God wants us to get ripped. Tore from the frame. Hitler probably sounded a lot like you.We will solve the Jews' problems of being Jews by wiping them out! That will sure show 'em!!!
  22. When was the last time an Imam relocated on of his pedaphile-boy raping Imams to another church instead of throwing his ass out? The fact of the matter is man is flawed, hence religion is flawed because of man, but if you follow the true teachings of Islam you would know the difference. For an example, murder is not condoned in Islam. In fact, there is a scripture in the Quran that states that taking one life is like taking all of mankind, saving one life is like saving all of mankind. What does that tell you? Oh yeah, how so?? What kind of religion allows the use of such a horrible drug? Does God not know what lies in the use of alcohol? Is there a worse drug in the world that is legal other than alcohol? That's enough evidence for me, right there. Muslims are forbidden, by God, the use of alcohol because of the utter chaos and havoc it wreaks on the human race. No sane person should ever think that God would want us to dabble in that. Sounds stupid to you, makes a lot of sense to me. That's their problem. I'm not going to go up to every muslim in the world that practices the religion in the wrong way and tell him to stop. That's freakin' ridiculous. It ain't my problem. They will have to answer to God.
  23. Laughed at? More people convert to Islam than any other religion, even with the smear campaign being run by the major media outlets world-wide. You see, the thing is, you don't know a darn thing about Islam, so why should I take your opinion seriously? True Islam is a religion of peace. Islam by definition means peace. Just because you choose to allow those that claim to be true muslims, but really aren't, as representatives of Islam doesn't make you right. You allow the worst of us to represent us and that's wrong. Governments in all parts of the world are corrupt. Those that rule their lands by Sharia Law, and abuse their powers, will have to answer to God for their false representation of Islam.
  24. My religion doesn't have serious problems. If you ask me, any religion that allows the use of alcohol has a serious problem. Own it.
  25. Here's some parting shots before I finally leave. All Americans are lazy and stupid because over 9% of us are unemployed and since one out of 32 Americans are either in jail or some kind of correctional supervision, that makes us all criminals, as well.
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