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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Well, it just so happens that Rome is Pre-Med. How ironic. I don't watch South Park and definitely don't watch and Matthew Broderick movies. If it was me, I'd play the victim card and not strike back with violence. Especially against innocent civilians. That's just wrong and forbidden in Islam. Those people have really been pushed to the brink, though. It's not like innocent lives aren't being lost on the Palestinian side. As a matter of fact, far more innocent Palestinian lives are lost than Israeli, but you guys only shed tears for one side. Why do you feel so bad for them and not the Palestinians? Are they not people, too. What have the Israelis done for anybody that makes you hang on their ball sacks? I'm glad you asked me that question. Since you guys are always bringing up what some Muslims do, I thought it only would be fair to bring up some of the things Christians do, as well. Maybe you might see that evil actions are possible from anyone no matter what holy book they read.
  2. The point I was trying to make is you people are always trying to paint the Muslims as the only violent people in this world, when in reality this is the most violent country in the world, by far. I hear terms like "tolerance" and "western world" in the same sentence and I just laugh. All those atrocities I listed had one common denominator in them, can you tell me what that is?
  3. Did you count the bodies personally? Well, I got those number of the internet and maybe they were wrong, but we won't really know for sure. The amount of casualties in war are always different according to which side of the struggle reveals it. It's even in the US's best interest to keep the number down so that they don't have to catch any flack from the international community for not stepping in earlier. Hell, some say the number of deaths in the Holocaust was greatly exaggerated. Who knows for sure? Your numbers could be off and so could ours. Either way, that's a lot of dead bodies and an extreme amount of rapes. Should they do that before or after the white phosphorous rains over their heads? Or how about when someone takes your land away from you? What would we do if our army was defeated and we were just regular civilians and our land was occupied? Shower them with flowers? That's my boy, Rome. He's Pre-Med. I never said I was.
  4. I've been around since 2003, how am I a FNG? Cool, warn me if I've gone too far before you ban me, please. Appreciate it, thanks! I'm calling it the night, fellas, you guys can gang up on me again, tomorrow.
  5. Don't really feel like searching. I'll accept "nope" as an answer in the negative. You can clarify it for me if I'm off-base with my assumption.
  6. Says, who? The guy with 31K posts? Yeah, that's a real winners' accomplishment, right there! Come on, man! If I come at you, I'll get banned! It ain't fair for you to launch insults at me.
  7. So, what, you're not one of those people that think the big, bad, boogie man muslims are out to get you?
  8. You people really fell for the fear mongering tactic used over there in Washington DC, hook, line, and sinker, huh? No, it's always the US that causes conflict, take a look at the track record for proof.
  9. Yup, he didn't have a comeback for me, now did he? So what you saying? If you insult somebody that insulted you, you can't be considered a "peaceful" person? I'm not a violent man, so yeah, I am peaceful. BTW, just for the record, Christians and Jews don't fall under the "infidel", label, according to Islam.
  10. Yeah, that's right. It's hard to get the Sunday Ticket in Palestine! LOL!! But seriously, I was responding to Jauronimo's post saying how tolerant the western world is, when it really isn't. Don't try to act like our crap don't stink. PLEASE!!!
  11. Straight up, these dudes had beef with anyone that had anything other than the color of white on their bodies since this country was created and we're expected to believe this is a tolerant nation? Why don't we ask the Asians, Orientals, Arabs, Blacks and Native Americans if these guys are "tolerant". Let's see what they have to say about that.
  12. Who flew the planes into the towers? Bush's buddies. The guys we helped fund and trained. Remember?
  13. As far as your first paragraph goes, I never even implied that there was a religious motive in that war. I was merely pointing out that those that follow the Christian faith can be brutally violent, as well. You're trying to tell me the war in Bosnia had nothing to do with ethnic cleansing? Oh yeah, I love the way you put the words "tolerance" and "western world" in the same sentence. How many wars have we been involved in in the last 100 years, again?
  14. Who was it that created the mother of all bombs and not to mention nukes, again?
  15. For real. Come to think of it, far more Muslims died at the hands of Christians than the other way around. Hell, it ain't even close. Between the crusades, both Iraq wars, the war in Afghanistan and Bosnia, it's a blowout! And they call themselves the victims? Come on, man!
  16. Casualties Calculating the number of deaths that resulted from the conflict has been subject to considerable and highly politicised debate. There are large discrepancies between estimates of the total number of casualties, ranging from 25,000 to 329,000. These are partly the result of the use of inconsistent definitions of who can be considered victims of the war. Some research calculated only direct casualties of the military activity while other also calculated indirect casualties, such as those who died from harsh living conditions, hunger, cold, illnesses or other accidents indirectly caused by the war conditions. Original higher numbers were also used as many victims were listed twice or three times both in civilian and military columns as little or no communication and systematic coordination of these lists could take place in wartime conditions; one valid form of historical revision involves identifying where a given victim is separately identified in multiple primary lists, and correcting the resulting overcount; in particular, the RDC and ICTY's demographic unit performed such forensic revision. The death toll was originally estimated in 1994 at around 200,000 by Cherif Bassouni, head of the UN expert commission investigating war crimes.According to Prof. Steven L. Burg and Prof. Paul S. Shoup (1999) Either way, that's a rather large death toll.
  17. I'm not blaming Christianity here, but did you ever hear about the 900,000 people slaughtered in Rwanda in 1994 in a population that was over 90% Christian? Or what about, the genocide of over 300,000 Muslims and systematic rape of over 100,000 Muslim women by Christian Serbs?
  18. This is exactly what I'm talking about, right there. You think just because some ass clowns shout out "Allah U Akbar" before they commit some heinous crime that should reflect upon the religion, itself? That Islam is somehow responsible for their actions? That's wrong. Those guys don't represent Islam. Why don't you take a look at the moderate Muslim American families right here in our own backyard as examples of how to be a Muslim? Why no mention of them?
  19. I'm really sorry I have offended you, Meazza. You have always been cool with me and I have taken things too far. I hope you accept my apology. It's not in my character to insult anothers' religion, believe it or not. I don't have a good enough excuse to start now. Easy, big guy. Why take part in a political forum if you're going to tell people to shut the hell up? Is that all you can come at me with after I said what I said? Am I wrong? Well prove me wrong then.
  20. What? Are you angry? Good. Now you know what it feels like. Alcohol and a joint? No, that's your gig, remember? Maybe you're right. I could have handled myself a lot better, but that title isn't new around here, I've seen it several times and just snapped, I guess. How much can a man take before he hits back?
  21. Mocking someone's religion funny to you? Do you know what I find funny? That Christians and Catholics read a book that has been rewritten several times and think Jesus is some white dude that died on a cross for their sins. I find that highly laughable. You people don't even have the decency to call him by his real name. The man is from the middle east, he doesn't look like a hippie from the 70s, bro!!! You shouldn't even attempt to depict Jesus' (I only call him that because that's what you guys know him as) likeness, you'd be better off, but since the white man thinks he's better than everyone else they have to make Jesus look just like them. How nice. If they are willing to lie about his name and looks, what else are they willing to lie about? And what's with this new testament vs old testament? What, God made mistakes so he had to correct himself? What about King James' version? Say what you want about the Koran, but that book has never been altered. Not a single word. All's I ever hear around here is disrespect towards my faith and I've never struck back with insults about yours, until now. I've had enough. No more Mr Nice Guy. You want to take a shot at my religion? Well, I can do the same right back. BTW, I liked what they have done to Christmas. A Fat white man in a red suit fits the celebration of Jesus' birthday just fine. Everything's about money with you people. Do you know what I take exception with? The thread title. It's highly offensive. The Religion Of Peace in quotations. Sure, some so called muslims are extremely violent, but the religion, itself, isn't. That's whats got me heated.
  22. The only homo around here is you, since you make love to a man's hand every chance you get, dipshit. You want to hurl insults? I can play that game, too. Trust me when I tell you that I will destroy you.
  23. The US paid $395 billion in interest alone, last year. How is that a good thing?
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