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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I won't feel right until we get some real confirmation.
  2. I'm sure US East will allow them to go through Iraq. Hell, we managed to attack Iraq and they're 6000 miles away. You stated earlier that Arab countries would not like to see a nuclear Iran, right? Well then I'm sure one of those nations will allow the Israelis to use their land, if what you said was true, F'tard.
  3. Were they pussies when they were destroying Israeli tanks?
  4. Now you're being childish. When I said don't put limitations on hypothetical situations I didn't mean go off the wall crazy with them. You make it like a ground war has never been fought by two countries that are separated by more than two countries. It has and it is possible. Big difference.
  5. Let me clarify. It's the only issue I care to discuss on this forum. No one here speaks on behalf of the Palestinians so I feel I should. But no, it's not the only political topic that interests me.
  6. We're talking about a war that hasn't even taken place yet. Not by air nor ground. We're dealing with a hypothetical situation and you want to put limitations on a hypothetical situation? You're the idiot.
  7. Like I said, why don't you tell me. Honestly, I've never seen Israel fight a ground war against anybody on the road so maybe I shouldn't have made that proclamation either way, but you're in the wrong as well when you say Israel will defeat Iran on the ground in Iran without stating why. In the end, you're just a wannabe military expert that don't really know jack about jack. You're as fugazy as they come. An Internet tough guy that insults everyone hiding behind a keyboard. Try that stuff in real life and get waxed.
  8. Why don't you tell me? You're the resident fake, poser Norman Schwarzkopf, here. Israel doesn't have the resources to take it to Iran in Iran. Too far away from home for them.
  9. Why you gotta start with the insults? You could have told me why geography played a part in the outcome, instead, you resort to insults. FU, how bout that?
  10. Hezbollah gave them an ass whipping, why not Iran?
  11. Why are you having such a hard time grasping this. The occupied territories are a part of Israel as long as they feel they have the right to take away land for settlements and for the wall. You can't have it both ways. Stop expanding settlements in the West Bank if it truly belongs to the Palestinian people. Allow Palestinians to come and go as they please. Let them build their own airport. Dismantle all of the checkpoints. My parents aren't even allowed to live in the country they were born in. Let's not kid ourselves, the occupied territories belong to Israel for all intents and purposes. They control every aspect of life in the OT. Give us equal rights. They already control it all without having any of the negatives that come along with controlling that land. They're having their cake and eating it, too. Sneaky bastards. So yeah, I believe the West Bank belongs to Israel, because they OWN and CONTROL it. I agree 100%. The Israelis will destroy Iran through the air and by missile strikes with no problem. A ground war, on the other hand, not so much. They will get defeated there. Democracy or not. We shouldn't have to kiss Israel's ass all the time. We don't need them. Before we had bases all around the world I can see the need for Israel, but now that we're set up for world domination with bases everywhere that's no longer the case. Let Israel take care of Israel.
  12. It's called the UK, isn't it? United KINGDOM of Great Britain? I thought you were smarter than this, too. They take land from the occupied territories whenever they want. They must feel like they have some right to that land, don't ya think? As far as I know, two out of the 17 killed were terrorists. The other 15? Oh well, some more meaningless collateral damage. And the cycle of hate continues. New terrorists were born yesterday.Stay away from the bad guys? In the most populated place on earth per square mile? Good luck with that. I'd love to see Israel go it alone against Iran. Especially a ground war. Fight against men in uniform. They'll get their asses handed to them just like they did against Hezbollah in Lebanon when they tucked tail and ran. They're nothing but cowards. Always trying to get the US to do their dirty work for them. Thanks for endangering the lives of the US citizens.
  13. I just love how you conveniently left out why those rockets were launched in the first place. An airstrike killed 15 people in Gaza, yesterday. Treat people like caged animals and that's exactly what they'll become.
  14. I know the bolded part isn't relevant to my point, I just want to know why we suck up to them so much. Is it reciprocated? It doesn't seem like it is. I don't hear them kissing our asses like we do them. I thought Britain was a kingdom, am I wrong? If they weren't a part of Israel then why does Israel attack them whenever they feel like it and take away land for settlements and building of the wall?
  15. The questions that I asked Tom about. Not allowing a race to vote, why isn't there limitations on how many terms a prime minister in Israel can hold, why do we kiss Israel's ass all the time, and why does Israel force their citizens to join the armed forces and what makes Israel a "democracy".
  16. Still not answering my questions, huh? That makes you a no trick pony. I only talk about Palestine/Israel because that's all that interests me on the PPP board. Don't like it? Then don't respond to me. What I do know is the draft no longer exists here, but in Israel, home of our "democratic ally" you HAVE TO join the army. No freedom there, buddy.
  17. The draft? That's only during times of war and it no longer exists. Israelis have to join the armed forces whether there's a war or not. BIG DIFFERENCE. Learn a little history? LOL!! Like I didn't know what a draft is!!! Too funny!!! Yeah, let's make this about something else. Don't answer my questions and talk about everything else. Figures. For the record, I'm no liberal. I'm in the middle.<br>It's sad to me that this powerful, big nation of ours has to kiss little ol' Israel's ass all the time. Talk about the tail wagging the dog. It makes me sick and there isn't a real good reason why we do. Pathetic. Their votes mean something? How do you know that? Are you the one that counts up all the votes? It's funny how Ahmadinejad gets voted in as President and everyone is convinced the election was rigged, but no way does that happen here or in Israel. No way can that happen here or there, right? Because we all know we live in a superhero movie where good prevails all the time and evil gets defeated. I'm against not having term limitations because that's no different than a dictatorship.
  18. Only democratic ally, huh? Refresh my memory for me, Tom. How many terms may a Prime Minister in Israel hold? What kind of democracy doesn't allow a race to vote (West Bank and Gaza), I know that Arabs that live in "Israel" are allowed to vote, but those guys aren't viewed as Palestinians, they're recognized as Israelis. What kind of democracy forces you to join the armed forces? Please, explain to me how Israel is democratic.
  19. Maybe she just finished watching Final Destination before boarding the plane. LOL! The conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this story.
  20. Sorry, I didn't know. I deleted the site from my post. Are you sure all the flashes have been closed? I distinctly remember seeing evidence being gathered outside of Walt's home and one of the pieces of evidence looked like Walt's glasses or maybe it came from the plane, who knows? But they (the glasses) did look exactly like Walt's.
  21. I'm always looking for something new to watch. What's your top five, ajzepp?
  22. Be wary of movies that don't get released during movie season, such as summertime, Thanksgiving/Christmas. All too often these movies that aren't released during the season are usually letdowns. I really wanted to like this movie, too, since I enjoy the horror genre, but this movie is just simply bad.
  23. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that movie sucked. Everyone walked out of that theatre pissed off, including me. Not scary at all, just annoying. Props to the guy that put together the trailer.
  24. That's what I thought, too, the body bags were from the plane crash but didn't the eye of the teddy bear get scooped out of the pool by the same guys that picked up the body parts and if so why is the teddy's eye still in Walt's possession in season 4 after the plane crash? As far as Lost being my all-time favorite show goes, that's mainly because of the actors/characters, not necessarily because of the plot and storyline. With BB, I like Walt, Jessie, Gus, Mike and Saul. With Lost, I like so many more, such as Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Sayid, Locke, Ben, Hurley, Jin and Charlie. I don't know why, but Lost just gets to me on an emotional level more than any other show. I laughed, cried, found myself jumping up and down with joy on certain scenes so that's why it's number one for me. BB has a better storyline than Lost does, IMO. I've never gotten around to watching The Wire. I've heard plenty of great things about that show and will get into that now that I'm done with BB. I'll let you know how much I like it when I'm done with that series.
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