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Everything posted by Justice

  1. As it turns out, I was in Tampa this weekend, as well. I even stayed at the same hotel that BC stayed in, The Westin Harbour Hotel. It was nice. I seen a bunch of cute college girls, the hockey team and the their fans awaiting their arrival after winning the championship. Mons Venus was packed. Way too many customers and not enough girls. I also tried Berns Steak House. Way too pricey, but it was very good. Overall, Tampa was pretty nice. I had a blast.
  2. Buddy Nix described Michael Floyd to a tee when he said he was looking for a receiver that is open even when he's not. I believe Floyd will be the pick, if he is still there, at 10.
  3. I got laughed at when I suggested we re-sign Bell to a 5 year $25 million deal, but 5 for 35? Come on!!! That's WAY too much.
  4. That would be Troy Vincent.
  5. Best of luck to you, Scoe. You'll be missed.
  6. Three words. Incentive laden contract. That's what the Bills should offer him, if he plays a full season and makes the pro bowl then he can get paid. If not, then he can you get the league minimum.
  7. Do I need to negotiate a line of credit with my bank before going? You're looking at $39 for the 32oz porterhouse steak, but well worth it. The steak comes alone, all your sides are at an additional cost. Pricey, but great!!! If you do want something on the side, I'd go with the asparagus. Their salad is great, too. Last time I went to Charley's we had a party of 6 and that ran me about $335. None of us drink, so we saved a little loot there. BTW. There isn't a strict dress code, so you can dress casually.
  8. Wanna great steak? Go here: http://www.talkofthetownrestaurants.com/charleys_tampa.html The best you'll ever have!!!
  9. How's it feel living in Fantasy Island? Ain't nobody pushing nobody, nowhere. The only ppl getting pushed anywhere are the "Mormons".
  10. The no's have it!
  11. They didn't have "Hard Knocks", last year, because of the lockout. Why wouldn't Bills' fans want to see our team on HK. Looks like a fun show. They don't reveal anything specific about the playbook or game plans. Why do some of you reject the idea?
  12. Actually that's a pretty hard word to define. Why are we still there? Do we think we're going to change the way the people think/live over there? Are we there to install a democracy? Build a pipeline? Steal their opium? What? I still don't know.
  13. Lol! But seriously, I shouldn't have answered that question anyways. Who the hell is he to be asking me why I would be going anywhere on this planet? What gives him that right? He should mind his own business.
  14. The Russians, too, right? They were there for a decade and couldn't win. So don't try to make it sound so easy.
  15. Give our beloved-star studded Bills this years' "Hard Knocks". Show everyone else what Mario and Mark see in Buffalo.
  16. I agree. My problem is, you make it as if I love terrorism. I don't. I hate violence. PERIOD. Thanks for painting me with that same brush, though. Man, what do I have to do to be recognized as an American by some of you? Bleach my skin white and get all rah rah about killing off some towelheads in their own countries? I don't like the violence on either side. You think I don't know that there are a lot of bad Muslims out there? Two wrongs don't make a right. What, just because some evil doing Muslims use their kids to do all types of heinous crap means I can't call parents that use their kids as mules, douche bags? As for your first question, my parents were born there, what does that tell you?
  17. Did it ever occur to you that TSA might be looking for something other than weapons/bombs? How 'bout drugs? I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time some douche bag used his kid as a mule to smuggle something illegal onto an airplane. I'm a father of three and I wouldn't have a problem with my kids being searched. Hell, it happens EVERY time I go to Israel.
  18. I love it!!! this off-season is amazing!!!
  19. Like I said, the third round http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/03/19/bruce-irvin-arrested-for-destruction-of-property/
  20. No doubt physically the kid is a first round talent, but he doesn't have a true natural position. He played defensive end in college. can he play outside linebacker in the pros, that is the question. therefore his stock should remain at around the second or third round in my opinion.
  21. Thanks for the heads up. If you ever catch the Buffalo Bills versus Oakland Raiders NFL replay game let me know, thanks.
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