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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Let's not play that game, okay. I can go Old Testament on your ass just as easily.
  2. You got me good. You know for someone that goes around calling people an idiot, and at the same time implying that you yourself is not, you should really try to hit me a little harder than, "you're an idiot". Next time stay out of crap that doesn't concern you and I'll spare you of my superior ranking skills, okay? As far as butchering a movie quote goes, I copied and pasted it from another site. The only change I made was to the F bombs. A racist? Me? That's laughable to say the least. I shoot back at others that take shots at me. Check my history, fool, I never start hurling insults until some idiot dogs me first. That's when I annihilate all that come in my path. For self proclaimed geniuses around here you people sure don't know how to rank worth a crap, because that's what you're doing when you call someone an idiot, you're saying that you're not. Get off your high horse or I'll knock you off it.
  3. I'm just sayin'. There's a bunch of dudes on this board that come to the rescue of others. I know how you boys used to like to lynch mob people back in the day and probably miss it a lot, so you come here and relive the glory years. I understand.
  4. This board is full of Kevin Costners, isn't it? Or is it Whitney Houstons? It's hard to tell.
  5. Suicide Kings.
  6. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure someone that lives here in the US of A holds the record for most men in a gang bang. As for one on one, you and Tom will make a lovely couple. You can even get married, now.
  7. Dude, track Tom down already and get it over with. Your obsession with him has gone too far. Once and for all you have to see if there is anything between you two. It's not healthy for you to suppress all those emotions you're clearly feeling for him.
  8. Funny how? What do ya mean, funny? Let me understand this cause, I don't know maybe it's me, I'm a little f''d up maybe, but I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh... I'm here to f'in amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? You said I'm funny. How the f am I funny, what the f is so funny about me? Tell me. Tell me what's funny!
  9. And using it very well, too!! Seriously though, I find homosexuals to be very, very funny!!! They make me laugh!!! How can I hate them? Me and my friends took a trip to the Keys a couple of years back and one of them was standing in front of a club trying to get other gays to enter. He was wearing nothing but a black sailor styled hat, a black thong and black boots. It was hilarious. On that same night I saw a couple of homosexuals having a lovers' quarrel. One of 'em said something loud in French and then swung his arm all the way back and then slapped the ever living crap out of the other guy. The dude that got slapped just held his check with his palm and cried like a little girl. It was priceless!! If it weren't for gays, I wouldn't have laughed so hard, that night. I thank them. I really do.
  10. Uh oh... Now we have a full blown circle jerk!!! LOL!!! Enjoy fellas!!! And no, I don't have a problem with homosexuals. Whatever you do in your spare time is your business.
  11. Very funny! Especially coming from the two stars of Brokeback Mountain 2: Stains on the Wall
  12. Would love to continue this chat, but I gotta see about a vagina.
  13. So you're saying it's okay for Israel to destroy Iran, in a war, before Iran MIGHT get something WE expect them to get, but in realty don't really have, yet, and not the other way around? Yeah, sounds fair. Ever read Sun Tzu? Every battle is won BEFORE it's fought. Think about that for a moment.
  14. Okay, you got me, the jig is up. It's all propaganda. Iran will get nukes and Israel will be wiped off the map. Iran will rule the world. You're right. I'm sorry.
  15. Good for you, you found a word I misspelled!! Congrats!!! I was wrong anyways, Pakistan has nukes.
  16. They got you guys good. Hook, line and sinker. Buy into the hype. Buy into the fear mongering. It's all BS!!!!! Israel has big bro, the USA, on their side. They ain't going nowhere.
  17. Just one, I'm sure, but why would you do that when you know that will be the end of your own existence? Why? I forgot about Pakistan.
  18. If Iran ever tried to "destroy Israel", that would be the end of one country, for sure, but that one country isn't Israel. You know it, I know it and Iran surely knows it. So let's not play stupid here, okay? Israel wants to be the loan nuclear power in the region. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. You're being serious? That's a serious question? You're smart enough to figure out why I think it's all a crock of s**t.
  20. Iran would never use nukes on Israel. You're a fool to believe such a thing. Oh, BTW, I wasn't done. I listed more lines from that steaming pile of crap of an article.
  21. "The West is convinced that Tehran's real objective is to build an atomic bomb - something which the Jewish state will never accept because its leaders consider a nuclear armed-Iran a threat to its very existence." What a crock of s**t. "both Mofaz and Netanyahu deny that Iran was mentioned in the coalition negotiations." More BS "President Mahmoud Abbas even went so far as to predict in an interview with Reuters last week that it would be "the end of the world". It's really flowing, now. Israelis particularly fear retaliation from Iran's proxy militias - the Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon and the Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip. Both are believed to possess large arsenals of rockets which could hit major Israeli towns and cities. Ha ha ha!!! That made me laugh. "Netanyahu admires the British wartime premier because he saw the true dangers posed by Nazi Germany to the world at a time when many other politicians argued for appeasing Hitler. The parallels with modern-day Iran are obvious and Netanyahu is explicit about the dangers he believes are posed by militant Islam: as he puts it, its convulsive power, its cult of death and its ideological zeal." REALLY????
  22. He can and he did, but he has to be ready to face the repercussions. He can loose out on advertising dollars and lose fans. Is that worth it?
  23. Really? Maybe I'll catch it on directv one day. I'll let you know how I like it. BTW, I hold you responsible if the movie still sucks. Lol!
  24. When asked how he felt about gay marriage he said he sided with Leviticus on that issue, correct? That's bad enough. Even if he feels that way, MP has to be smart enough to give a PC answer. Plain and simple.
  25. Our Idiot Brother was brutal. I didn't want to see that movie in the first place, but unfortunately I got out-voted by my friends that night. I made everyone walk out on that piece of dog crap not even 20 minutes in. Everyone thanked me for that.
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