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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Was it "The Decision" that pissed everyone off or was it his choice? If he did "The Decision" and chose to stay in Cleveland no one would've been angry.
  2. After taking a look at Drew Brees' first 57 games played in the NFL, his play looked an awful lot like our very own Ryan Fitzpatrick. He was slightly better than Fitz, I'm not trying to say that Ryan will be the next Drew, but if #14 truly works on his mechanics and it actually helps him then he can take his game to the next level. In Brees' first 57 games played he averaged an 84.6 QB rating, Ryan is at 75. Completion percentage is at 62% compared to Ryan's 59.2%. And finally, int's per game stands at 0.89/game for Brees and 1.14/game for Fitz. Yes indeed, Drew Brees was ahead of Fitzy in all three categories, but not by much. I don't expect Ryan to be no where near the QB that Drew is now, there are other variables that go into that such as domed stadium vs outdoors Buffalo, offensive scheme, and personnel, but it still gives me hope that a QB can improve significantly after his first 60 games played in the NFL.
  3. Tom Brady. When he was winning Super Bowls he was merely a game manager type. His defense and kicker did most of the work. Very mediocre. He's one of the greatest there is now, but he was very average back then.
  4. Happy Birthday to me, as well, I love my birthday. I hate getting old.
  5. I hate to use a cliche here, but he was a quiet guy. Never bothered anyone. He liked to smoke pot and keep to himself. He was never happy, though, always had a mean look on his mug. I don't believe I've ever seen him smile.
  6. Believe it or not, I know the attacker. I used to cash his checks. Crazy!!!
  7. If you wake up in the morning worried about terrorism in the US then you're a fool. We got hit really bad on 9/11 but we have been in Afghanistan and Iraq killing people ever since. We can't even discuss the body count because they don't even tell us how many of theirs we killed, which must be a lot. As for this Lady Gaga thing, it wasn't that long ago in the US where the same type of crap took place here. They wouldn't even show Elvis dancing on television below the waist. Christian groups wouldn't tolerate rock-n-roll or homosexuality, for that matter. Extremist Islam is a problem, but if you take a step back and actually take a look at how many lives were lost because if it it isn't that bad. What we have here is a "boogie man" effect thing going on, when in actuality they don't pose a serious threat to us at all. Now I can sit back here and give you verse after verse from the Quran condemning violence, but you don't want to hear that. You've made up your mind about Islam and I can't change that, but true Islam isn't what you see on television. The terrorists are far more politically driven than religiously. As a matter of fact, I challenge you to show me the verse in the Quran that says you get 72 virgins if you do a suicide bombing. Go ahead and try, I'll wait.
  8. How 'bout Jordan? Dubai? Saudi Arabia?
  9. Do you know how to count? Or do you know ANYTHING at all about geography? We, the United States, have killed far more Muslims than the other way around and we do it on THEIR soil. BTW, didn't we, either one way or another, have been associated,at one time or another, with many of those same groups that hate us and want to kill us, like Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, and even Iran? Either way, you wish to see a whole people get wiped off the face of the earth and that makes you EXACTLY like them.
  10. Young Adolf Hitler in the making. Hate mongering coward. Do everyone a favor and don't reproduce. You're just like that "scum". You just don't realize it.
  11. Best wishes to you and your family. May God be with you.
  12. You want to start with me first? With that attitude you're no better than the worst of the worst Muslims. The only difference is they have balls. You don't.
  13. What you say is true, but did he earn the starting spot by default? I mean, who was good enough to take that spot?
  14. Nice response. So every single person that posts on PPP is writing some extremely important "Gettysburg Address" type piece then, huh? Like I said before, actions speak louder than words. In recent history Iran has only fought with Iraq, we on the hand, have been involved in war after war after war. The proof is in the pudding. IDK, I don't want to be dominated by anyone. The Japanese in the US were put into internment camps during the War. So you can understand my reluctance in trusting our government. No one in the world comes close to spending on defense, which is funny to me because we have NEVER fought a WAR on our homeland. I'm odd, why, because I think for myself? Because I speak my mind? My peers respect me for those very same reasons. I realize you're joking. You know I can't stand terrorism or even violence for that matter and I definitely don't want to see the US come to an end. Thanks, Jim, you know I'm no troll. I appreciate that. I just have unpopular beliefs. If you have been treated the way I've been treated by the Israelis then you would understand. The funny thing is some of you people expect everyone to remember the Holocaust, but you expect us Palestinians to forget about what happened and is still happening to us. So, I'm not the only biased person here, so are many of you.
  15. Out of everything I said this us all you can say in return? The point I was trying to make went way over your head.
  16. If believing this makes you feel any better go right ahead and believe, but answer these questions first. Who has created weapon after weapon after weapon? Who has the ability to blow up the world hundreds of times over? Who actually used one of those weapons? Who has set themselves up for world dominance? Everything about our (the US) actions says Old Testament. It doesn't matter to me if we come right out and say it. Seeing is believing. Hell, if I wanted to control the Earth I'd do things exactly like how we're doing it here in America. Not even a little bit different. You expect Iran to sit back and do nothing to defend themselves? Iran has a bunch of rhetoric on their side, but that's all it is, talk. They might wish and pray it might happen, I'll give you that, but while praying, other people are making it happen. The US/Israel has the actual track record on their side. Besides, I don't even agree with Iran and their beliefs either. I'm no shite. Sunnis actually believe in the return of Jesus, if you can believe that.
  17. Let's not play that game, okay. I can go Old Testament on your ass just as easily.
  18. You got me good. You know for someone that goes around calling people an idiot, and at the same time implying that you yourself is not, you should really try to hit me a little harder than, "you're an idiot". Next time stay out of crap that doesn't concern you and I'll spare you of my superior ranking skills, okay? As far as butchering a movie quote goes, I copied and pasted it from another site. The only change I made was to the F bombs. A racist? Me? That's laughable to say the least. I shoot back at others that take shots at me. Check my history, fool, I never start hurling insults until some idiot dogs me first. That's when I annihilate all that come in my path. For self proclaimed geniuses around here you people sure don't know how to rank worth a crap, because that's what you're doing when you call someone an idiot, you're saying that you're not. Get off your high horse or I'll knock you off it.
  19. I'm just sayin'. There's a bunch of dudes on this board that come to the rescue of others. I know how you boys used to like to lynch mob people back in the day and probably miss it a lot, so you come here and relive the glory years. I understand.
  20. This board is full of Kevin Costners, isn't it? Or is it Whitney Houstons? It's hard to tell.
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