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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I buy the package every year. No way I can wait for the rebroadcast on nfl network.
  2. There goes that prediction. Brown makes the team at center then.
  3. 2012 Buffalo Bills My projected 53 man roster QB(3) This area of the team is a no-brainer, IMO. Fitz is the man, no doubt about that, and I believe he will have his best season ever. The #2 spot isn't as cut and dried. Vince Young is a cheaper alternative than Thigpen and he is a proven winner in the NFL, therefore I gotta go with VY. Grade: B- Fitzpatrick Young Smith RB(4) The Bills sport, at the very least, a top 3 running back tandem in the entire league. Freddie is healthy and ready to light up the NFL again. Spiller is in his third season and poised for a breakout year. The only battle here is between last years' draft choice Johnny White vs Tashard Choice. I went with Choice because he has started games in the NFL which would be invaluable to the Bills if something were to happen to Spiller or Fredex. Grade: A+ Jackson Spiller Choice McIntyre WR(6) I believe a lot of people will be surprised with how well this unit plays this year. Stevie and Donald are the starters, but you will see plenty of Nelson, who like Spiller, is in his third year which is usually the season WRs finally come into their own. I think this trio can combine for over 3000 yards. Hagan provides some veteran leadership, Graham supplies the speed, and Easley-well who the hell knows, but he has shown some flashes in the very little time we have seen him. He needs to clean up the drops and stay healthy. Grade: B- Johnson Jones Nelson Graham Easley Hagan TE(3) Chandler proved his worth to the Bills last year and should only get better. He's a huge target and a good outlet for Fitzy if things breakdown. Smith is a decent blocker and Dickerson is the wild card. Has the light bulb finally turned on for DD? As long as his blocking is just adequate than he will have some chances to prove he deserves a chance to put his athleticism on display. Grade: C+ Chandler Smith Dickerson OL(11) If Cordy or Hairston can man the LT position adequately than the Bills can have a top 5 unit here. I love all the other starters. Levitre is the most underrated LG in the NFL. Wood was on his way to the All-Pro team before the injury. Both Urbik and Pears are solid to above average. We have decent depth here, with Rhinehart, and the loser of the LT battle (most likely Hairston). Urbik can play center if anything goes wrong with Wood. Grade: A- Glenn Levitre Wood Urbik Pears Hairston Young Rhinehart Sanders Sanborn Brown DL(9) This is started to sound redundant, but the Bills have a top three unit in the league here, as well. We Bills fans are downright giddy at the thought of this unit playing together. Mario will demand double teams and free up at least one or two other guys to single match ups which will pose a huge problem to opposing defenses. Offenses will have to chip block our DEs using the RBs and tight ends will have to stay back and block more than they'd like to against us. Dareus and Kyle make up the best DT combo in the league and Anderson's speed rush is just the thing we need on a line full of power and speed. Our second wave/replacement d-line is led by Kelsay and Merriman at the ends and Dwan and Spencer Johnson at DT. The Bills have some flexibility here as Carrington, Dwan and Sp Johnson can play DE as well as tackle. Grade: A+ Williams Anderson Kelsay Merrimen Dareus K. Williams Edwards Sp. Johnson Carrington LB(7) This is our weakest unit on the defense, but that's not meant to be a knock against our boys at linebacker, we're just so stacked with talent on the DL and secondary. Barnett is the best of the bunch. He can cover, and play the run. Our coaching staff has a lot of faith in Sheppard, so he must be at least adequate. Morrison has been around for a while now in the NFL so he provides the D with some veteran leadership, but I believe Moats will steal his starting job shortly after the start of the season. Our other linebackers will play a significant role on special teams. Scott will be the nickel backer. Grade: C+ Barnett Sheppard Morrison Carder Moats Bradham Scott DB(8) I have some concerns with this unit, but at the same time they can be special. Aaron Williams needs to get better. I don't agree with the majority of the board when it comes to AW. I thought he sucked last year, but he was a rookie and that's to be expected, EXCEPT when it comes to Gilmore. Stephon is ready to make a difference on this D as of now. The kid can play. he will get tested early and often, my bet is teams will start avoiding him well before mid-season. McKelvin is the X factor here. Call me hard headed but I still have faith in him, if he can just learn to play the ball while it's in the air. Rogers and Brooks have some promise. I love our safety tandem of Wilson and Byrd. Especially Byrd! Like he may play his way out of Buffalo, this year, that good!! I don't know if we'll be able to fit him under our cap next season. Our secondary will benefit greatly from our improved pass rush. Grade: B- Williams Gilmore Byrd Wilson Brooks McKelvin Rogers Searcy K/P(2) Both solid players that will beat out the competition in training camp for at least another year. Grade: A- Lindell Moorman
  4. I finally see the light!!! LOL, I only had 52 players listed. Add Scott and Spence and remove Dwan or IR Heard.
  5. I meant to say Wilson instead of Williams, a previous poster pointed that mistake out earlier in the thread. If I can change anything I'd add Scott and Spencer Johnson and remove Dwan Edwards and Kellen Heard. The latter because of injury. KH uis a candidate for the I/R.
  6. That's just weird. I made a list of our final roster a couple of days ago and I had Leonhard on it. 2012 Buffalo Bills My projected 53 man roster QB (3) Fitzpatrick Young Smith RB (4) Jackson Spiller Choice McIntyre WR (6) Johnson Jones Nelson Graham Easley Hagan TE (3) Chandler Smith Dickerson OL (10) Glenn Levitre Wood Urbik Pears Hairston Young Rhinehart Sanders Sanborn DL(9) Williams Anderson Kelsay Merrimen Dareus Williams Edwards Heard Carrington LB (7) Barnett Sheppard Morrison Carder Moats Bradham DB (9) Williams Gilmore Byrd Williams Brooks McKelvin Rogers Searcy Leonhard K/P(2) Lindell Moorman
  7. That's the first I've heard about Marcell Dareus moving around on the line.
  8. I pretty much agree with everything they said, too.
  9. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-am/09000d5d82afe405/Will-the-Bills-contend-for-the-AFC-East-title?module=HP11_content_stream
  10. Kellen Heard Dwan Edwards Kamar Aiken Leodis McKelvin Justin Rogers Searcy
  11. Interesting, I happen to like Walt Jr. Especially after he called his mom a B word.
  12. Pretty sure I'd be on the top of the "who would you least like to have dinner with", list. Especially my pals from the PPP forum. After all, how can you even have a dinner without swine and wine?
  13. Which scene with Lucius? Is this after the credits?
  14. Here's one of the fights described in detail. Start at the 3 minute mark. NSFW
  15. Funny, didn't he re-sign with the Bills at one point? Louisiana? Great place, I had a cousin that was murdered there.
  16. Nicky B sounding off on twitter...and I like it!! “@NickBarnett: Feel real disrespected by @AntonioPierce AFC east prediction !! ;-) lol” “@NickBarnett: Just more motivation, we have to earn respect!! It is not given!! So it's time to take it!!”
  17. Oh yeah. They go back every couple of years, usually in the winter. They love Kissing Bridge, LaNova's, Jim's, Panos, Niagara Falls, the casinos, Chippewa, and many other spots. They like the people, too, they have become friends with my friends. They have a great deal of respect for Bills' fans, too. They see Buffalo for what it is, instead of its nationwide reputation.
  18. Great thread. You guys summed up Buffalo very well. I enjoyed reading your posts. Here's my take: Is there a better place in the world to grow up in than Buffalo, NY? I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. Above all else, I believe what makes Buffalo so great is the four seasons, like the previous poster put so well. I'll try to add to it a little. Winter The very first snow fall of the year. Snow ball fights with friends. Snow days off from school. Tackle football games in the snow. Hockey games in the vacant parking lot on Pennsylvania Ave. Carrying our hockey gear to different neighborhoods to challenge them to a game. Skiing. Sledding. Hot cups of hot chocolate. Spring Getting that first taste of warm weather after the winter finally got old. It was a glorious feeling and also a reminder that the school year was almost finished. Mr Softee Ice cream. Summer In the summertime everyone is outdoors enjoying the warm weather. When I was a youngster I didn't have to go to clubs or bars to pick up girls, because there were so many walking up and down my block. Swimming in the pool by the waterfront was fun, especially when my life guard buddy of mine allowed our crew to use the pool without outsiders at night. Hide-n-go seek. Trading in my football and hockey gear for a basketball and the Gus Macker tournament. Just sitting on the porch with all my neighborhood friends laughing it up until the wee hours of the night. Ted's Hot Dogs. Fall Getting dressed up for the first day of school and wondering which girls will be in your class this year. The beginning of football and hockey season. There's no place like Buffalo for Halloween and beggar's night. The beautiful site of the leaves changing colors. I love Buffalo because it's everything Miami isn't. I lived each half of my life in both places and still feel like Buffalo is the much better place to live and raise a family. I go back every year, sometimes twice a year, since I left and bring native Floridians along with me and they also love Buffalo and have gone back even without me. When people try to put Buffalo down I always challenge them to try and tell me what they can do here that I can't do in Buffalo and they never win. It's always the same. "We got the beach year round and better night life", is all I ever hear, but when it comes down to it, there are far more things you can do in Buffalo than in Miami. It's a fact. Better food, better people, and no traffic. I'll take that over this any day of the week. My kids are missing out. They won't even go outside because it's so hot down here. You can't do anything about the heat when you're outdoors. At least you can prepare yourself for the cold. And FINALLY....Is there a better place in the universe to win a championship????? The hunt and the pain leading up to one will make our championship celebration one for the ages!!! Long live Buffalo!!!!!
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