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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Exactly. Let's get the hell out of there. Cut off all funding. Protect out own borders. Monitor them for any potential nuclear facilities and bomb them if they do.
  2. I don't really recall exactly whom, but they are a small group of people on this thread that would like to see us obliterate everyone and everything in the middle east.
  3. I condemn the violence against our American brothers in the middle east. May they RIP. To all of those that would like to see whole nations of people get wiped off the face of the earth, I have one question. What makes you any better than those radical savages?
  4. I loved that commercial! Sums up Buffalo sports perfectly.
  5. I say call the Pats up and get Mallett. Or call the 9ers for Kaepernick.
  6. Stay strong Bills' fans. I'm a firm believer in conspiracy theories and I do believe there is one in play right now. Let met tell you why. What's the best way to crush a fan base's spirit? Give them hope. Bills Nation's hope level was near an all time high this off-season with all the signings and re-signings only to see the product on the field not live up to the hype. Now empathy will set in making it much easier to move this team out of Buffalo. It's all a part of their plan and the Bills are involved. It all makes sense. The Bills will not have a new lease. Ralph is near death. The Bills will operate under one year lease agreements for the next couple of years ensuring the new owners an easy escape route. The only thing that can stop this is us. The fans. We need to continue to support this team through thick and thin. We can't bail. We need to keep this team economically viable. We must not allow our spirits to be crushed or it can mean the end of the Bills in Buffalo.
  7. If you think that is bad I automatically and wrongfully, I may add, feared he might miss this weeks' game. That was my initial reaction. I can't help it. I suck. RIP, sorry for the loss Dareus.
  8. Any chance the Bills re-sign Merriman after week 1? It makes a lot of sense to do so. His contract will not be guaranteed and we can get him at a reduced price. I, for one, would like to see the Bills make this happen.
  9. Bills are going to try to force teams into playing their base defense against us. Like many of you have already said in this thread, the Bills will use both CJ and Freddie and spilt one wide. We might even see a variation of the K-Gun formation a whole lot, this year. One back lined-up in the backfield the other out wide along with Chandler at TE and DJ and SJ at receiver. If the defense comes out in nickel to stop the pass the Bills will run, if they come out in their base defense we will pass. CJ or Freddie will be matched up against a linebacker and we should win that battle every time.
  10. My 2012 Buffalo Bills My projected 53 man roster OVERALL 46/53 QB 2/3 Fitzpatrick Young Thigpen Smith TJack: Wasn't on roster when I made my predictions. RB 5/5 Jackson Spiller Choice McIntyre Dickerson WR 4/6 Johnson Jones Nelson Graham Roosevelt Hagan TE 2/2 Chandler Smith OL 11/11 Glenn Levitre Wood Urbik Pears Hairston Brown Rhinehart Young Sanders IR'd Sanborn DL 7/8 Williams Anderson Kelsay Moore Dareus K. Williams Edwards Carrington Sp. Johnson LB 6/7 Barnett Sheppard Morrison Carder White Moats Bradham Scott DB 8 listed. Bills carried ten. 8/10 Williams Gilmore Byrd Wilson Brooks McKelvin Rogers Searcy McGee Howell K/P 3/3 Lindell Potter Moorman OVERALL 46/53
  11. Maybe Gailey wants to run and run often. I hope so, because Fitz isn't exactly Tom Brady.
  12. I just don't see what the Bills' brass see in Hagan.
  13. Ralph's a trooper. He'll pull through. I wish him a quick recovery.
  14. I immediately thought the same thing. McGee will probably be the guy the Bills use that exemption on.
  15. +1 Great move, IMO. We play Seattle this year and now we've got some serious insight into their playbook. That is worth a sixth rounder and he is a decent backup. He tore us up a couple of years ago.
  16. 2012 Buffalo Bills My projected 53 man roster [uPDATED] QB(3) Fitz is the man, no doubt about that. Gailey loves the guy. I, on the other hand, have lost trust in #14. Working on his mechanics this year have hurt him more than it has helped it has appeared.The #2 spot isn't as cut and dried. Vince Young is a cheaper alternative than Thigpen and he is a proven winner in the NFL, therefore I gotta go with VY. Grade: D+ [GRADE REDUCED] Fitzpatrick Young Smith RB(5) The Bills sport, at the very least, a top 3 running back tandem in the entire league. Freddie is healthy and ready to light up the NFL again. Spiller is in his third season and poised for a breakout year. The only battle here is between last years' draft choice Johnny White vs Tashard Choice. I went with Choice because he has started games in the NFL which would be invaluable to the Bills if something were to happen to Spiller or Fredex. Let's just hope Chan Gailey utilizes this group a ton. We need to be a run first team. Grade: A+ [GRADE UNCHANGED] Jackson Spiller Choice McIntyre Dickerson WR(6) I believe a lot of people will be surprised with how well this unit plays this year. Stevie and Donald are the starters, but you will see plenty of Nelson, who like Spiller, is in his third year which is usually the season WRs finally come into their own. I think this trio can combine for over 3000 yards. Hagan provides some veteran leadership, Graham supplies the speed. Naaman is my 53rd man on the roster. He deserves a roster spot. Grade: C+ [GRADE REDUCED] Johnson Jones Nelson Graham Easley [EDITED] Roosevelt: Naaman is my surprise player to make the cut. The kid catches everything thrown his way and can play special teams. Easley hasn't shown anything. That project is over. Hagan TE(2) Chandler proved his worth to the Bills last year and should only get better. He's a huge target and a good outlet for Fitzy if things breakdown. Smith is a decent blocker. Grade: C+ [GRADE UNCHANGED] Chandler Smith OL(11) If Cordy or Hairston can man the LT position adequately than the Bills can have a top 5 unit here. I love all the other starters. Levitre is the most underrated LG in the NFL. Wood was on his way to the All-Pro team before the injury. Both Urbik and Pears are solid to above average. We have decent depth here, with Rhinehart, and the loser of the LT battle (most likely Hairston). Urbik can play center if anything goes wrong with Wood. Grade: B- [GRADE REDUCED] Our injuries on the line has created a problem with chemistry. I'd like to see what this line can do when Wood and Pears stay in gthe lineup. Glenn Levitre Wood Urbik Pears Hairston Brown Rhinehart Young Sanders Sanborn [EDITED] Sanders and Young might make the team just so the Jets don't try to steal them from us, but keeping them both can be a problem for us at DT. Dwan Edwards and Spencer Johnson only have one or two years left on contact. We need to keep an insurance policy at that position on our roster for the future. DL(8) This is started to sound redundant, but the Bills have a top three unit in the league here, as well. We Bills fans are downright giddy at the thought of this unit playing together. Mario will demand double teams and free up at least one or two other guys to single match ups which will pose a huge problem to opposing defenses. Offenses will have to chip block our DEs using the RBs and tight ends will have to stay back and block more than they'd like to against us. Dareus and Kyle make up the best DT combo in the league and Anderson's speed rush is just the thing we need on a line full of power and speed. The Bills have some flexibility here as Dwan and Sp Johnson can play DE as well as tackle. Grade: A+ [GRADE UNCHANGED] Williams Anderson Kelsay Merrimen [EDITED] Moore: Bills like his potential. Dareus K. Williams Edwards Sp. Johnson Carrington [EDITED] Carrington has shown absolutely nothing. The Bills will keep 8 D-lineman instead of 9. LB(7) This is our weakest unit on the defense, but that's not meant to be a knock against our boys at linebacker, we're just so stacked with talent on the DL and secondary. Barnett is the best of the bunch. He can cover, and play the run. Our coaching staff has a lot of faith in Sheppard, so he must be at least adequate. So far in the preseason Sheppard looks to be a liability on defense. Morrison has been around for a while now in the NFL so he provides the D with some veteran leadership, but I believe Moats will steal his starting job shortly after the start of the season.[EDITED] Moats has already over taken the starting spot. Our other linebackers will play a significant role on special teams. Scott will be the nickel backer. Grade: D+ [GRADE REDUCED] Barnett Sheppard Morrison Carder Moats Bradham Scott DB(8) I have some concerns with this unit, but at the same time they can be special. Aaron Williams needs to get better. I don't agree with the majority of the board when it comes to AW. I thought he sucked last year, but he was a rookie and that's to be expected, EXCEPT when it comes to Gilmore. Stephon is ready to make a difference on this D as of now. The kid can play. he will get tested early and often, my bet is teams will start avoiding him well before mid-season. McKelvin is the X factor here. Call me hard headed but I still have faith in him, if he can just learn to play the ball while it's in the air. Rogers and Brooks have some promise. I love our safety tandem of Wilson and Byrd. Especially Byrd! Like he may play his way out of Buffalo, this year, that good!! I don't know if we'll be able to fit him under our cap next season. Our secondary will benefit greatly from our improved pass rush. Grade: B- [GRADE UNCHANGED] Williams Gilmore Byrd Wilson Brooks McKelvin Rogers Searcy K/P(3) Grade: A- [GRADE UNCHANGED] Lindell Potter [EDITED] Potter has been magnificent on kickoffs. He's a lock to make the roster and to be active every week. Moorman
  17. Fun fact about Bruce Smith. He has never led the NFL in sacks for the season. Hell, he never even led the AFC for that matter. Back to your question. No, Mario will not break Bruce's Buffalo Bills record of 19 sacks. Sure, he's playing on the left side and he's playing with better talent on the DL, but MW is no Bruce Smith. BS had the advantage of playing on a faster surface than MW and the Bills usually had big leads forcing the opponent to be one dimensional. He should come close though.
  18. Put him on the PUP list. If he isn't ready and able to contribute by week six then IR him.
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