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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I've never been so embarrassed to be a Bills fan in my whole life. That being said the Bills leaving Buffalo would be the worst day of my life.
  2. The defensive players are not to blame here, fellas. The defensive gameplan is. The turnovers put our defense in a bad position. They spent way too much time on the field Sunday. You will never beat even a bad team with six turnovers. Things aren't as bad as they seem. My biggest concern from the game against the Pats going forward are the offensive line injuries. Not the defense. We held New England to seven points for a little over a half and forced more three and outs than NE is used to. This isn't a bad defense, we just have to gameplan better snd show more resiliency when times get tough.
  3. Buffalo's defensive problems are quite obvious. It's not a personnel issue, it's a philosophical issue. We need to be more proactive than reactive. We need to dictate how the game goes, not the other way around. This whole notion of "pick your poison" is the most defeatist attitude any coach can have. You mustn't automatically assume that a team will hurt you via pass or run before the game even starts. For example, the Bills lined up in nickel and dime defenses the whole game out of respect, or should I say fear, of Tom Brady's passing ability only to see the ground game pummel us and make Brady even more dangerous through the air. This type of philosophy hurts you even more in the end. We need to line up in our 4-3 defense on all running downs. When it's an obvious passing down then you may trot out your nickel and dime packages. And it wouldn't hurt to throw in a blitz every now and then. If there's a positive we can take out of all this is our problems can easily be remedied. A change in philosophy is the only thing that's needed. I'm not in the camp of people that believe things are as bad as they seem. Our defense played a good game until the fourth quarter and most of the blame for the Pats' point production falls squarely on turnovers, defensive philosophy and a weak mentality from the players. All these issues are correctable. The first thing we need to do is solve the turnover issue. Chan needs to quit using the empty backfield formation. We're a team that can run the ball effectively and should use our running game as a decoy when we want to pass. Utilize play action a lot more. Play small ball. Play to Fitzy's strengths. Short and intermediate passes only. Use the screen pass to death. Swing passes as well. Get the ball into CJ and Freddie's hands as much as possible. Take time off the clock and shorten the game. This will reduce Ryan's INT's. I already addressed the defensive philosophy issues, but will sum it up again. Blitz more. Be more proactive. Use Mark Anderson on passing downs only. Use Scott the same way as Mark. Press coverage should be utilized all game long. Easy fix, right? And now on to the last issue which is the hardest one of them all to remedy. The fragile mentality of our players. This is no easy fix. Losing is engrained into the minds of our players. The only way to change that is to bring in some real leadership on the field and on the sideline as well. This team is devoid of leadership. Not one man on the whole team grabs a teammate by the face mask and demand accountability. If I'm Chan Gailey I'd take this responsibilty upon myself to fill that role and have a meeting with a couple of the team's best players and also demand the same from them. Don't be afraid to rattle a few cages. In the end, winning cures all, but first we need to identify the issues that plague this team and make some changes. We have the talent, now we have to fulfill its potential.
  4. Justin Houston had three sacks vs the Saints, too. The Bills O-Line has been dominant. Lets just hope we can keep them together. Wolf pack 4 Life!!!
  5. This is directed at those that say I'm "incapable" of having a debate on this subject. I just love how you guys make blanket statements like that without actually backing it up.
  6. Still dancing. Typical. Listen here, numbnuts, you don't know half of what you think you know. You even tried to school me on the Palestinian/Israeli issue even though you haven't lived it or experienced it, like me and my family have. Now you're telling me I'm incapable of having a debate on whether Islam is or isn't responsible for the violence in the ME? Come on, man! Don't pretend to know more about Islam than I do, okay? Because you don't. You even searched the web for some lines in the Quran without specifying the context of those lines. That doesn't make you an expert on Islam. That makes you a fraud. You have never read the Quran or even visited a mosque, so what do you really know about MY religion. Nothing!
  7. You're somebody's b^*%h. You joined in on something that didn't concern you, Clone. Hangin' on Tom's nut-sack like LeBron James on a rim.
  8. You're the one going all Kevin Costner, like you're a bodyguard or something. Stay out of it. He calls people idiot all the time and that's okay? No, it's not. He deserved what he got. Keep acting like his clone and you'll get some, too.
  9. You can't/won't answer the question either, Tom. There are plenty of predominantly Christian embassies in the middle east and none of them are presently under attack. I understand that Islam is both politics and religion. You don't have to tell me that. 3rd already mentioned that before you anyways. That still doesn't answer the question. Why aren't other embassies under attack? You really should get into politics, though, because you sound just like a politician (not a compliment, btw). You dance around questions like Ali in his prime and pretend to be some sort of genius. Like I said before, you're the smartest kid on the short bus. A fugazy. A fake, A fraud. What are you doing on a Bills message board talking about politics anyways, you should hang with your own kind. Go talk politics with people that love that crap like we love the Bills. You won't though, would you? You'd have your lunch handed to you, won't you? So you come out here and flex your muscles and call people names. Quit standing on your soap box like you're better than everyone else, because you're not. Your sh*t is getting old. Even? Damn, 3rd, I thought we were making some progress, now you want to start with the insults? Let's just focus on D**kC**t Tom. We have a common enemy.
  10. But you're implying it's religion motivated. Now it sounds nationality related. Which isn't any better but still, it's not about religion. Game, set, match.
  11. Not a good enough answer. Their religion and government so intertwined? Give me a break. Why aren't they attacking other embassies? Answer that. If the attacks are motivated by religion than shy aren't other countries' embassies attacked? Are you suggesting the Americans are the only predominantly Christian embassies over there?
  12. Thanks for not answering my last question. I figured that much. That question had you beat, plain and simple. Your 21% stat is horse****. The other 79% are white. As far as people killing their own moms, you know the deal, look it up. No sex with women so they'll have it with young boys, somehow making it okay? Sure, whatever. Camel sex? Lol! How many Americans own dogs and a jar of peanut butter? Lol! That was just a joke, I couldn't help myself.
  13. I'm trying to ignore your question because I already answered it a while back. This time I'll keep it short. Ordinary, moderate citizens don't have what it takes to stand up to the radicals. Using your logic, all non drug using citizens of the USA should stand up to drug dealers, too, right? Why do white Americans kill their own mothers more than any other race? Why are the vast majority of serial killers white? What is it about being catholic that make men butt rape young children? They have that one common denominator, right? The Middle East is full of muslims. Murders are taking place in the middle east. What more can I tell you? Barring a couple of attacks by a microscopic amount of muslims on US soil, we aren't under attack. What we need to do is get the hell out of the middle east and take our money with us. We have enough problems of our own, here, anyways. Why are we always intervening with their crap? Just like the House of Pain said, "the time has come to clean up your own backyard". Like I said before, these people's motives are strictly POLITICAL, not religious. To take it even further, if the attacks are religion driven they why is the US embassies the only ones under assault? If you answer only one of my questions this is the one I want answered the most.
  14. I guess you can say the writers of the Quran got real lucky saying the Jews and Christians are allies, huh? After all these years, too. I'm not going to pretend that there aren't some things in the Quran that are extreme, because there are. Same can be said about the Old Testament and the Talmud, right?
  15. I'm no imam. I can't quote the Quran word for word. I guess I shouldn't have used the term "quote", but everything I said is from the teachings of Islam. You get the jist of it, right? 3rd wants me to avoid the teachings of the Quran and go by what's happening in that part of the world and I simply can't. Those radicals misrepresent the religion. Let me elaborate on the misconstrued notion that Muslims must kill infidels when they see them. That's not what the Quran said. Violence is only permitted in Islam for defense purposes only. We'll continue this discussion later. Game time!! Go Bills!!!!
  16. Infidels: nothing Jizya: Don't know much about that. That's a government thing. Not religious. Muslims are only required to give to the poor if they have the means. Violence: Same can be said about Americans. Jihad: The same ones that abuse the religion and misinterpret it for their own political gain. I have to quote the Quran. You're blaming the religion instead of the people.
  17. The Bills have a rule where they can only grieve a loss or celebrate a win within 24 hours of the game. I've decided to express my emotions pre and post game every week, in one word. Since I missed week one I'll post them now. Feel free to add your own. Week 1 @Jets Pre: excited. Post: disappointed. Week 2 vs Chiefs Pre: hopeful.
  18. For those of you that blame the religion of Islam for the brutal killings by the savage radicals, I challenge you to provide verses in the Quran that back your claim. To save you some time, I will point out the Islam haters' favorite plays in their playbook and dispel it. 1. MYTH: Christians and Jews are considered infidels. They must die. FACT: Infidels are atheists. Christians and Jews are known as "people of the book" and regarded as "fellow believers". 2. MYTH: Suicide bombers get 72 virgins. FACT: Suicide is known as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey. As a matter of fact there's a verse in the Quran that states, Save a life, save all of humanity--Take a life, kill all of humanity. 3. MYTH: Women in Islam are below man. FACT: The Quran states both that men and women are equal,but also, as in 4:34, that "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard." Although the Quran does say this, the superiority of men is interpreted in terms of strength by the context. I'll give you this though, men routinely abuse their rights over women in the Middle East, but it's not because of what the Quran states. It's more of a cultural thing than a religious thing. 4. MYTH: Islamic Jihad means holy war. FACT: WRONG!!! Islamic Jihad is a struggle from within to be a better person. So, there you go. I just gave you more examples from the Quran in one small post they some of you have in this whole thread. Try topping that.
  19. Yes, we can speak frankly. I'm not gonna blow myself up taking you with me.LOL! Oil will always be of use and in demand. Period. But I do agree with everything else. The problem here is every single regime in the middle east is corrupt. moderate Muslims are rarely seen and rarely heard from. Those are the facts. They'll never step in, because they simply can not. Hell, every government on earth is corrupt, why do you expect their's to be any different? Bob Marley said it best, "people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off..." Just look at the economic warfare that has been waged against the American people by their own government. The question you have to ask yourself is this. Are those countries a threat to anyone else? No, they're not and never will be as long as we keep an eye on them for nukes. The whole middle east's infrastructure can be destroyed in a weekend and you know it. There are far worse things going on in the world than the middle east. Our focus and attention is in the wrong place.
  20. This isn't my all-time list. 1. Daniel Tosh 2. Doug Stanhope 3. Bill Burr
  21. As you know, I myself am a Muslim, so I don't share your feelings when it comes that religion. Here's the deal. Muslims aren't allowed to put a face on prophets. Not Muhammad. Not Jesus. Not Moses. None of them. It is highly forbidden. There aren't any Family Guy or South Park type shows over there like there is here disrespecting Jesus, because, believe it or not, Muslims hold Jesus in high regard. For the record, I don't condone violence against those that do. If everyone can just mind their own damn business and let the Almighty deal with it we'd all be better off, but that's never going to happen.
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