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Everything posted by Justice

  1. The US has their hands full at the moment. Our military would be over-extended and because of our poor economy Americans would not support a war on Iran. Israel is the one that needs to handle that business, but they won't because they're pussified. Besides, Israel over-does it in their "defense" of their nation from the bottle rockets being launched at them. I can kill more people with a car than those 1,000 rockets.
  2. The aggressor? Do your eyes deceive you? Or maybe common logic.
  3. Regardless, Gaza is packed in with people. You can't compare Gaza to Tel Aviv or any other major metropolis in the world. The reason I say that is because these people can't even leave. They're stuck there. BIG difference.
  4. This is Gaza we're talking about, right? The most densely populated place on earth, right?
  5. Congratulations to Israel, by the way, they just created thousands of new terrorists. Good job. And the cycle continues.
  6. Egypt simply doesn't want to get on Israel's bad side. Intent? Are you kidding me? They have slaughtered over 100 Palestinians and you want to talk to me about intent? Lift the blockade and then see if the attacks continue, which they most likely will, but nonetheless, lift it and then close it again if you have to. No matter what you tell me I still believe the Israelis are cowards. Plain and simple. They have 75k soldiers on stand-by for little old Gaza? Pu***es. I'm not saying Hamas is blameless, either, because they are. But Israel continues to point the finger at Iran and they do nothing to them. The cowards are waiting on Big Bro to do the real fighting for them. Cowards.
  7. What's a Palestine/Israel debate without NJ? If what you're saying is true, 3rd, then that makes Israel nothing more than a bunch of spineless cowards. Go attack Iran. Have some balls instead of lining up your tanks against a people without an army. Oh the horror, oh the terror for the poor Israelis. I laugh everytime the media shows pictures/videos of them being so terrified of those pathetic bottle rockets that Hamas launches at them. Over a 1000 rockets launched and only three deaths? Yeah, that's some serious artillery. The Palestinians have experienced far more terror in one week than the Israelis have faced in the last five years combined. Lift the blockade, Israel. What are you afraid of?
  8. Gyp has been a great addition to the show. Made me forget about James Darmody.
  9. Wannstache already said Brooks will only see time on special teams.
  10. I couldn't disagree more. Our offensive line, when healthy, is ELITE. And we should be back to 100% by this week or next at the latest.
  11. I wouldn't mind Wade Phillips or Perry Fewell.
  12. 1. Head Coach 2. QB 3. DC 4. LBers 5. Secondary 6. DL 7. WR 8. P 9. Ralph Wilson 10. Nix How do you rank 'em?
  13. Gailey needs to resign ASAP. Wannstedt can take over the head coaching duties and appoint one of his assistants to DC. This can help our team in many ways. We need a coach that is dedicated to the run and Wannstedt loves to run the ball. This move kills two birds with one stone. We get rid of the pass happy coach in favor of a running coach and maybe the next DC can figure out how to blitz. Just my 2 cents.
  14. The very best Offensive Line in the NFL, when healthy, resides in Western New York and will soon be back to 100%. I can't wait to see Cordy Glenn and Kraig Urbik back on the field. These guys are elite. Cordy Glenn looks like a young Orlando Pace. This kid has it all. Size, strength, athleticism, and balance. Our line is clearly better when #77 is on the field. He looks like he can be Nix's best selection ever and that's saying something! Byrd, Spiller and Dareus provide stiff competition. (Spiller started off slow, that's the only reason why I ranked Glenn higher.) Urbik is a road grader and he's stout in pass-pro, as well. The Bills have been handcuffed by their injuries on the line, specifically at the RG position where the drop off is most glaring. Urbik will solidify that area and help the running game immensely. Wood and Levitre are highly talented at their respective positions. Wood isn't even all the way back to being 100%, yet. He can get even better! Levitre is technically sound in every way. But there is one move the Bills need to make in order to become elite as a unit. Hairston needs to takeover Pears' spot at RT. Hairston is made to be a right tackle. Pears hasn't been playing all that well and Hairston is definitely holding his own on the left. Physically, he's more suited to play the right. If Chan Gailey is smart he'd make this move as soon as Cordy returns. Glenn and Urbik might be back week 8, after the bye. They'll be back to form by week 10, for sure. Just in time for the stretch run, including 3 December home games. We control our own destiny as of now and we can take over first place in the division if we dedicate ourselves to the running game. CJ and Freddie are the best offensive weapons we have and Fitzy is a liability. It's a no-brainer. If Gailey can't see that then we need to bring someone in that can.
  15. One could only wish he'll be a Thomas Smith. I loved that guy. Couldn't catch worth a damn, but boy can he cover.
  16. First Jeter, now Ray Ray. Boy, the sports gods have no heart this year.
  17. Looks like Mario Williams might be a bust with the Bills in year one of his tenure, but will turn it around next year. This is just my opinion, but I can't see #94 being an all out bust. Maybe he just got a little complacent and content with all the money he just received after missing the majority of last season. Maybe his game isn't back. I don't know. But I do believe he will respond to the challenge and become a dominant player again, as he did in the past. Mario has shown that he had the ability to bounce back. When he was a rookie he struggled mightily and a lot of people started calling him a bust. They were proven wrong and hopefully history repeats itself.
  18. Per Bills text. Kelsey and Moore time. Can't be any worse than what we had.
  19. Pats change their identity in one offseason. They go from a passing team with no defense to a running team with a D overnight and here we 12 years later and we still can't figure this crap out. Frustrating.
  20. I know it's hard, but we as fans have to take on this mentality. It's just a game. If they win, great. If they lose, so what.
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