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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Okay, okay. I submit. Hamas is an elite fighting machine. They should be in the same ring as Israel. If this were pay per view they wouldn't even be as highly regarded as Peter McNeeley. They didn't all land in empty fields. Some did hit an actual target. No real damage. Rhetoric vs reality. Period!
  2. 80% of them were knocked down. The other 300 plus? Pop goes the weasel. Nothing. Bottle rockets!!
  3. My neighborhood over there has seen much worse. Like a car accident. You didn't just say that!!! Lol!! Five!!! That number is too high!! Lol! More people die on the 4th from sparklers. Give me a break! Thousands launched and only 5 deceased and you're still trying to convince me that those weapons are the bees knees? Whatever.
  4. They'd be laughed out of their skull and crossbones gatherings if they did use them. They wouldn't be able to show their faces in public again.
  5. As I've stated time and time again and I'll say it once more. Those weapons are a joke. They're an unsophisticated, meager, pathetic joke. If they weren't we would've seen the damage ad nauseaum. Just like the M80 that went off in that bus.
  6. You know how I know those weapons are a joke? The US and the Israelis wouldn't be caught dead using them. And I'm the pea brain...
  7. Accurate or not. Those weapons are a joke. The ones that hit in actual residences did very little damage.
  8. You're name is a typo, right? You were supposed to have a "P" there instead of a "C". That's not what I'm saying. Not at all. Did you see the video of the Israelis taking out that car that had Hamas members in it? Well that's the proper way to handle the situation. Everything else is just sheer brutality.
  9. Their weapons are a joke. Period. The ones that landed and the ones that got deflected. If they weren't, the media would be constantly shoving that footage in our faces.
  10. No. What I'm trying to say is the word "sophisticated" and those rockets shouldn't be mentioned together.
  11. Once again, Reality vs Rhetoric. You love to accept and embrace the rhetoric. Those were bottle rockets. They caused bottle rocket type damage. If they weren't many more people would've died. BTW. I'm referring to the rockets that actually hit. Not the ones taken out by the Iron Dome missle defense system.
  12. A humanitarian office responsible for getting food to the people of Gaza has just been hit by Israel.
  13. I never said it was right. I do not support terrorism. I do not support the targeting of civilians.
  14. Remember what I said yesterday about congratulating Israel for creating new terrorists? Well, it looks like I was right, a bus was bombed in Tel Aviv today. First time in a looonnnnggg time. I wanted someone else to say it. Remember, I was the one that posed that question repeatedly. Why would I do that if I wanted to answer the question myself? It's not the only thing, but it is one of the major reasons.
  15. Sure, the lobbyists in Washington DC have nothing to do with it. Keep telling yourself that. In the meantime, the tail will continue to wag the dog.
  16. SS and whatever else they have coming? Coming? What if they already have it? Did that ever cross your mind? And I guess my parents would be the first ones to ever gain citizenship in the US, live here for 40+ years, and then move back to their native land.
  17. That's not necessarily true. Treated poorly? Yes. Worse? Hell no.
  18. I have no idea. Jordan, I believe. Not sure, though.
  19. Did you see the video of Israel taking out that car with members of Hamas in it? Now that was an adequate response. The rest is unnecessary brutality. They were born in the West Bank.
  20. 1. It's pretty clear what I said there. 2. Sarcasm.
  21. My parents. They're to blame. That's who. Hopefully you are right, but that isn't going to happen.
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