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Everything posted by Justice

  1. And for the millionth time. If someone took your land wouldn’t some of your people form a group similar to Hamas? Wouldn’t they resist? Why don’t you try to have a little bit of integrity instead of being a ****? No, idiot, that’s not me. And @sherpa please STFU and get up off your knees. While the IDF is prancing around in people’s lingerie and sharing it on social media maybe, just maybe, you’d see those videos and pictures and come to the realization these aren’t good people. Morons.
  2. Don’t think I didn’t know I was temporarily suspended briefly in May. I’m leaving on my own terms. But before I go though I’d like to send a big ***** you to Doc, Sherpa and yall. ***** all 3 of you. Sherpa you’re the biggest dick rider I’ve ever seen you ***** ****. Yeah they don’t need us or our billions you stupid little B word! You’re a joke. You 3 support rapists, thieves, and murderers. ***** you all. Suck a bag of *****. Now ban me you ***** ass *****. Been nice not knowing you *****. Bye, *****
  3. Your mind has been made. Nothing I can do about to change it. I will say this though if the roles were reversed you wouldn’t be nearly as understanding as I am. I’ve stated several times I don’t mind a one state solution and that one state can be called Israel. I have recognized their right to exist. I have condemned Oct 7th. I have condemned Hamas. I appreciate all the fine Jewish people out there that are standing side by side with those of us that crave peace and equality. I’ve said all that several times here. My father and mother left after the war in 67 and weren’t allowed to be citizens of the place they grew up in. They needed a visa to enter a country they were raised in! Let that sink in! Would you be as understanding and sympathetic if the roles were reversed?
  4. I guess we disagree on that then. Money is money. It’s spent. It’s gone. It’s not being used on us. That money could’ve been used elsewhere and it still would have remained here. You can’t sugarcoat $95b when our infrastructure needs work, the borders, healthcare, housing costs, inflation, etc Those weapons have to be replaced, too. And I bet those weapons are overpriced too. Good for the weapons manufacturers and their stock holders. F the average joe.
  5. Can you expand on this? I know I can look it up for myself so I understand if you don’t want to. Are we buying our own weapons and giving it to them with that money? If that’s the case that’s not good either.
  6. We have a lot to do with what Iran became… no?
  7. Ain’t that something?. My response to you is under your quote and you’re asking me if I told you to go over there and fight? Lol. Isn't the response always under the quote, genius? I never claimed to be brilliant, anyways. Out of curiosity where did you almost go to fight? Palestine? Poor little Palestine. No army, navy, Air Force. That place? Lol
  8. What I can’t hate a government and their policies? Really? Come on!! See here we go again with that BS. Who did I hate? Tell me? Because it isn’t the Jewish people that I hate. It isn’t Israelis that I hate. Who? Tell me. I’d love to hear it.
  9. Man y’all are straight clowns. When are YOU going over there to fight? You guys don’t answer my questions and I’m the joke? I leave you speechless. I thought I ***** did. I mentioned which countries is getting it and how much. I really dgaf how they spend it. I just know it’s not staying here.
  10. The about $60b to Ukraine, 25 to Israel and 8 to Taiwan off the top of my head I know it’s not going to our own borders
  11. Lol with a handle like his it makes sense lol
  12. You really don’t think outside the box huh. They could’ve and should’ve rejected that ridiculous bill handing $95b to foreign countries and demanded we secure our border first! The right wing is responsible for this just as much. No foreign aid until we take care of our own issues #AmericaLast. Now that dimwit Biden wants to increase the capital gains inheritance tax to 47%. ***** off Biden you senile B word
  13. Exactly. There isn’t any blue or red when it comes to them it’s just purple. The one thing they all agree on. Why? Who knows? Maybe some Epstein island ***** or maybe it’s all that lobbyist money paying off both sides. How this is legal is beyond me. We’ve been infiltrated. Netanyahu on US television talking about protests that are happening in our country! This is not ok! He fails to mention plenty of those people protesting are JEWISH. He can do that so he can claim antisemitism. He sits there and lies to our faces and the sheep just eat it up. What the f happened to the US???
  14. You see this is the problem with you right wing government supporters. You’re backing a regime that’s the enemy of freedom. Conservatives? They’re running through our tax dollars for foreign nations while leaving our borders wide open and you all sit there like the cucks you are!! They’re protecting other people’s borders while ignoring our own! And this is what you support?!! Have your heads examined.
  15. Oh stfu with that bull####. Through it all I raise my kids to not hate anyone just so I can come here and listen to this *****? Plenty of Jewish people are protesting alongside the pro Palestinians you moron. Explain that!!!! And that right wing government doesn’t represent Jewish people.
  16. You never had any sympathy to begin with. You think it’s totally fine for Palestinian people to live their one and only life in an open air prison. And you want them to like it too. Oct 7th was horrible but it’s been Oct 7th everyday for 200 days in Gaza but you don’t care because you’re a horrible, despicable human being without a heart. For all you bigots here you need to realize one very simple thing and that is Israel needs to give equal rights to every single person in Israel. No more of this West Bank and Gaza *****. Make it one state. Hyphenate that B word if you have to. Or it can just be called Israel and let MFers see the beach for once. the people that live there, that I’ve spoken to, only want 67 borders No I won’t take my crusade somewhere else. I don’t have to listen to you. I hope we lose the US one day soon so you will finally understand what it feels like to be Palestinian. At what length would you go to fight for your country to get it back if you lost it? And Israel is equally as vile as Hamas. You can’t see that you’re just a ***** bigot. Netanyahu the ***** criminal was elected too you, dumb B word.
  17. attaboy! That’s a good doggy. Honestly man you Israel supporters are some of the dumbest MFers to ever walk the face of the earth. How do you function day to day? Do your toilets come with an owners manual? How about your door knobs? I can see why there’s a warning label on plastic bags.
  18. Bye bye to another $95b. We deserve every ounce of ***** that’s coming our way. SMH.
  19. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwJhgQX/ Many will have to come to grips with this on this site.
  20. My favorite is the vomit emoji. The walking dead around here love using that one along with the eyeroll emoji lol
  21. They will respond and it won’t be pretty. Iran messed up.
  22. I love how they’re calling it an unprovoked attack. I also love it how their social media mouth pieces are going around saying the Sydney stabbing were done by an Islamist and was a terrorist attack even though he wasn’t. Lying is like breathing to these MFers. In the west bank the settlers are burning down homes, murdering Palestinians and even killing their livestock. Not a peep from you zios on here. You’re all morally bankrupt. Fake ass MFers.
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