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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. I mean, the pre-game shows started at 11:00 am, might as well start the game thread early too.
  2. That is great marketing!
  3. https://26shirts.com/collections/special-edition-be-good
  4. I'll be watching, and here's why. I'll be on this here website at the same time. The commentary will be priceless.
  5. I think it's time to let Douglas walk. We can do better in Free Agency for not that much more than what it would cost to keep Douglas.
  6. Douglas is far from our best CB.
  7. I bought a $35 one from eBay, and it lasted 4 months before the rollers got bent. I recommend a higher quality one. You get what you pay for.
  8. The End by Pepper Palace. 6 Million Scoville heat.
  9. I'd say 99.999% compatible. There's a couple of quirky things that Google throws in, but all-in-all pretty much the same.
  10. You should have seen ravioli the first time I made it. Tasted great, looked like maxi pads (Unused).
  11. Dump the 2 cups of flour on a cutting board or any solid surface that's not dirty. Take the flat end of the cup, and make a divot in the center of the flour. Kinda like the crater of a volcano. Crack the eggs, and put the yolk and whites in the crater. Same with the olive oil and spices. Take a fork and whisk the eggs and stuff, while gently taking some flour in the whisking process. Take off all rings, and begin to kneed the remaining flour in your center mixture. Until you have a ball of dough. (Usually takes me about 10 to 15 minutes). Have some extra flour on hand if the dough is too moist, and a small cup of water to dip your fingers into, if the dough is too floury or dry. Wrap the kneaded dough in plastic wrap, and let it sit and get happy in the fridge for 30 minutes to an hour. Cut the dough into 4 equal pieces. Take the first piece and flatten it with a rolling pin. Then take that piece of dough and roll it through the widest setting of the pasta maker (usually 0). Do that twice, then lower the width by two steps, and run the dough through twice each time. I usually go 0,2,4,6. Then it's thin enough but not too thin to go through the cutting piece to cut the rolled dough to make pasta. Repeat with the other 3 pieces of dough left.
  12. Buy from local farmers. They're immune to Trump tax. Edited Flour just for you.
  13. Tush push for 2 yards.
  14. Mine is: 2 cups of flower flour (courtesy of @ExiledInIllinois) 3 eggs 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Healthy amounts of ground Garlic, Italian Seasoning, and Basil. To me, the most important thing to have when making homemade pasta is a great pasta roller. My wife gave me one, imported from Italy, and it is great. (Marcato Atlas Roller 180) Anyone have any different recipes that bring out the flavor?
  15. Actually, any computer around $600 will do the job for you. Don't concern yourself with specs. Most new computers are solid right out of the box. As for an Office type program that's not a subscription, Google's suite (Docs, Sheets, etc). Very similar to the Office Suite, for free.
  16. My wife and I strongly considered joining one, until we found that we could get everything offered in the program at the local farmers market and community co-op market. Saved a bit of money in the process as we only bought what we needed for a particular time.
  17. I'm hoping Canada cuts all power supply to the US at about 5:30 pm.
  18. Good college success. Can this finally translate to the NFL?
  19. I'm seeing all these post in really large text. So here's a post in really tiny text. My wife can relate to parts of me being really tiny.
  20. I have a thing for the Toyota girl
  21. I have about 10 different hot sauces in my fridge. All of various textures and heat. From one pepper mild to the 3rd hottest hot sauce sold in the US. My DJ friend kept talking about Crystal Hot Sauce from Louisiana. You'll find it in most restaurants in New Orleans. I ordered a 32 oz bottle ($4 for the bottle, $15 for the shipping). It is the PERFECT hot sauce! I can't remember the last time I've used any of the other hot sauces in my fridge. Crystal is that good.
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