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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. My stepson who's in 5th grade gets a week for President's Day, and a week at Easter. (Bay Area, California).
  2. Someone is downloading them for me, then burning me a copy. I should be getting them abouts the middle of February.
  3. www.rushmessageboard.com - Mine www.oakball.net - Oakland A's
  4. http://www.nbc4.tv/slideshow/4130829/detai...l?qs=;s=1;w=320
  5. Just reported that the Metrolink Commuter Train collided with a Union Pacific Train.
  6. Commuter Train Derails In Glendale January 26, 2005, 6:42 AM PST GLENDALE -- At least one and possibly two Metrolink commuter trains derailed this morning in the Los Angeles suburb of Glendale. There's no word yet on the numbers of people injured. Firefighters were searching through the wreckage at this hour. Fire crews on the ground are reporting that there are fatalities. Television reports showed smoke coming from twisted wreckage at the scene of the crash, where two separate trains could be seen derailed. The derailment happened near San Fernando Road and Chevy Chase Boulevard. Copyright © 2005, KTLA On the Fox Affiliate I'm watching this morning, this is about 6 miles north of Dodger Stadium
  7. 3 cars jumped the tracks during morning commute, and from the break-in's they are having in the Bay Area here, it doesn't look good. One car looks just destroyed.
  8. That first week was the most amazing, whirlwind week, I will ever have at any job. I started on a Monday, contracted to be the Administrative Assistant to the V.P. of Ticket Sales, Jeff Eisenberg. Just being in the Aud on a daily basis, was amazing. On Tuesday, Doug Moss had the new jersey unvailing for all the employees. I happened to stand next to Don Luce, and he said the absolute single most hilarious thing I ever heard. Moss mentioned that he wanted to create a uniform that kept Buffalo's culture and tradition. Luce leans over, and says, "If that's the case, a Pierogi would be the crest, and kitty willows would be the shoulder patch!" When the jersey's were unvailed, Muckler wanted to have someone put on the new uniform, as it was the first time he saw it too. When he saw Buffalo Sabres written on the pants, he was none too pleased. (Said it was too large, and it took away from the rest of the uniform). Wednesday I saw the Sabres play the Senators from the press box. One of the guys took a sticker to the box where Gerry would blow the fog horn after all the goals. When media would walk by to see what the new logo looks like, most of the replies were, "We have no idea". Guys like Jennerate, Local media, would be invited in to see the sticker on the inside of the door. Thursday for the Jersey unvailing, no one expected the crowd that turned out. That was the buzz around the offices. How many folks turned out for the unvailing. Friday, watching the Bandits win the MILL Championship from the Zamboni enterance. That was amazing, but more amazement was about to come in a couple of days. The best part about that night was that really hot chick I had in my car from the MILL, going to Channel 7 to have tape uploaded to satellite for ESPN. We showed her the tape of the jersey unvailing, and she was quite impressed. I would love to say that I had incredible sex with her, but no (sadly. She was just one of the best looking females I've ever seen!) Saturday. Goo Goo Dolls/Bush at the Aud. As a bunch of us were sitting in the press box, we get invites to the late Crawdaddy's for a private party with the Adams Family. Well, it was a private party for the Dolls. All those guys are just the nicest! The drummer and I talked Rush for half the night! Sunday, final game at the Aud. I was asked to take the banners from the players as they skated off the ice. What was significant about that, was that the banners from the 70's were on lead pipes! Each of those pipes had to weigh about 200-300 pounds. I had lost my balance helping to carry one of those, and ilterally pinned LaFontaine against the lower gold bleachers. I apologized, about 100 times in 10 seconds. Pat just gave me a dirty look, and then laughed and told me I needed to work out. Before the game, Jenneratte was sitting in the offices, and someone asked him if he would take one of the old sound baffles over to the Arena. Rick replies by saying there is so much smoke and crap in those things, that one more year with those baffles would kill him, without a doubt! One of the best moments about that final game was... http://www.rushmessageboard.com/images/aud.jpg That night was a NHL Hall of Fame party. Standing between Craig Ramsey and Marcel Dionne waiting to get a drink. Sitting in the Upper Golds with Tom Shue for over an half an hour, going over our Aud memories. Hearing Barry Buetel go off on stupid radio callers. Seeing Larry Playfair attempt to pull the No Smoking sign off the wall. That was just an amazing scene. From there, I just did my job. At the end of July, I was approached to be one of the move captains from the Aud to the Arena. My job was to package up all the video in Sabres History. All of the video in the early days were on BETA (or something that was much larger than VHS). Of course, they had a player, so I would pack some tapes listening to the Test For Echo (Rush) Radio special on 97 Rock, then stop to watch a game from something like '73. One almost incredible moment happened because of a cruise Moss arranged for the employees in July. They had this Reggae band play on the Miss Buffalo. Me having played bass for about 10 years to that point, asked if I could join in. From that picture above, it looks like I definately have no soul, what-so-ever. When I joined in, I had nearly the entire organization standing around, basically in amazement. Jennifer Smith stopped me in the executive offices the next day, and told me I am waisting my talent, that I needed to play bass full time. (Each time I try to play YYZ though, I know she's a total lier!) Jennifer a week later, asked me to submit names of individuals to write a new theme song for Sabres broadcasts. I submitted 3 names. One was a local studio owner in Buffalo. One was Jerry Livingston, former bass player with Rick James whom I studied bass with for 6 months, and one was Jim Burgess, who owns Saved By Technology in Toronto, and has done extensive work with Rush. In further conversations I had with Jim, he asked me how serious the Sabres were about this, and I told him that they were quite serious. Then Jim tells me that he was handing the project over to Geddy Lee, and Geddy actually wrote a song for Sabres Broadcasts. But then we see how the organization worked, where literally at the last moment, Moss and Co. said there wasn't enough in the budget to have a big budget theme song, and went with the lowest bidder. Leading up to the first game against the Maple Leafs, the ticket office put out the call to the organization for help getting the season ticket packages out to all those who ordered. Myself an another lady were the only two to volunteer. The hours that week were 7 am to 1, 2 am. It was !@#$ing exhausting! On Thursday before the opening game, I was asked to walk in every section of the Arena to make sure that the rows were numbered right. Sounds like a stupid excersize, until when I went to the 300's, and every row from row 7 on up was labled wrong! Example was placards that were Row 7, Row 8, Row 15, Row 2, etc. I went down to one of the supervisors in the ticket office, and told him. He laughed at me, then I said, "No. You need to see this!" So we went up, and after seeing 3 sections of this, calls Larry Quinn immediately. Quinn comes in, looks at me right in the eyes, (The man can be quite intimidating) and says, "You better be right about this". After seeing 4 sections, he immediately calls someone, and just starts yelling and screaming. This is all going on about midnight. At 2am, you have about 5 guys working to number the rows and aisles correctly. I did get the reward of my life. On September 20th (I think), the Friday before the first game, the then Ticket office coordinator, John Sinclar, calls me into his office, and closes the door. He asks me if I am a Rush fan. Now he knew the answer to that question (as did everyone else I spoke with at the organization). He pulls out the seating manifest for Rush, and tells me to pick my seats! That was my nephew's first concert, and seeing Geddy Lee front row center wasn't all too bad! I thought I was going to remain with the club, but when Jeff left to become the President of the Stallions, they replaced him with this chick who didn't know a thing about sports. I heard her comment to a season ticket holder, "So you want tickets for the Chicago Red Wings". Our personalities clashed that first game, and when I went in to work on Monday, she told me that she ended my assignment. (Stupid B word!) All-in-all, it was just fantastic!
  9. The only time my dad sat together for a game, was back in 95 or 96. It was the first game after Clint Malarchuck had his horrible injury. I never heard a more thunderous oviation for an injured player! The best part of the game was when Larry Playfair knocked out some guy on the Canucks with one punch! When we saw that, my dad and I just laughed! I was fortunate enough to get my parents tickets in the 200's of the HSBC Arena (then the Marine Midland Arena) for the first game ever. Pre-season against the Maple Leafs. Mom with her very bad back loved it. Dad said it was nice having food brought to him, but missed the Aud. If it's ok with everyone, I'll make a post about that summer. I worked for the Sabres through a contract agency during the summer of 96, and was one of the move captains from the Aud to the Arena. Tons of lifetime memories during that summer!
  10. When we drafted J.P., wasn't one of the traits that most of the Bills loved about him was that he had a swagger not seen since Jim Kelly? Once J.P. gets the understanding of the offense to just manage the game, the Bills offense will take off. He's smart enough to realize that he has Willis behind him. Let Willis do the "dirty work" if you will. If it comes down to J.P. to win a game, sure. It will not be that pretty at first, but J.P. will be able to get the job done, sooner than later.
  11. Man, this thread is great! One of my greatest memories was at the last minute, deciding with my nephew to go to game 4 of the Sabres/Canadians playoff series in '93. We got tickets in the middle of a group who bused down from Montreal. We traded verbal jabs back and forth. When Yuri Khimilov (sp) scored with 9.3 seconds to go to tie it, we all just looked at each other, and said, "This is what Hockey is supposed to be". Sure. The Canadians scored to win the series, but just watching great playoff hockey in the old barn was beautiful!
  12. My view My opinion third line
  13. Reminds me of an old joke. Little kid goes to his/her daddy. Asks, "Why do people go to heaven feet first?" The dad asks why the child would think this, and the child responds, "Well, I heard a lot of screaming last night. When I peaked into yours and mommy's bedroom, I saw mommy on the bed with her feet in the air screaming, 'Oh God! I'm Coming!' She would have gone too if you were not on top of her daddy!"
  14. After talking with some Raider fan friends of mine on Saturday, well... ...one of them is already getting a Moss Raiders jersey made. But, then again, a few of them were toasting champagne in the parking lot before an A's game, over the fact that they were going to draft McGahee.
  16. Anyone else notice this about Big Ben? He just looks scared! He has that lost in the fog look. He is not going to stand up to this pressure at all.
  17. Family says he passed away in his sleep this morning. R.I.P. Mr. Carson. You were truly a legend.
  18. I am somewhat considering getting a new satellite dish, but I don't want Direct TV. I like watching newscasts from other markets, and basically select what I would like to watch, not choosing what some package offers. I watched a Bills game off of Satellite about 12 years ago, and Dan Dierdorf was drunk off his ass! It was hilarious. Anyone have any ideas? Tips? etc.
  19. http://eatgoodstuff.com/strandcam/2sav.jpg Hermosa Beach, about 30 or so miles south of L.A.
  20. You want a crazy, crazy idea for a backup QB? Rich Gannon
  21. I'm very new into the BitTorrent game. I am getting this via easytree.
  22. That was before he got his lung punctured, and Tom Brady played.
  23. He won't be going anywhere outside Oakland. Not only did he sign the long-term deal, he's Al Davis' favorite player currently on the Raiders. Grandma Al can say enough about him.
  24. On my site, one of the guys who shot the video put up the torrent. He was the middle camera. Highly polished and professional release. Rush is going to be releasing an official DVD of the R30 tour, shot in Germany.
  25. I'm still working on downloading the 3 camera shoot of the first Radio City Music Hall shows from the R30 tour! (on BitTorrent)
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