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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Impliment the restriction they have for staffers on the Rose Bowl Committee, and this would end right quick! A very good friend of mine is on the Rose Bowl Committee. He had 12 tickets for this years game. I bugged the piss out of him, for one ticket. He told me about the restrictions placed upon those who get the complimentary tickets. From my understanding, they actually scan the areas where these complimentary tickets are given out. A list of names has to be submitted to the Board who gives out these tickets. If someone other than who is on the list is sitting in one of these seats, given as a gift, sold without Rose Bowl Board approval, he would loose his position on the Committee.
  2. Ok. This is gonna sound totally senseless. (Read the majority of my other posts, and it would fit!) If Soprano, or someone else who posts here, are affiliated with the Bills in a Management or on-the field capacity, it might be something to think about to put them in their own member group. Something that might identify them as a poster that can be trusted. They still will have their identity hidden. Also, if these people are getting bombarded by Private Messages which could limit their visitation, SDS can make it so that this user group would accept a limited number of private messages (as few as 1). The parties involved can also hide their email addresses. This would limit the amount of "distractions" the person would have to deal with. This would mean that if a decision is impending, be it Season Ticket Packages, etc., those involved can come here, gauge reaction, and then make a more informed decision without anything other to deal with. Only a small percentage of Bills fans are on this, or any other message board, but it is a large enough percentage to where they can make a better informed decision. I also believe that having those involved with the organization posting on a fan site only leads to better fan relations.
  3. This are all very good point. Something I probably should have thought of.
  4. I think you're sleeping with the podium.
  5. I would tend to believe that if a African-American, Hispanic, whatever his nation or origin might be, that his qualifications would far outweigh the color of his skin. This rule is nothing more than a Paul Tagliabue over reaction. A few criticised the NFL, and their lack of minority head coaches, and the NFL put in this rule, for nothing more than to appease those speaking out (which again, are in the minority). This embarasses the NFL, and those who are interviewed late in the process. Who here doesn't believe that Lofton went into the interview in Buffalo thinking to himself, "I'm nothing more than a fulfillment to a rule"?
  6. Well, if MS is hired as coach, I would have to think that Soprano would be as talented as this guy. Yeah. I admit it. I'm a Rush whore...
  7. Are you and the podium going steady?
  8. I saw Rush in the title of this thread, and got excited!
  9. MM is also gonna interview to be Ron Mexico's drinking buddy, ERRRR, Atlanta's QB coach. http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/f...120falcons.html
  10. http://www.physorg.com/news9994.html Study Reveals Dogs Can Smell Cancer in Patients' Breath General Science : January 18, 2006 A new study reported by the National Geographic has revealed that dogs can detect cancer by smelling a patient’s breath. Domestic dogs can distinguish between infected lung and breast cancer patients and healthy subjects after just a few weeks training. The study was conducted by Pine Street Foundation, a California based cancer research organization. Michael McCulloch, the lead researcher of the study team said, "Our study provides compelling evidence that cancers hidden beneath the skin can be detected simply by [dogs] examining the odors of a person's breath," When diagnosed early, a cancer patient's survival chances can be greatly improved. The new study has increased hopes for cancer patients. Dogs have the ability to detect chemical traces at a range of parts per million. Separate studies conducted by other researchers have found that trained dogs can detect skin-cancer melanomas by sniffing skin lesions. Further research is on the way to prove that trained dogs can also screen for prostrate cancer by sniffing urine. Nicholas Broffman, director of the Pine Street Foundation said, "Canine scent detection of cancer was anecdotally discussed for decades, but we felt it was appropriate to design a rigorous study that seriously investigated this topic to better evaluate its effectiveness," Lung and breast cancer patients exhale patterns of biochemical markers in their breath. "Cancer cells emit different metabolic waste products than normal cells," Broffman continued, "The differences between these metabolic products are so great that they can be detected by a dog's keen sense of smell, even in the early stages of disease." The researchers trained five dogs. After inhaling breath samples from 83 people, the dogs identified 55 lung and 31 breast cancer patients. The dogs gave a positive reply by sitting or lying down in front of a test station. The research study was between 88 and 97 percent accurate. The results remained accurate even when considering whether the lung cancer patients were current smokers. Canines' sense of smell is generally 10,000 to 100,000 times superior to that of humans. Although it is not clear what makes dogs good smellers, they have a greater convergence of neurons from the nose to the brain than humans do. Moreover, the dog brain is more devoted to the sense of smell than the human brain is. Dogs may become an indespensible part of the early cancer screening process. Copyright 2006 PhysOrg.com
  11. Just relax. It's not a big deal. I had a really HOT doctor check me "down there" during a physical. (Lime green one-piece dress, could see her wearing a garder belt through the dress, matching colored 4 inch heels). The rubber gloves end any fantasies really quick.
  12. Will the Geddy Lee Fender Jazz Fly By Night Private Jet be transformed into the teams airplane? One can only hope! Also, I heard that if Meatwad accepts the HC position, Carl will be head of security.
  13. So what you guys are saying, is that everything you read on the internet ISN'T true????
  14. I just heard on the radio, that Prime Rib said he was going to interview for the Bills job! This could be big!
  15. http://www.nypost.com/sports/61555.htm Registration is required, but here's the line. Funny stuff! Yes, it's true, Wang wants Canada's double-gold World Junior coach and two-time Islander Cup winner Brent Sutter to leave the WHL Red Deer Rebels to assume command of his entire hockey department. I happen to want Natalie Portman to leave whatever clod she's currently with to spend some quality time with me. One's as likely to happen as the other.
  16. I don't think Senator Kennedy would be questioning a ham sandwich...
  17. Hmmm... http://www.boston.com/sports/football/arti...he_hall/?page=4 Next in line? Word on the snowdrifts of Buffalo is that Levy wants to hire ex-Bill Jim Haslett to coach but Haslett wants more money than owner Ralph Wilson wants to pay. Levy also has an interest in bringing back former defensive coordinator Ted Cottrell. Haslett is not talking because he's also a candidate with the Jets, although not the leading one. A decision in New York should be made by the end of next week. The Jets will interview Patriots defensive coordinator Eric Mangini today about the opening.
  18. If the NHL should continue the roll they're on, they could surprise a lot of "critics" (nee. John Clayton). Some major network would make a silly deal to get as many NHL games on as they can, then you may have a marketing war, which would be fun! As for the NFL, my belief is that they're slow to a major change like full-time officials. That line of thinking could be their downfall.
  19. Can the Ham Sandwich ketchup with the top level NFL Teams in a short amount of time? That's the big question.
  20. I think that with the impending release of HD DVD's, you could very well see these songs then. Not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  21. BREAKING NEWS: PODIUM AT ONE BILLS DRIVE RESIGNS Orchard Park, NY. (P.U.) - The podium at One Bills Drive, has suddenly resigned it position. In a brief statement, the podium's agent, Drew Rosenhaus, said the following: "This Podium has been overworked in a short amount of time. My client deserves appropriate compensation for it's use. It's been in the spotlight three seperate times just this week, and it's had to endure the abuse of two men who's combined age is 372. The podium deserves fair compensation for the position it's been forced to endure. Obviously, the Bills are not willing to give the podium it's due, so we were left with no other choice." New Bills GM, Marv Levy, has declined to name any canadiates to replace the podium, but the leading canidate to replace the podium is Al Davis' walker. Other canidates mentioned are Katie Couric's booster seat, and Jesse Jackson's Soap Box. What could this mean???
  22. Marsha has Greg, Peter, and that little one with the pony tails around him. They are very talented, and they work well as a team. In reference to Vick, Marcus is his brother. Marsha has much better surroundings than Vick. Yet Vick might have been able to go Human Highlight Reel, and done something really, really good.
  23. Because I am a stubbron ass... Manning recognized the blitz, ran to his right. He was plain outrun. Take someone like McNabb (when healthy), Vick, et. al., they could have had the speed to outrun Porter, and improvised to a possible positive outcome. Again. I'm not saying that a more mobile QB (after reading Dax's posts, forget my first one), would have gotten away. A more mobile QB could have possibly outrun the blitz, and could have done something special.
  24. Wasn't Norwood's attempt 46 yards also? Makes Scotty look pretty good about now. Scott was only a yard or two (at best) wide. Vandejerkedit really shanked it.
  25. Bring back the "idiot kicker, getting all liquored up" quotes. [/joke]
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