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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. If it causes too much problems with others, I'll take the trade back. No biggie. This is a fantasy/mock draft for fun. (Isn't it?)
  2. Thurman with the missing helmet.
  3. Edit for question answered.
  4. List me as the Chargers also.
  5. The Saints would be willing to trade their 2nd and 3rd round pick for picks 1,3,4 or 5.
  6. Didn't look to see if it had been posted before. My bad.
  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs05/n...tory?id=2309668 For some unknown reason, this spew by Texas A&M has me really upset. Talk about nitpicking!
  8. You know, that is a good question. Her purse, ID, glasses, etc. were left in her room.
  9. Thank you to whoever cleaned up the mess that was in here earlier. Thank you for all your concerns. My wife's mom was found riding on an L.A. City Bus. The L.A. County Sheriff found her. They're bringing her back to the nursing home, where a new room is being prepared for her in the Altimezher's wing as we speak.
  10. Your dad is in my thougths and prayers. And forget those who think they're funny.
  11. My wife's mom is in a assisted living facility, right in the middle of Hollywood. (Next to the Hollywood Bowl). She suffers from dementia. She told the staff that she needed to go see her father (who has been dead for over 40 years). This is a common thing with my wife's mom. They went to check on her later this morning, and she is missing. They have closed the nursing home, and have gone through it and re-gone through it. They have checked neighboring buildings. Nothing. The fear is that she may have jumped into a cab, without her glasses, purse, coat, etc. Please keep my wife (Julie) and myself in your thoughts, prayers, etc.
  12. Challenge = Saints. (Originally said 49ers, but switching to Saints.
  13. Look at it this way. Marv, Jauron, and Fitzpatrick can have weekly get-togethers to discuss the writing stylings of War and Peace and Ayn Rand. They can also breakdown Shakespear, and incorporate more of his "lesser known" quotes into the offensive playbook. On second thought, Willis would be like, "What the f?", so nah. Not a good idea.
  14. Mike Lamb, who used to do a national radio show (Fox Sports, I think), is now on daily in Sacremento, KHTK. He was commenting on the hiring of Jauron, and said it was a very good fit for Buffalo. He believed that Jauron is the best coach available to work with Marv. He and Marv used to do a show together, and said the hiring of Marv is what could be considered to be the best hire in the NFL in many years. Just some food for thought.
  15. Travis Henry with Fairchild. Travis Henry without Fairchild.
  16. Voted other. When I got my VCoach alert on this, I thought, "Who is this guy"? I just need more info on the guy to see if it's a yea or nea.
  17. Without the Olympics, Toronto will never build a new Stadium.
  18. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...BAGPPGSNI81.DTL A city concilman in San Francisco, tried to pass a resolution for the city of San Francisco to adopt the Seahawks as their "sister NFL team". No, really! There's a link and everything! Think this line would be loved throughout Brokeback Park at Candelstick Point? "Whereas, the 49ers have not had a winning season since 2002." The City Council shelved the resolution until after the SuperBowl.
  19. The moment I read that Chicago was wanting to build a new, 90,000 seat domed stadium for a 2nd football team (and in hopes to get the 2016 Olympics), I thought to myself, "Self, welcome to the Chicago Bills".
  20. THe Bills ticket prices sound fair to me. I mean, before this upcoming season, if you went to a 49ers game, it was $65, period! No tiered pricing. If you on the 50 yd.line 20 rows up, or at the top of that toilet bowl known as Candelstick Monster Park, it was $65. And some, (not many), 49er ticket holders are complaining, saying that a tiered pricing system will be too confusing for fans to understand, and will end the streak of non-blacked out home games.
  21. Very, very good points made here. I don't think it's lost on Marv how passionate Bills fans are. Yet I think Marv stuck to what he feels is the most important issue at hand. How well the coach and G.M. work together. Granted, Jauron is not the "glamour" pick for HC, but maybe if Jauron and Levy can re-create the early 90's magic...
  22. Courtesy of www.buffalobills.com What could they announce?
  23. A good friend of mine who is a die hard Bears fan said this about Jauron. "Marv would have been a better Head Coach. Marv Albert, that is". Discuss.
  24. Read 10 more posts. You'll understand.
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