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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. 591866[/snapback] BUT I HAVE NO PATIENCE YO!!! And, you may have missed a quote. You are right. When I started my reply, I did not read the follow up posts. I guess I made your point perfectly clear.
  2. A member on my board lives in Atlanta. They have season tickets to the Thrashers, and usually takes a ton of pics. Since there are a few Sabres fans over there, we had this person take requests as to whom we wanted to see! So, follow the below link to my board, and see some of the pics. This person posted about 20 pics, but as was stated, over 100 were taken, and more will probably be posted tomorrow. Some are really good pics, and you'll be happy to see them! Sabres/Thrashers pictures.
  3. I wasn't trying to lecture, and I apologize if it came across that way. One common problem with all message boards, is that they're black and white. (Emotions are generally void on a computer screen). The first post read where Kelly thought it should be a rule that every post is read. I went with what was typed. Very well stated. Dan mentioned that we live in a "me" generation (or words to that effect). I would add that we also live in a generation where patience is a low commodity. When there is a thread of 50 or so replies, the first inclination is to blow past the majority of the posts, and try to get the "cliff notes". To what Dan and Kelly said, if you do this, you will miss the meat of the thread, and will ultimately restate the obvious. I see what has been happening in this post, as a plea from Kelly that although this is a smooth sailing ship, he forsees some rough seas, and is trying to stear around them by taking a very long path. What I was trying to say is that sometimes the seas are not so rough. Ok. All that water reference stuff was "ugh". Hell knows I've been already convicted of this! Yet it is always helpful to talk about circumstances, be it small or big, to smooth things out. (Or this edit to say, figure things out).
  4. I appreciate both you Dan and Kelly making suggestions in trying to improve TBD. Yet the suggestions that are being presented, from what I've seen, tend to kill a message board and break apart a community. I mentioned a thread where there are almost 300,000 replies. That thread is here. Yes, it makes absolutely no sense, and there are numerous of repeated posts, but it's one of the most active threads on my board on a daily basis. Something that may have been on page 235 might have been repeated on page 2000. Who cares? It's a very fun thread! It also has it's edgier moments, but that really doesn't matter. I mean, it's a "Bored" thread, so when you're bored, anything is bound to happen! There is another thread on my board that was started very innocently. Someone thought it would be fun to see what Sesame Street Muppet character you were. Only problem is, someone put in an incorrect HTML, and "The Muppet Thread" became a challenge to some members, to see how screwed up they could make each individual page. The link to that thread is here, but remember, enter at your own risk, as some browsers and older computers will crash due to too much damn stuff going on at once! There are many other areas on the board that are not as loose. Everything has a place. From Rush discussions, to Sports, to computer/technology, to Politics, to Religion. People have varied interestes, and with breaking these interests into indiviual areas, that helps a community to go directly to what they wish to talk about. The point I'm making here, is that sometime you just got to let people be themselves. No matter how much of an ass they may be posting on a message board, (yours truly included), it's better to let them go, and find their way. I don't care what message board you're talking about, each and every message board community has it's own flavor, and it takes a while in some instances, for people to find their place. And I have a very stong flipside to this. There was another Rush related message board out there (now closed). The administrator of this board had a very heavy hand in terms of moderation. It was by far one of the largest message boards on the net. Yet posts began to dissapear. Then members would dissapear. (A process this administrator called "depersoning".) Then, emails would show up at people's employer, claiming internet harassment. All this because the administrator did not like what a member had to say, or if their individual opinioins differed from his. If a board administrator has too much moderation in place, it can cloud and eventually prevent a community from ever developing. Letting people be themselves, no matter how wacky it might be, will develop a stronger community. We recently had a Rush fans gathering at our house for Christmas. We had members fly in from Florida, North Carloina, Texas, and Oregon. A large number of members came up from Southern California. We drank, some smoked, had a Christmas gift exchange. And everyone had an amazing time! There are gatherings like this all over the U.S., and in some instances, the world. All because you have people with like interests, yet very different, feeling comfortable enough to be themselves. And there are all kinds of differences. All kinds of professions. We have a producer from CNN in Atlanta, a graphic artist, a Team Manager for a NHRA Funny Car Team, High level professional musicans, Doctors, Lawyers, what have you. It takes all kinds to make a community strong, and for a community to grow.
  5. I'm self-employed as a Landscaper. I work outside. Kind of hard to follow a mock draft when you're working outside.
  6. Next pick Orien Harris - Defensive Tackle - University of Miami (FL) Positives: He is your prototypical defensive tackle that can stop the run and get after the quarterback. Orien has all the potential in the world and for the most part he has lived up to the hype. He is a very unselfish player that does whatever is asked of him. Though his stats don't show it, he is a great pass rusher. Negatives: Orien has the size you look for, but doesn't take on blockers very well. He has no trouble at getting in the backfield, but rarely produces any sacks. He needs to polish his defensive moves as well. Overview: Orien Harris has all the potential in the world, and I think he will be a great defensive tackle. Has a nose for the ball and is constantly causing havoc in the backfield. He will make an impact on any team right away and is my sleeper pick. Watch out for this kid. He could be one of the best at his position in a couple years. NFL Comparison: A young Warren Sapp
  7. If the Saints Franchise Bently, well...
  8. If a link could be provided (since we all know how links are so important), to prove that such a thread exists, and you saw it for your own eyes, how would you react? Any reaction would be fine.
  9. Weird wacko's, eh? Let's say, that there is another message board, that has much better organization, and lesser restriction than those proposed in this thread. And lets say, that that board which has been around about half as long as this fine site, has more posts and more members. Let's say that the board in question, is ranked as one of the top 1000 message boards in the history of the internet. Those who are giving grief would have to atleast conceide that they must be doing something right. Correct?
  10. Let's say, that you are crusing the net, and you come across a board about a subject that you some interest in. Say, that they have a thread that has, for sake of argument, 5800 pages, with just under 300,000 posts. Would you then expect a first time visitor to read every single post?
  11. Custom skins do not have any bearing on overall post count listing. You could go into the board HTML section, and eliminate the post/view count manually, even if you use the standard IPB skin.
  12. I owe a sincere apology for trying to screw this up. I will still have fun with this, but do it with a more realistic view.
  13. Some of you people absolutely kill me! You're treating this as if this actually has any bearing on how the real NFL draft is going to take place! Like the outcome here is actually going to influence someone out there to go into a different direction! I would love to see how some of you react when an actual, real situation happens! My God! This is just unbelieveble! What is going to happen if Marv drafts a kicker in the 3rd round? We would be talking about your heart attack! Just amazing!
  14. Marv also got his break in the NFL as a Special Teams coach for George Allen, who was also a Special Teams coach. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see Marv begin the process to have April groomed into an NFL head coach.
  15. See, Mel Kiper.
  16. New Orleans and Runyon agreed to a new contract. Terms were undisclosed.
  17. If you love my trade before, you'll love my trade now!!! New Orleans sends Deuce McAllister, Joe Horn, and Wayne Gandy to Philly. Philly sends their 1st and 3rd Round pick, Jon Runyon and Greg Lewis to New Orleans.
  18. And people are upset that L.T. was traded so San Diego could draft Reggie Bush?
  19. Trade baits San Diego - Phillip Rivers New Orleans - Deuce McAllister, Joe Horn
  20. McAllister is way too injury prone. L.T. is way more durable. And yes. McAllister is up for trade bait. (And remember, this is a mock draft. As if any of this is really going to happen. It's just part of the process of actually making this fun!!!)
  21. Because ultimately, it is very possible that Bush will be a better all-around RB than LT. Sometime ya just gotta roll the dice.
  22. With the First Pick in the 2006 Draft, San Diego selects Reggie Bush - Running Back - University of Southern California. Reggie Bush in San Diego Colors Bush Jersey
  23. Is it New Orleans or San Diego? (The draft order on the first page has N.O. Listed).
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