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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. DO A SHOT EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!
  2. Well, I mean, you're not wrong
  3. That was a GREAT watch! Thank you!
  4. The injury happened September 30th, and he's played ever since, up until now? I call BS
  5. I thought Vrabel was fired. This is such a bush league move by Tennessee, announcing a QB change the day before the game, and not for injury reasons.
  6. Home fried chicken wings. Due to past radiation on her mouth and neck region, my wife cannot have anything even remotely spicy. So we buy wings from local farmers, and my wife fries them up. She eats hers plain, and I douse mine in a hot chicken wing sauce. If they had a heart emoji, I'd give you that.
  7. https://www.wgrz.com/article/sports/nfl/bills/buffalo-bills-dion-dawkins-taron-johnson-fined-nfl-week6/71-62b592f9-20d6-4d38-8d19-c40c39b8dac5#:~:text=Week 6%2C Taron Johnson%2C unnecessary,unsportsmanlike conduct (taunting)%2C %2411%2C255 Dawkins was fined $11,255 for unsportsmanlike conduct Taron Johnson $11,817 for unnecessary roughness, citing a low block in the third quarter.
  8. I'm starting to think, it's not the system, it's the players in the system. Not exactly sure they can turn this around.
  9. I just came here to say, a PBR would taste mighty fine right about now.
  10. I was also going to say Glen Park Tavern. Great food and atmosphere. Gabriel's Gate. Not near UB North.
  11. I took a sick day on my last scheduled working day at Yahoo. (True story).
  12. Some could have been caught, some are the result of Watson
  13. A depth piece, nobody here would be against that. Myles Garrett like the OP suggested? Not going to happen this year.
  14. Talks Cooper Trade Keeps Josh informed, at times Taron Johnson would have gotten to the Red Line, Aaron Ray Davis is humble, comes to work every day.
  15. I'd hire Bruce, Thurman, Kelly, Bennett, and Talley. One time one of the grounds guys were in an elevator with those 5. They asked the grounds guy if he wanted to have some fun. He said "sure". So the 5 stripped him down to his underwear, and duct taped him to the goal post. It was also mid December. Christie went out to practice field goals, and found the grounds guy basically in tears still taped to the goal posts. Edit to add, the grounds guy was sort of a douche, so he kinda deserved it.
  16. Mid tier safety, yes. Miles Garrett as the OP suggested, Seriously?
  17. Serious question? Really?
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