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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Bumping this as Jen's story will air tonight on Channel 2 during the 5 pm and 6 pm newscasts. Also, her benefit is this Sunday. We will be having a basket raffle, and a couple of sports related items available are an autographed Zay Jones clete and an autographed Sam Reinhart stick.
  2. Who also happens to be my wife! My wife Jen started tutoring kids in the summer of 2015 to supplement our income during the summer months. (She was a substitute teacher during the school year). She started seeing a common theme with her students, they were all having a tough time reading. She tried the university taught practices, but they weren't helping. Then she thought outside of the box, and thought maybe this kids were suffering from something not taught in the classroom for teachers, Dyslexia. So she bought a Dyslexia program, and all her kids improved their reading by leaps and bounds in a short amount of time. By the end of 2015, she knew she wanted to help as many kids (and adults) who fit the Dyslexia profile, but she was just one person. So, she took the leap of faith, rented office space, hired teachers looking for a second income, trained them in the Dyslexia program, and WNY Dyslexia Specialists in just under 3 1/2 years her and her staff tutors close to 50 kids helping them to read, write, and spell with confidence. Kids and adults have seen vast improvements. In August 2018, she was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The same cancer Jim Kelly had. She had surgery in September to remove a third of her tongue, and 50 lymph nodes from her neck. During her 3 month exam, they found another tumor in her neck. They surgically removed that in April of this year. Last month, they found a 3rd tumor, that is more aggressive than the first two. She is currently undergoing chemo at ECMC with surgery and radiation to follow. Her staff wanted to put together a benefit for us. It's July 21st, at Ironworkers Banquet Hall on Orchard Park Road in West Seneca. More info about the benefit can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/2324108987683613/. There is also a GoFundMe page for those who live out of the area at http://www.gofundme.com/help-jennifer-lynn-hoffman-heal-her-cancer. If you all wouldn't mind helping out in some way, either by a donation, attending the benefit, or saying a prayer or sending good juju, we would appreciate it! Thank you.
  3. Thank you, and I love your idea!
  4. Could you please add my wife's name to your list? She has her 3rd round of neck cancer in 9 months. Her name is Jennifer Lynn Hoffman. I would totally get behind a Poncho patch on the helmets or jerseys. Poncho, you spread love not only for the Bills but for humankind everywhere you went. We will miss you.
  5. Anyone else thinking a Flex game late in the year?
  6. I like this hire. The Defense, whomever the DC is going to be, will be so much fun to watch. Roman is a very good OC, and will allow (Insert QB Here) to have free reign. He also will have a great running game with a solid Offensive Line. I'm liking the pieces that appear to be falling into place.
  7. I use Smoov Battery, Aspire tank and wick. Works like a charm. I went from a pack and a half a day to maybe 3 cigarettes per week? (If that?) The key is finding a good store, that won't put you into anything that you don't want. Best of luck!
  8. Keep in mind, that they changed the skinning engine (Again). A lot of the icons have different names. Thank god you have only one skin to recreate, as opposed to 8.....
  9. Yeah. That's pretty good!!!
  10. JaMarcasorous Russell is going to be a Left Tackle, but not for the Bills. Crypt Keeper reads Two Bills Drive.
  11. I don't want a Jamarcasorous dinosaur on our team.
  12. No. Levi Brown's father was arrested for being an unlicensed surgeon who performed sex change operations.
  13. When I heard the pick, I audibly said, "What"? The more I see Spiller, the more I love this pick!
  14. E$PN showed a highlight of him just yanking out a tooth. Hands it over to the trainer, like, "here ya go"!
  15. Who's seen them? Who is going to see them? Me? Next weekend Reno is an outside possibility. Apart from that, Concord, CA 5/4, Vegas 5/10, The Gorge in Wash. State 5/31, and another outside possibility is Toronto 7/9. If any of you are going to Vegas, let me know. I have a party suite at Mandalay Bay for a pre-post show party. All Bills fans are more than welcomed!
  16. Just a couple of thoughts about the last couple of days. You might think that some of the middle round players might be Undeclared free agents, that they were taken too high. Me? I'm not so sure. Picks in the NFL Draft are always a crap shoot. Off the top of my of my head, look at Ryan Leaf. Bill Polian had a choice between Manning and Leaf. At the time either pick would have Fielded great results. Indy got the QB they wanted, and San Diego got the QB they wanted. Both teams had really good Feelings about their results I'm sure. Time went by however, and you saw the enigma that is Ryan Leaf started to emerge. He obviously was not, nor ever fit to be an NFL quarterback. When the pressure was minimal at best, he Erupted into a rage, and was probably one of the biggest busts of all time. But Mr. Polian saw something in Manning, and he kept Rolling along. After years of productivity, the faith the Colts had In Manning finally paid off, and they got the Superbowl they had Desired and envisioned from draft day. What I'm trying to say here is that every pick has Great expectations, but can you ever know how good or how bad Every draft pick is going to be? One by one, this years current picks will be graded, and the best players in the eyes of the current coaching staff will remain, and for My money, the Bills look to be having a very solid year, with the playoffs a very real posibility. Go Bills ! ! !
  18. Good for Jackson that he's in Philly. Now he doesn't have a QB that can throw him the ball, because #5 will get a season ending injury in the 2nd game.
  19. I don't think I'm bitter. And yes. Every Div 1 school does whore itself out for money. What I don't understand is why ND believes that it is better than everyone else to get it's own contract, especially when it has not contended for a National Title in many a year?
  20. Good points. I still like Jackson and believe he would be a great fit for us. But a taller receiver is a need I blindly ignored.
  21. Sure! Have you ever had an In n Out burger? They're damn tasty!!! And they start above minimum wage!!!
  22. Maybe it is because I saw Jackson play every game this year, and he has the ability to break tackles, get off the line, etc. His only drawback would be endurance, but his work with Jerry Rice (who has talked very extensively about his work with Jackson out here) would correct that issue. Forget his 170lbs. He is much stronger than one would think.
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