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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. That is super cool!
  2. Things have certainly improved from when I ran IPB message boards. (Gave it up in 2012. In fact my old message board is now on a Discord server)
  3. No upgrade is quick
  4. The Raiders haven't allowed tailgating in Oakland for years. One parking space per car. No tables, grills, etc. in adjoining spaces. Fans however did it anyways. Something else to add, some stadiums from what I have seen close off sections. So for the sake of argument let's say the lower bowl is the only place opened for fans. That would add to the factoring of who's in, who's not.
  5. I was going to suggest this. Line up for a 27 yard field goal, fake it and do the deed.
  6. I personally would like to see Baltimore. We beat them convincingly, it sends a even stronger message to the rest of the league that this team is to be reckoned with for a very long time.
  7. A case can be made for that
  8. It's a family tradition between my wife and her daughters to gather around and watch White Christmas every year.
  9. Seems to me you're very periphrastic
  10. https://www.nfl.com/news/pass-rushing-great-hall-of-famer-kevin-greene-dead-at-58
  11. Are you sure? https://celebrityprayercandles.com/products/geddy-lee-prayer-candle
  12. I personally think Josh could be in the running for Air AND Ground this week.
  13. I'm thinking this tread is a top 10 merge candidate
  14. Brady was a backup (Lo those many centuries ago)
  15. And I thought my Christian Wade post was bad...
  16. https://sports.yahoo.com/vikings-rookie-justin-jefferson-only-needed-13-games-to-cuss-out-kirk-cousins-201732888.html Maybe this is why Diggs is having a career year, he has a real QB.
  17. Just MY observations (and I'm not one to make people see everything MY way), you see Wade in these types of videos. From my perspective, he seem more of a part of this team than Yeldon. Yeldon is a better running back. Yet I think if given the opportunity, Wade can make a strong impression. I would love to see Wade in a game just to see what he is made of, what he can really do.
  18. I asked the question because I simply did not know. Most pointed out that he could not respectfully. Others....
  19. Thanks for the clarification.
  20. From the video of the snowball fight, he's a huge part of this team, albeit on the practice squad. We all remember what he has done in the pre-season. Maybe put him in, in one of the final two games and see what he can do? I'd personally love to see it.
  21. Wasn't sure, that's why I asked. Thanks for clarifying.
  22. Love the idea of the NVMe. My new laptop has one, and it makes a world of difference. Just one question for curiosity sake. Did you consider an AMD Ryzen at all? We could donate to get you a Threadripper 3990X.
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