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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. First off: Great post! I can't see Apple making a play for this, or getting that deep into sports programming. Comcast is a possibility, but if they were get into a bidding war with Amazon, Amazon wins. Plus Amazon would be able to get into more homes right now. Comcast/Xfinity would need to buy smaller cable companies to give it a wider reach (Peacock streaming not withstanding).
  2. 95% of my TV watching is on a computer. YouTube TV for the win.
  3. For what it's worth, I use a Mac Book Pro for work. When my day is done, I switch to a PC with Ryzen processor. The picture is far better on the PC than it is on the Mac.
  4. As for me, I swear I'm watching CBS minus James Brown and Coach Cowher.
  5. Hmmm... Might be cool for a game, especially with the numbers on the helmet. Doesn't "thrill" me however.
  6. I know. They're doing the smart thing by broadcasting a few games, get feedback, make adjustments, and present the NFL with something that can't be ignored.
  7. If you don't live in the Buffalo TV Market, this makes perfect sense.
  8. My thinking is with all the platforms you can watch Amazon Prime (Browser, TV App, Phone, Xbox, Blu Ray players, et. al.), and the NFL wanting to have maximum exposure, this seems like a perfect fit. I would welcome this if this does happen. We'll see how the 49ers/Cardinals game goes. If all reports are good, this would be added strength for Bezos to outbid anyone (including my employer - Verizon Media/Yahoo), for a whole NFL package, including Sunday Ticket.
  9. Merry Christmas TBD!
  10. Not to rain on Ford's parade, but I drive a Nissan Murano. It's made in California. https://moneyinc.com/the-history-and-evolution-of-the-nissan-murano/#:~:text=The Murano is still in,California plant by Nissan America.
  11. From my stepdaughter
  12. PS: Not my house.
  13. My Christmas gift from my military daughter-in-law is a sweatshirt that says "Bills Mafia" with a picture of a broken table right in the middle.
  14. Have you read some of the replies here over the years? By saying you want to poop, would be a breath of fresh air (figuratively, not literally).
  15. Because everyone has, and is entitled to, their own opinion on things. Just because you may not agree with someones opinion does not mean they are not able to express something on their mind.
  16. Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion unobtrusive Plays that song that's so elusive And the magic music makes your morning mood
  17. I generally don't listen to anything Pergament has to say. He's the most egotistical news personality in Buffalo not named Jerry Sullivan.
  18. That was painful and awesome at the same time
  19. And I did exactly that. However, if I did just that, and not answer the original posters quote, how would he know that he was all well and good?
  20. Hey SDS, minor bug. In this thread, the original poster typed this out on his phone. In Dark Mode, it's black text on the deep blue background. I switched to Light Mode to read it, but if we, the general populous, don't alert you to little bugs like this, you don't know about them. Maybe a CSS adjustment?
  21. I just changed to Light Mode and was able to read it fine. SDS did a upgrade, just a minor bug to be looked at. You didn't nothing incorrectly.
  22. Just as an FYI, your original post is unreadable for anyone in Dark Mode. Black text on a deep blue background.
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