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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Doesn't the whole world use WordPress just about? Kajabi is a great alternative, if you're running a business that is.
  2. Are you looking in the mirror again? Step away from the mirror!
  3. This is an NFL board with a Bills focus. Not everything has to 100% pertain to the Bills. Now you have been educated.
  4. Wordpress does tend to dominate the children. The kids try so damn hard too.
  5. Mentioned on Page 1. Let me consult my 18 year old daughter for her "expert analysis".
  6. To be honest, I don't think it will happen either, but it's just something that keeps coming up for me.
  7. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2021-02-23/shailene-woodley-aaron-rodgers-engaged-jimmy-fallon “I’ve been reading that too, which is kind of — it’s kind of funny,” Woodley said, seeming to play coy at first. “Yes, we are engaged. We are engaged. But for us it’s not new news. So it’s kind of funny everybody right now is freaking out over it, and we’re like, ‘Yeah, we’ve been engaged for a while.’” “He’s ... a wonderful, incredible human being, but I never thought I’d be engaged to somebody who threw balls for a living,” Woodley joked. “But he’s really so good at it. ... When I first met him, my dog pulled me aside and was like, ‘If you don’t date this dude, I will disown you as my mother, because the three feet that I run with you when you throw a ball is nothing compared to the marathon I’m able to run with him.’”
  8. Just my gut on this, but I think Josh takes a MASSIVE hometown deal. In the range of $20-$25 million/year, in order to keep the talent level around him at the top, and be able to contend for the Superbowl year in/year out.
  9. Beato always comes up when I'm rehearsing songs on bass. The song I'm playing ends, and always a Beato video is next to play. Has to be paying a ton for that to happen. I had seen this before. I had always assumed that Limelight was in 7/4. Quite surprised that it alternates between 4/4 and 3/4. Check out his top 20 lists. That really shows off how good Beato is at multiple instruments.
  10. I haven't been to games in Dallas and Vegas, but you're absolutely right that the stadiums are stand alone attractions. In Vegas, the location is a bit puzzling. It's very close to the Strip, but it's on the other side of Interstate 15 across from Mandalay Bay, so if you're staying on the strip, you have to at least Uber to get to the stadium. I walked around Jerry's World and it took literally 35 minutes to make one pass around that place. Just massive. But the correstest (yes, I make up words) thing you said is there is nothing like a Bills home game!!!
  11. Jerry World should be experienced once in a lifetime. The stadium is the spectacle. The Cowboys, are not.
  12. Check out what it you would pay to park to watch a Cowboys game!
  13. The non-hockey playing employees (and temps) took over the ice after the final game.
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