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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Think Justin Jefferson wears enough diamonds? Dude likes the bling.
  2. Ball was easily a body length behind him. The TE had to make a good adjustment to catch it. Are the Vikings playing Whack A Flacco on this drive?
  3. That was a better catch that it was a good throw.
  4. That was not pass interference on the Rams. But the refs don't know what they are doing.
  5. Absolutely have to go for the win and kick
  6. I have a good friend who owns a liquor store.
  7. Vanilla, but I'll have to buy a bottle of Blackberry and give it a try
  8. I could do about 4 shots of Crown in rapid succession
  9. You would love this Gin! They infuse citrus peels into the Gin.
  10. Bull crap calls. If the Bills loose, this is all on the refs
  11. It's on this page https://www.krookidleyk.com/product The corn vodka, Cinamon Whiskey, and Bourbon are also top notch. Edit to say, I don't make this. I just drink it.
  12. This (LIved in Walnut Creek for 13 years, and spent many a day in Santa Cruz)
  13. Should rename this Hammer's Lot Live Feed
  14. Friday, 11/1, was the 5 year anniversary of my wife's last cancer treatment. She is now officially in remission. Her cancer was the same type as Jim Kelly's, Squamous Cell Carcinoma. She had 3 occurrences in one year. The first occurrence was on her tongue and had 1/4 of her tongue removed followed by radiation. It reappeared a few months later but in the soft tissue of her neck. Salvage surgery was done to remove that tumor, but then only 10 days after that surgery, the third and biggest tumor appeared also in her neck. That tumor grew to where it extended from her Adams Apple to her right ear. The first two surgeries were done at Roswell. With what Roswell wanted to do with the third surgery, (remove her carotid artery for starters), we sought a 2nd and 3rd opinion. We saw Dr. Thom Lorie at ECMC (Jim Kelly's doctor) and we went to NYC and Memorial Sloan Kettering. Both ECMC and Memorial Sloan Kettering recommended the exact same surgery, which as it turns out was pioneered by Dr. Lorie. A round of chemo first, then surgery, then radiation. Memorial Sloan Kettering said to stay home and have Dr. Lorie do everything, which is what we decided. The last surgery by Dr. Lorie involved removing the muscle in her right neck (where the tumor was in), flipping her right pectoral muscle into her neck area, and a skin graft to cover everything up. To mark the anniversary, my wife got her first tattoo which is pictured. It is on her left thigh, as her right thigh is where they took the skin for her skin graft. The misspelling of "survivor" is a blessed accident. The tattoo artist had my wife do 3 samples of what she wanted to go with the picture. No one noticed that the misspelling of survivor was there until after the fact. Two of my wife's kids are dyslexic, and dyslexia is predominantly hereditary. So this misspelling also signifies her life's work in working with kids and adults who fit the dyslexia profile. (She is in the beginning stages of starting a school for dyslexic children of elementary age).
  15. My wife and I have a senior cat who sleeps on our bed about 22 hours a day. Her litter box is also in our room. HOWEVER, when we don't clean the litterbox to her liking, the bed becomes the litterbox. Pro tip: Vinger mixed with water in a spray bottle takes care of each and every cat pee smell.
  16. So sad. Rest in peace.
  17. Dak is not a $60 Million a year QB. Ha ha Jerry.
  18. That 49ers receiver wasn't blocked into the Dallas defender. That was a flat out full on block.
  19. In regards to the gin, absolutely. In regards to the post, question mark is the only option.
  20. Whitecap, by Krookid Lyke Distilling. Located on Keuka Lake. Lots of citrus notes.
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