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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Sorta like the Guy LaFleur story in the 70's. The Canadians had won the cup at home, and Guy was to take the Cup home with him. On his way home, he got a flat tire. He changed the tire, arrived home, and his wife asked him where the Cup was. Guy had left it on the city streets of Montreal. He went back to where he had the flat tire, and there was the Cup still sitting on the street.
  2. There are actually 3 cups. The original from Lord Stanley of Preston himself is indeed safe and in a vault at the Hockey Hall of Fame. This cup (the one that was damaged) is the one that replaced the original Cup in the 1960's. The third is at the Hockey Hall of Fame in the Great Hall for display purposes when the 2nd cup is off getting bent out of shape by various champions. Remind me to tell you what the Rangers did to it in 1994. Hint, it was taken to strip clubs.
  3. I've thought about that on more than one occasion.
  4. A rhythm guitarist is just as important as a lead guitarist. Nice work on all the songs!
  5. No, but I do like me a good Sangria from time to time
  6. During the beginning of Covid in 2020, I made some video's of me on bass (and some selected keyboard, yes, it's a Casio). There are some flub ups in each of the video's. I didn't select easy songs. (Like 8 of the 9 videos are Rush). The only thing I ask, is please be gentle. But I would like to get your feedback. And maybe I should practice these songs again so I can remember how to play them... https://vimeo.com/kenhoffman
  7. She would break me in half, and I would be totally ok with that.
  8. See what eating McDonalds will do to you?
  9. Yes. I have seen it. She lived an amazing life. Not only from being a Holocaust survivor, but having her husband, the love of her life (they met while in Auschwitz, found each other after being liberated), die at an early age, and raising 3 young kids while running the family business on her own for so many years, and one of those kids becoming an international musical superstar, she has left a lasting impact.
  10. Old article. And the beer they released is made by the Keith's brewery, but not "Keith's". I've actually written to the Keith's brewery before asking if Keith's could be available in the US. They said nope. Only in Canada. Trust me. I may pay a bit of duty when the border reopens!
  11. Not worthy of it's own thread, but since this one is already here, posting in here. Geddy Lee's Mom, Mary Weinrib, Holocaust survivor, passed away last week, just shy of her 96th birthday.
  12. I had no idea Jim Kelly's last game was on July 3rd. Did he go back to the USFL and I didn't know it?
  13. On a PC, use the screen grab (I think that's the name) tool. On a Mac, Command-Shift-4. Literally just draw a box around what you want to have a screen shot of. Mac's save it to your desktop automatically. On a PC, you have to open your screen shot and save it to whatever folder you want. I usually save mine to my desktop, post them, then delete them off the desktop.
  14. What's the website address again? My wife asked me for it
  15. https://shoponebuffalo.com/products/pre-sale-donny-meatballs-tee
  16. He's waiting until The Midnight Hour. We haven't seen any Beane After Dark (tm) action in a while.
  17. Until Ertz is traded to Buffalo or any other team, this is what Ertz twitter talk has become for me... Don't get me wrong, I'll still participate. I like pain.
  18. I need me an Alexander Keith's I tell ya! Haven't had one since the border closed.
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