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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Mods, can we lock this again? It was better that way.
  2. You're right. My bad.
  3. My only concern is... Could the text in the original post be any bigger???
  4. Tua is a mess Dolphins can't beat Buffalo Josh throws 7 TD's
  5. You are most likely right I may need to educate my pallet. I know what I like, and I didn't like this.
  6. So here it is. My review of Rush Golden Ale, and my experience with crossing the border both ways in this time of Covid. First, I'll talk about crossing the border. (Always highlight the positives). I registered on ArriveCAN Saturday Morning. I was a little worries considering there are a series of questions about where you would be for the quarantine period. There was an option to select "I have no where to quarantine", so I selected that. I answered the rest of the questions, and I was accepted to be allowed to cross the border. On Monday morning (the day I crossed the border), I got my Covid test at Walgreens. Pro Tip: if you are going to cross the border, do it at a box type pharmacy (Walgreens, CVS, etc). They submit the cost of the test right to insurance. All other places you have to pay upwards of $150 for the same test, with a receipt in hopes that insurance will reimburse you. BTW: I tested negative for Covid. Now the time to actually cross the border into Canada. There was plenty of commercial truck traffic, and not one car. When I pulled up to the inspection booths, 3 lanes were open and only one car. I pull up, and I ask the border office in Canada if I needed to wear my mask. Her answer was no. I was looking for the code that is given to you when you register on ArriveCAN, and wouldn't you know it? I can't find my ArriveCAN app on my phone! The agent replied, "Oh, you don't need to worry about it. I have all your information right here". I was asked the standard questions, are you brining firearms, alcohol, cannibus, over $10,000 cash, etc. Then she asked to see my negative Covid Test. She read it and her exact comment was "Perfect! This is exactly the information we need to see.". I am cleared to proceed, and it is the first time in Canada since February 2020. After meeting my friend who procured the Rush Golden Ale for me, I drive back to the US. I crossed into Canada at the Lewiston/Queenston Bridge. I crossed back into the United States at the Peace Bridge. The overhead signs as soon as you hit the bridge say, "Masks required at booths". I pull up to the Nexus lane that was open in the US (Not in Canada). Standard questions commence. And after a brief stop, I am cleared to proceed into the US. For both directions, it was a painless process. Now to the star of the show. Rush Golden Ale. A fair amount of my friends in Ontario have had this, and have liked it. So I was excited to have it. I opened the can, took a sip... This stuff is crap! It has a strong bitterness to it when you taste it. I generally don't like IPA's. And although this is not labeled as an IPA, it was the most bitter IPA like beer I've ever tasted. The bitterness stays with you well after you swallow the beer. I actually had to pour the half can left down the drain. It was that bad. A big disappointment.
  7. Ask and you shall receive
  8. I did go over into Canada last night and picked up a case. Haven't had any yet (waiting for it to get nice and cold). I'll crack open a can tonight and make a post about 1) my review of the beer, and 2) my experience with crossing the border both ways in this Covid world we are living in.
  9. I started out with the regular broadcast, then switched to the Mannings out of curiosity. I'll be watching the Mannings from now on.
  10. Beautiful dog! Congrats!
  11. https://www.amazon.com/Clever-Home-Adult-Bibs-Gray/dp/B099GNB8BX/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=adult+bibs&qid=1631557259&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyU0hJQTAyV1pLVU8xJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTYwNTY0MjVURVJLMzM3UjQ3UyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNTg1NDA5MVdMWURUTldQTzlGNiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  12. Got the loss done now Tua looks like Peterman We'll be in good shape
  13. We looked bad for a lot of the time, but I'm glad it's out of the way early.
  14. unless he settles down in the 2nd half and passes for 300 yds and 3 TDs
  15. Thank you for posting this. Seeing it from California (where I lived at the time) is one thing. Seeing it with your own eyes is a totally different experience.
  16. I just want to know why Google Translate translated this from English to Punjabi?
  17. I was living in California. My ex woke me and my step son up, saying a plane flew into the WTC. As we were watching that at 6:30 am, we saw the 2nd plane hit. My ex and I were working for ourselves at the time, (landscaping), so we went to work. One of the clients we saw on Sept 11th was a couple from Danville. When we saw them, they were both white as a ghost, and the wife was nearly in tears. When we asked what was wrong, they told us that they were in NYC visiting their son in college, and they were deciding to take the red eye back to San Francisco, or take the first flight out the next morning. The wife wanted to be home to oversee the lawn install on their backyard renovation, so they decided on the red eye. The first flight out the next morning would have been Flight 93. My ex was upset that Starbucks was closed on the 11th. She was in denial about the whole thing until the following Monday when the A's played the Yankees in NY. She couldn't stop crying the whole game.
  18. Happy Birthday Dad
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