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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. I got the alert on my phone and went looking for a link... ... and here you are.
  2. Hahaha! We started the same thread at the same time!!!! I'll delete mine.
  3. Best Twitter comment "His body, his choice"
  4. My heart is just a little bit broken
  5. Over/under on how many threads on this exact subject you're going to allow? 👰
  6. I'll be watching ESPN for hockey coverage, and that's it.
  7. Some musical history I did not know. I feel shame
  8. A little red hair dye and the look would be very similar.
  9. I thought for sure you would reference this article espn.com/20210927-allen-dumps-diggs-for-knox
  10. Thank you Bob Weir
  11. Well Miley Cyrus and Elton John were mentioned...
  12. I'm the eternal optimist...
  13. Shouldn't we make a Buffalo Sabres '21 - '22 thread?
  14. They do have "Tightwad Hill" for Cal Bears games
  15. I don't think that matters. Virgil's post had about 3x as many words, but they are coherent and make sense.
  16. And all this time I thought it was AJ who was going to be fined
  17. I may have been there in a former life...
  18. In 1996, the City of San Francisco had a vote for the residents to allow the city to build a new mall and football stadium at the Candlestick Site. It passed. Some council members fought the vote the residents approved. The 49ers got sick of waiting, and built their facilities in Santa Clara. Then they just went ahead and built Levi's Stadium at the same site. Got tired of the infighting and waiting. Kinda like the same thing going on with the A's in Oakland.
  19. Why do you think the 49ers moved to Santa Clara? That's where the teams practice facilities and offices were. The players used to drive to Santa Clara, and there would be a bus convoy up the 101 to Candlestick. Passed it many times on a Sunday evening.
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