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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. I mean, it is his birthday. Gonna send him a Happy Birthday tweet? Or a one way ticket on Southwest?
  2. https://medium.com/the-haven/unintended-side-effects-force-lcbo-to-recall-henderson-brewerys-rush-beer-from-shelves-7f74b0118ac8 Unintended “side effects” force LCBO to recall Henderson Brewery’s “Rush” beer from shelves. Ontario’s LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) announced yesterday that due to widespread customer feedback that the over consumption of Henderson Brewing’s new “Rush” beer, named after the iconic Canadian hard rock trio, led the almost entirely male consumer base to quote Ayn Rand in an unusually ethereal falsetto, air drum with a newfound and inexplicable virtuosity, and show up for work draped in dragon print silk kimono robes, the crown corporation would temporarily be pulling the product from its shelves pending further investigation. “While no one is disputing Henderson’s claim that the 2021 beverage offers both a ‘deliciously and unnecessarily complicated blend of hops, yeast and spring water,’” said LCBO spokesperson Marissa Rosenthal on Monday, “the internal struggle that drinking this beverage created between a newfound love of trees and a desire to move to a neighboring subdivision was simply too much for some.” No word yet if a similar fate awaits Henderson’s forthcoming line of Saga Grapefruit Radlers or its Max Webster Cider.
  3. I think it's a hockey stick, since the Sabres have a better record than the Bills and all that
  4. Come back here! I'll bite your legs off!
  5. I'd like to see Allen and Diggs together on a Manning cast. That would be must see TV
  6. After a couple of sacks of Tua, it could happen.
  7. https://www.pilotonline.com/sports/article_e0ed0d73-ab1c-55f8-a3df-5e2e2de18ef3.html The complete list of all of Bruce's sacks.
  8. I'm thinking Bruce sacked Reich when Bruce was with Washington.
  9. That's probably just a small selection of all the QB's he's sacked in his career.
  10. Amen! That drum line is dumb. Bring back the Jills!
  11. That's a no from me dawg
  12. There's a very small sum of people on this board that would disagree.
  13. At least the Mannings made the game somewhat entertaining
  14. Sad. Rest in peace
  15. I kinda was hoping Peterman would be traded to the Jets...
  16. Another great story involving Pat. The Public Relations Liaison, Dee (forgot her last name), was going over some public appearances with Pat, but she was all in a rush and panic as she didn't want to be late for her to make her first house payment, in person, at the bank. Of course Pat picked up on this. Called a friend of his who owned a construction company, and had every window and door boarded up with plywood in less than an hour. Pat then had fake eviction notices printed, and taped them to Dee's front door. So by the time Dee came home, she sees her house boarded up with eviction notices. Her very first reaction was to call Pat and tell him how much of a f**ing ####### he is.
  17. We had a Google Sheet of names for us to suggest and vote on. Someone said Boomerang as we're almost boomer age, and all of us were "we don't hate it".
  18. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elephant-kills-suspected-poacher-kruger-national-park-south-africa/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=137093058
  19. I absolutely love Franks Red Hot sauce on Chocolate Ice cream!
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