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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. Have you seen the Sabres in the past few years? Same owners...
  2. Time to rename this thread "Davis Webb playing time"?
  3. I had never heard of this project until now. Was it going to be a speedway for a possible NASCAR stop? Drag Racing? I used to go to the NHRA races in Sonoma and always had a blast.
  4. Stevenson?
  5. Look at Pittsburgh's history. They stick with their head coaches, no matter what. They'll do the same with Tomlin, unless the Steelers go 0-17
  6. I would remove Pittsburgh and Vikings. Pittsburgh won't part with Tomlin, no matter how bad the team is, and I can't see Daboll wanting to work with Cousins.
  7. The new Mastodon isn't bad at all! Thanks for sharing!
  8. There once was a coach named McDermott Who got his players all determined He broke the drought He catches punts And his players all trust the process.
  9. TV Watching with my wife is in the evenings, and it's normally programs like Selling New York and Restaurant Impossible. We're big junkies on real estate, home improvement (or restaurant improvement) shows.
  10. Would you believe that I never saw a single episode of The Sopranos? Because it's true.
  11. I'm thinking McDermott had a nice talk with Beasley that has clearly manifested into a change of attitude.
  12. For sure you can. I would have to play it since it's been quite a while but it's like C#/D flat beginning. It's repetitive, but really builds up the left hand strength.
  13. Lots and lots of practice. Both with the band and individually. If you want to build up left hand strength on the bass. play Billie Jean over and over. Surprisingly it's a bear to play due to the hand stretching that occurs on that song.
  14. That's not too far from the truth with the living breathing cats in this house.
  15. I must need new glasses...
  16. Peterman and EJ. It has to be.
  17. johndhall1 wanted a different username, like REALLY wanted a different username, but Hall And Oates was taken
  18. Browsing the report, I would say spend the extra $300M, and build a new stadium with a roof in OP. That's my choice. Too much anciliary costs with building in Downtown, moving residents and business, demolition of buildings, clean up, building the new stadium. $2.1 Billion would be a ground level cost in my opinion.
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