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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. I'm tempted to stuff the ballot box for Tua just to see Miami fan's collective heads explode
  2. Mods, merge this with the other topic that is this same topic. (I looked, didn't see the other one. too much, oh never mind...)
  3. Will be interesting to see how the crowd reacts. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/marshawn-lynch-set-to-return-to-buffalo-as-the-bills-legend-of-the-game-week-11
  4. I'll buy back the pictures. Just name your price.
  5. I was just going to say Neil. I mean who after 20 plus years of drumming and considered one of the very best of all time, ditches everything he knows on drums, takes lessons, starts from the very beginning, and comes away light years better?
  6. Studs Rousseau Brown Wallace Duds Ford Moss Sweeney. (Can't block)
  7. https://www.nfl.com/news/2021-nfl-season-week-10-what-we-learned-from-sunday-s-games#Bills
  8. Townsend has a slow release time. Will never be a top tier NFL QB. Maybe that's why he's a punter.
  9. Which site did you go to?
  10. Definitely. Once the first replay was shown of Edmonton's initial goal, everyone knew it didn't go in. Thankfully that was confirmed.
  11. Seems too complicated for me.
  12. Exactly the same way I was vaccinated!!!
  13. Does this mean we have to listen to Barry Manilow all day today?
  14. I was at the game tonight. Some thoughts. Edmonton took it to the Sabres in the 1st. Sabres survived. Skinner for Edmonton isn't very good on break aways. Sabres really took McDavid out of his game. A lot of passes to the point, no one there, and clears the zone. Tolarski played out of his mind in the later half of the 3rd. $45 for 2 beers, a seltzer, and a water. Good times I will never go to a game again where I could walk up to the beer counter, no line, grab a beer very quickly, in between periods. Same with the bathroom. Less than a minute wait each time I went.
  15. I couldn't do it because of my weight and (at the time) smoking status, but my wife was able to do this. Cash Flow Banking. Garrett talks about this in the above video. We're just going to sit on that money and utilize it when we're at retirement age for a comfortable life.
  16. He starts talking about 401K's at the 14 minute mark.
  17. I was rehearsing tonight thinking this ain't gonna be close. I've been wrong before, I'll be wrong again.
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