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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. You know? That's not a bad idea. We have the personnel for that.
  2. I'm drinking. As good of a time as any to drink. Not because of the game, but for all the doom and gloom comments. The Bills need to improve, no question. But to think this isn't a playoff team, and calls to fire McDermott or Beane is just stupid *****.
  3. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. I'm sick of people like you thinking all this doom and gloom. Enjoy what we have. If you can't enjoy the good things in life, GTFO.
  4. I'm confident we are a playoff team. Once in the playoffs, anything can happen. Tampa won 3 road games last year to get to the Super Bowl. Anything can happen.
  5. Defense needs a rethink. We cannot stop the run against quality teams. I trust that McDermott and Fraiser can mae the necessary adjustments so we can be sucessful against quality teams.
  6. Ima gonna try and stay off this thread for the 2nd half. Gonna send out positive vibes that we'll come away with the win.
  7. We can dominate the 2nd half and come out with a win
  8. Marshawn cannot be the legend of the game ever again!
  9. Let's hope for a steller 2nd half
  10. That stop was one play too late
  11. That 4 yard gain by Taylor is what a good running back does. Hole is plugged, bounce it. Moss and Singletary can't do that.
  12. That was an excellent hold by Haack. Snap off center, he did an excellent job on that.
  13. Lynch is in town. He can't be any worse
  14. Get Ford out of there and move Williams inside now!
  15. Not the way to start. Need adjustments now.
  16. Please reconsider your personal hygiene preferences...
  17. In all seriousness, park at the Wings Flights of Hope pavilion. They have a great tailgate, plenty of parking, and a bus shuttle that goes right to the stadium. The only trick is getting back to Wings. You would either have to cut through the woods, with steep hills and with the expected rain, the hills can be muddy or slippery, or walk Southwestern up to California then to the Wings pavillion.
  18. Mahomes has a difficult enough time pulling off an American accent
  19. But the Bills have a deal with 26 Shirts to license the "Bills Mafia" name, so I would say some goes to charity, some goes to the Bills, some goes to Marshawn
  20. I see you have a wonderful sense of humor...
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