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    Buffalo, New York

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  1. They should play this. I know the drummer (Mike Caputy) and the bassist (the late Jerry Livingston).
  2. Audio isn't working.
  3. What every bar needs. A gun rack with guns.
  4. I don't think this is a coach hire. This is an ownership hire.
  5. I live 5 miles from the stadium. Last night from about 4pm to 11pm, we had about 2 feet fall. Today, sunny skies. I'm sure we will get more snow. The cold is something to deal with. 10 degrees (that's not the windchill). This is supposed to end tomorrow. Players should be able to get to the facility. They'll probably practice indoors. Should be all good.
  6. I got about 2 feet of snow, Town of Aurora. 5 miles down 20A is Highmark.
  7. Rum and Coke? Or maybe an edible or two?
  8. I'm watching till the end, because I don't want to snow blow my driveway which has about 8 inches of snow, in 8-degree weather.
  9. Aaron Glen possibly to New Orleans or the Jets.
  10. I stayed off TBD for the first half. Posted during halftime and into the 3rd quarter. Put the phone down for the 4th quarter. This place is toxic during Bills games, I tell ya!
  11. Sure. Let's drink at 10:15 am on Victory Monday! You do you boo.
  12. I'm old. I'm a wimp. I bundle up to go out to turn the outside lights off at my house.
  13. I'm always nervous for a Bass kick, and when he makes it, I always say "Thank you, Tyler".
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