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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. From the sound of the article I'm making the assumption the university police are fully trained law enforcement like those of the SUNY system and not just campus security. If they are not, it would change my opinion as he wouldn't be equiped to deal with that type of situation. But going off my assumption, what a boneheaded move to fire him (unless of course he has a long history of poor judgement). Yes, he was wrong not to inform dispatch and he was probably even wrong to go there unless he was requested for mutual aid. Given that, it's not like he left his post to go out to lunch or meet a chick for a little romp. He probably had to make a split second decision to help a fellow officer and responding to that type of call takes big brass ones. Had he not been fired, he could have been disciplined in private, the media would have never known and the university wouldn't have egg on it's face.
  2. Lucky she only got injured....knew a kid in high school who was killed by a gravestone, crushed his head.
  3. Does it still show the same "dramatic" under ice creaking shot 5 times per episode?
  4. Say bye to your weekends.
  5. Was at a minor league game and a big fat guy sitting by himself got a ball early in the inning, came right to him so no biggie, it's his. About 5 pitches later a ball is fouled and lands in the other end of his empty row. A little kid (4,maybe 5) walks slowly over to pick it up, but this guy comes bolting down the row and grabs the ball as the kid is bending over to pick it up. Kid starts crying. Needless to say, crowd unloads on this guy. After about 5 minutes of harassment a real man who caught a foul ball earlier walks up and gives it to the kid. Kid lights up, crowd goes nuts, fat man leaves. Yes Mr. fat pathetic sports fan, you're a douche. Kids idolize athletes and like tokens from the game, adults should act like the idols and know when to give up the mentality of a 8 year old.
  6. Depends on the area, but there are a few reasons for no basements. High water table, soil type and earthquake zones are the primary reasons. If I ever had to move to one of these areas, there is no way I would live in a home without a reinforced safe room. I would factor that into my housing costs. I know it's not cheap and many might not have the means but you're risking too much without one.
  7. Taken right from the school district talking points.
  8. Another tax in NY? Good luck getting anyone other than the most diehard fan on board with that one.
  9. He needs to change his game and whole mindset about the way he plays if he wants to play past a few more years. Few players can do this, but he has the skills and the drive to be able to return to the top (or close to it anyways). One could hope if he manages to do this, it will also change his crappy attitude on the course, otherwise I could care less if he fades into obscurity.
  10. If your only other option is Subway, then yes. But it's no different then other good sub shops.
  11. Gearing up for the Schwarzenegger presidency I see.
  12. MMA...the solution for a tiny penis.
  13. I hope he brings the leadership he displayed at LSU, big piece currently missing from the Bills D.
  14. At least 173 dead now, I think that's a two day total including Tuesdays storms. Probably won't reach the level of the '73 super outbreak but it's damn close.
  15. You have a watch....and the first round of storms is well to the east. Second round late tonight won't have the ingredients for a tornado. The Dansville, NY high school roof was blown off. Probably straight line winds and not a tornado.
  16. Captain hindsight strikes again.
  17. Tuscaloosa leveled, Birmingham with possibly a severe hit by a wedge. Bad day to live in the south. It's going to be a very sad morning when the fatalities come to light. I'm a weather junkie and watch the coverage every year, and this is historic.
  18. Miss me? More like a dumbass...."It's blowin up the power lines!"
  19. Weeds is fun, I thought it got kind of dull after season 2 but it's worth a watch. I'm on season 3 of Eureka. Very good show.
  20. My wifes uncle is in upper management for Tops and I had this discussion with him at one point. Wegmans model is lower everyday prices so if you don't want to shop the sales then you're better of there. Tops generally has higher prices, but they have great sales where you can really save. Tops makes up for it by drawing you in with the sales banking that you'll buy a few other items while you're there. All depends on how much time you want to spend shopping. I prefer Wegmans because I don't want to worry about price, just get me in and out.
  21. Well, the big kid was suspended , so they apparently believe that in Australia too.
  22. Good job adding the green to gay it up a little.
  23. Fast Five? Does that mean there was a 4th? Who knew.
  24. Samsung as the main TV in my house, Vizio's in the bedroom and office. Samsung blows them away, but I'm happy with the cost/quality trade-off in the lesser used rooms. Yes, Samsung did have an issue with their power supply caps as pointed out, but that issue is no more.
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