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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. 8 minutes on the Bills!? I think they had 8 total minutes of highlights all last year.
  2. Shut up. No really, shut up.
  3. The wind will actually come from multiple directions throughout the course of the storm. Could easily be the north/west if the eye shifts a 100 miles. Don't bank on what you think the storm will do, prepare all sides.
  4. I'd rather stop at McDonalds. When I was there the food was awful.
  5. Just in case GG goes looking for it, it's not longer a Crowne plaza, it's called the Rochester Plaza
  6. Trimming is factored into the overall time, but the rider cut the actual mow time in half. I also have a hilly lawn so the self propelled went quick one direction, but was kind of brutal the other. The turn tight mower helps cut the time over a regular rider, like I said my neighbor picked one up and takes longer to mow, but even his time is quicker.
  7. I have 0.4 acres. Used a self-propelled for 3 years, took about an hour and a half per mowing. People are right when they say it can easily be pushed, but for me it came down to the time invested in doing it. I'd rather be spending that time with my son and not doing yardwork. Picked up a rider this year and haven't regretted it. This is the one I picked. http://www.craftsman.com/shc/s/p_10155_12602_07128851000P?vName=Lawn+%26+Garden&cName=Lawn+Mowers+%26+Tractors&sName=Lawn+Tractors&prdNo=3&blockNo=3&blockType=L3 Go with a hydrostatic, I debated but am glad I did. Changing speed on the fly is great. This model is made by Husqvarna. I beleive the lower model Craftsmans are made by MTD. The turn tight is great too, I have a lot of trees so it really comes in handy. My neighbor picked up a base model John Deere this year for $100 more than I paid and doesn't have the hydrostatic or near the turning radius I do. Takes him about 15 minutes longer to mow the same size lot.
  8. We could always recommend the 490 Motel. Rents by the hour so he could really save some cash.
  9. Depends on how many libations you plan on partaking in and if you can drive. A cab ride to the Del Monte would cost ya, but the drive would be nothing. I'm guessing you'll be drinking so..... I'd recommend the Hyatt or Radisson if you want to be downtown.(and not because they are all that great, but the best with a lack of options.) I've never been in the Inn on Broadway but it might be worth a shot. Looks nice.
  10. She looks pretty haggard for only 37.
  11. I was thinking Marla Hooch.
  12. For all the spoiled kids (and the many selfish adults) along comes a kid who realizes it's just a freakin ball. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/blog/big_league_stew/post/Play-of-the-day-Selfle%0Ass-young-fan-returns-ball?urn=mlb-wp13421
  13. A ferry would work in this community, the last one was just way to freakin big. 150 passengers sounds about right. As long as it is a private venture and NO public money is involved what is there to lose? The terminal is already there. If Enterprise or another rental car place set up shop there it would be more convenient for our Canadian friends as we know they're not coming to Rochester in most cases but rather the Finger Lakes and other areas. I know I'd prefer to hop on a ferry and relax rather then deal with the QEW.
  14. Would have been helpful here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hollywood_shootout
  15. The running back is hoping for a handoff so he can hit the hole.
  16. Tahou's is kind of like the Anchor Bar. You have to go there at least once to pay homage, but then you realize other places have surpassed what they started.
  17. That would be the question. Before....yup. After.....would be having to much fun hitting the vile B word in the head to even think about it.
  18. Ok, I still don't feel bad for this chick but seriously, WTF? RPD, you now get what you have coming. I've been working in the city for 10 years, lived there 2 of those years and have never seen a cop with a ruler doing this or more than one cop writing traffic citations in a single area.
  19. It's the 5%rule. 5% are ignorant jackasses but they make the other 95% look bad. Just likeany other segment of society. Being a cop is such a visible profession thatmany people can't differentiate this and consider all cops jackasses and thisis unfortunate. I wonder who these people that have such disdain for lawenforcement will call when someone breaks in their house?
  20. No, you don't have to but it sure as hell is in your best interest to. That moment is not the time to argue the law with the cop, because if he doesn't know the law there is no way for you to win. If he is just hellbent on being a dick, still no way for you to win. If you feel your rights are being violated, you remove yourself from the situation and file a complaint later. This woman was looking for a confrontation and got exactly what she wanted, giving the RPD a black eye and that boneheaded cop was all too happy to comply. And frankly the cops request wasn't all that absured to begin with. Cops ask people to move away from a scene or go back inside all the time. They do it for their own protection and the publics. I still say he could have handled it in a MUCH better way, but she is still the one who instigated the exchange.
  21. It was not for video taping and at no time does the officer tell her to stop taping. That's a great hot button issue to garner sympathy for her. It was for not complying with a request to move. Should she have been arrested? No. Should she even have to move? Probably not. The officer should have had much better judgement and realized she wasn't a threat. Will probably be suspended. Of course, we don't know what she did before she started taping as the officer alluded to. Given that, I have a hard time seeing this girl as a victim. She went looking for trouble. The officer had a simple request and if she had any respect for police she would have just backed up onto her porch. It was dark, the officer was focused on the suspect and didn't want to worry about bystanders. She was a tough girl until the cuffs came out. She got what she went looking for, controversy.
  22. If he was neither drunk or driving 100 I'll gladly issue a mea culpa and maybe would should wait for the facts, I'll give you that.. But if he was doing either of those, being critical of him is not even close to being "holier than thou". It's having respect for your fellow man by not engaging in those activities. If he did do either, for once the right person died instead of the family of 4 on the way home from grandmas that is too often the victims while the idiot walks away. I'll say it and if it makes me holier than thou I could care less. If you drink and drive, you're a f'in dumbass and I don't care what happens to you. I do believe in redemption, but that is earned by your actions that follow and you're still a dumbass for ever doing it. This isn't 1950, it's well understood what alcohol does to your judgement and ability and knowing that if you still choose to make that decision I'll pass judgement on you without remorse.
  23. He did do one thing right, he cooked with the alcohol he would drink.
  24. Thread title "RIP Ryan Dunn" Would you like a mulligan?
  25. Yes. Don't you know it's sad because he was once on TV?
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