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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Depending on how they do it I'll send it to you. Their website says it's going to be a little different this year so I have no idea what that means.
  2. But that takes away all the fun of trying to guess what fell off and the bonus question of whether or not it was a critical part.
  3. I think most everyone can learn a lesson from this.
  4. Don't drive in the rain.
  5. The message behind my post stand regardless of whether I know Troopers or not because knowing a cop is not a qualifier for whether grief can be felt, as you stated. Anywho, apology accepted. You admit you were wrong and I'll always accept that.
  6. It's interesting to watch the coaches for a while, but my eyes keep moving all over the screen too much and I don't really see any of the game. I can't take more then a minute or two at a time and I change back to the normal broadcast.
  7. Nah, just shows he's a homer.
  8. You want the rage, here it comes. You question my feelings on this you !@#$ing ass-hole!? My best friend and best man in my wedding is a Trooper who is working OT in the region helping in the search. I am good friends with no less then 5 Troopers via my best friend who are also working on the search. Every time a Trooper gets shot, I get to wait to hear the names before I know if it's a friend of mine. Now do I have your permission to have a !@#$ing feeling regarding this or am I just being dramatic you !@#$ing sh--.
  9. He has now. Trooper Longobardo has died.
  10. Hope nobody shorted their stock.
  11. I see your logic, but nothing in pre-season showed me that Aiken was a better choice then Wilson and deserved to get in the game anymore then he does. Yeah, Aiken has the size but that's obviously not a factor if Reed is still there. Don't even get me started on my thoughts on Reed.
  12. Thanks for the breaking news.
  13. True, but the same could (should anyways) be said for Aiken. They obviously thought Aiken will make a better special teams player, and I can't argue that as I don't have the knowledge to.
  14. Aiken over Wilson
  15. Well my friend, apparently deduction is lost on you as well. A couple of Steve Smiths quotes. There is nothing about an ingrown toenail that physically prevents a person from walking besides the pain associated with it. An ingrown toenail does not render a limb unusable, the pain associated with it does. When Steve Smith states he, and I quote, "couldn't walk anymore," the layperson could generally conclude that pain has reached a point where the individual can no longer tolerate it. Unbearable is a perfectly good synonym to describe this. But alas, I find no more use beyond this in teaching basic elementary skills to individuals that aren't capable of erudition. Good day.
  16. Is this reading comprehension for tards day? Jesus, some of you people are !@#$ing idiots when it comes to that skill. I said it was the worst pain I HAVE ever had. If you would like it qualified further I found it worse then a broken finger, concussion, 2nd degree burns, a torn achillies and numerous pulled hamstrings and ankle sprains. 5 out of 6 which happen to football players on a regular basis. I have no doubt he would have played during the season, but he would have been feeling it.
  17. I'd say to send yours, but some of those kids look pretty big.
  18. You mean Sam Adams old pads won't do the trick? I was talking about purchasing the equipment for them. Looks like the community has already come to the rescue though and they'll be good to go.
  19. Look at the dates Pooj.
  20. I actually took a shot in the dark and sent an email to the Bills about it. Here is the response I got;
  21. com-pre-hen-sion  // Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kom-pri-hen-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. the act or process of comprehending. 2. the state of being comprehended. 3. perception or understanding: His comprehension of physics is amazing for a young student. 4. capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; power to grasp ideas; ability to know. 5. Logic. the connotation of a term.
  22. http://www.13wham.com/news/local/story.asp...42-D257CD41EA5F That's just !@#$ up. It be cool if the Bills stepped in and donated new equipment or something.
  23. I've had an ingrown toenail removed and he is correct, you reach a point where the pain is unbearable. I've been injured many times in many ways but nothing compared to that pain.
  24. Numerous family members have already been charged.
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