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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I got in right at 10 and had a 8 mintue wait. Scored 4th row floor center even after that. Anyone who wants in on the presale go to the not so super secret fanclub link here. http://www.tsotickets.com/
  2. Why the !@#$ is this news?
  3. Oops, missed that one.
  4. Glad to hear it's out and flying, but why is it at half staff? I haven't heard a Presidental proclamation stating it should be.
  5. It's like a good sex dream....let's just hope we don't wake up before it's over.
  6. No matter how this game turns out, it just nice to see good play calling again.
  7. That just reinforces my decision from last year to give up all pre-game shows.
  8. Hope you brought back enough VD for everyone.
  9. Homemade wings, nachos and Guinness.
  10. I think he was refering to himself.
  11. OT baby. What a job by the holder.
  12. Good thing Notre Dame sucks, otherwise Penn State would be getting embarrased. Wait, what?
  13. Can we integrate that into Pyrite Gal's posts?
  14. I believe the correct story is he had 4-10 days left on his sentence. He was up for more charges though so he either would have been staying or going right back in.
  15. Shuffleboard at 6.
  16. Speaking to my trooper friends that is exactly what is happening. More people on the reservation than not are with this guy and helping him out making it very difficult. Add on top of that the troopers are being told they need to be "sensitive" when dealing with the native americans, because God knows we wouldn't want to be less then "PC" when hunting a cop killer. They are all very frustrated with the limitations they feel are imposed on them.
  17. So you're saying you'd leave?
  18. Already admitted fake.
  19. I'm not really one to prod the football Gods.
  20. Work on it when the board crashes Sunday after the loss.
  21. I disagree. I say Sundowner first. I like to look at the hot chicks when I'm sober. By the time we get to Seductions, all the girls look hot.
  22. Bills lose the coin toss, JoeSixPacks head explodes. The rest of the game doesn't matter as I'm too busy laughing my ass off.
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