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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. They obviously can't see over the keyboard.
  2. Voter tampering! No campaigning within 5 threads of the polling place.
  3. But then not as many people would see how smart I am.
  4. I'm serious. I know I made fun of these people at first but I'm starting to see the light. If Spikes is pissed, a proven veteran leader then everyone who looks up to him for guidence will be pissed as well. At least half the team must be pissed at this point! You'll see....you'll all be proven wrong. You may see the first team strike in the history of the NFL.
  5. If you don't like it why don't you just leave.
  6. Dudes from North Carolina....don't think he needs second rate bar-b-que.
  7. Wonder if we can get an IQ test on the registration page.
  8. Too bad you only made the waiting list.
  9. Yeah, but can he shoot 3's?
  10. I smell a doping scandal.
  11. That's not a strong skill found in these parts.
  12. Can we get wease to go with him?
  13. I read that article earlier and decided not to post it as the title is misleading. Like you said, no where in the article does it actually states Spikes is out, it's pure speculation. Edit: I see they actually update the article from their earlier errors.
  14. 1. VABills gargles with Aaron Brooks' man pudding. 2. Aaron Brooks used to play for the saints. 3. Ricky Williams played for saints 4. Ricky Williams then played for the dolphins. 5. VABills is gay
  15. Got three wrong on the first try. 2 of the stans and one in Africa. Otherwise pretty simple.
  16. You're welcome.
  17. America gets fatter, one invention at a time.
  18. Attention: Power rankings are gay. That is all.
  19. I can think of a movie, but not a tv show.
  20. Let's think about why that is...............oops, better stop before I get called to do a math problem on the chalkboard.
  21. And 3/4 of married men over 40.
  22. I've done side and back floor. The back is nice because you get the full affect of the light show. Side kind of sucked, the light show kind of passes you by. I wanted to get up close to the performers this year.
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