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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Lou Dobbs is a whiney old windbag. But hey, even he can hit the side of a building with a plane now and then.
  2. Take that Jersey!
  3. I doubt there is anything tight about it.
  4. I'd say it worked just as he planned.
  5. So when Bush leaves office his mistakes in Iraq are no longer his? Nice!
  6. Who gives a flying f.........
  7. Too bad only the barbie corvette would notice it.
  8. And CJPearl has obviously been drinking.
  9. I blame the ball boy, only because I think everyone else has already been taken.
  10. What, no Super Bowl this week? Damn.
  11. Two bilnd-side hits. Amazingly, even a good QB like Brady fumbles those if you recall.
  12. We picked on Miami last week, it's only fair. Nice comeback attempt, those 50,000 empty seats must have enjoyed it.
  13. Speak for yourself, I didn't play anything.
  14. You threw for over 300 yards kid. You may not have gotten a win, but the folks at the stadium wall say yardage is everything.
  15. Hi Mr. Madden.
  16. Yeah, challange an obvious fumble just because you have a timeout.
  17. Come on 29th!
  18. I say replace them all for next time, let the young guys try it, at least they'll give it their all.
  19. Have you tried a little thing called communication?
  20. Wait till he see's his bank account slowly (strike that, quickly) drop while paying off the wedding. Congrats!
  21. Only here could you become a synonym for excrement.
  22. Y yesa Mizz Daizy, he surz wold half.
  23. Squawk...stalker...squawk!
  24. They're only $.99 at Wal-Mart. I can find more money then that walking from my car inside if I look hard enough.
  25. They're sold out.
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