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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. This thread is a real who's who of TSW.
  2. Because no matter if your team gets whooped, you have to enjoy a fight like that.
  3. Only once. Went to Comp USA to get a great package deal on a PS2. Actually wasn't too bad. 15 minutes in line at 7am. Never would I try for one of the hot ticket items at a more popular store like Best Buy or Wal-Mart. Not worth the savings to me.
  4. Too bad it's the reliable guys who never get laid.
  5. Feel bad? Nope. Work is....well, work. You either do it or you don't. I don't care if you're my best friend, you don't do your job I won't feel bad when you get fired.
  6. I had a good chuckle last night when I turned to CNN and saw the "pundits" they had on. The two for the Democrats have CNN shows. The two for the Republicans they had to pull "off the street." Guess it's hard to find a Republican internally at CNN.
  7. Yes and no. I believe her. http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Music/11/0...l.ap/index.html
  8. Well what does he think happens when the sun doesn't come out for 4 months.
  9. Take a shower, you'll feel better.
  10. Early and often
  11. It's all those dead voters. Seriously, I was at the polls at 6am this morning. Guy behind me says you have a dead voter in your book. They ask him how he knows. He says it's his wife.
  12. Then you've been to the wrong chruches.
  13. Nah, just sounds like that could have been copied and pasted from his "apology" a couple days ago.
  14. Interesting concept, but we do live in an "innocent until the media tells us otherwise" nation.
  15. God doesn't hate the sinner, he hates the act. If only everybody could live by this.
  16. If you want a quick fix go to http://www.vnes.thatsanderskid.com/
  17. My plan of turning off the game worked perfectly. Unfortunately, I've learned over the years I cannot be a part of watching a big comeback. Sucks I can't participate, but I'll turn it off for the good of the team.
  18. I knew someone would take the bait. Good job. Edit: Makes more sense when I don't type the wrong word. Changed to pink.
  19. Simple actually. When a liberal doesn't have a point to make or is losing an arguement, one of the points they can fall back on is that Republicans blame Clinton for everything. Even though, that's really not true. There is just so much to blame on Clinton that it seems that way. Fast-forward about 4 years from now and we'll see the Dems pulling the same thing on Bush. Not everything will be Bush's fault, but there will be so much that was it will appear that way as well. Pretty pathetic actually. Even more pathetic is that people like Joey Balls eat it up and don't realize how stupid they sound.
  20. Buy some damn tickets you cheap bastard.
  21. Don't most Canadians have pink balls?
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