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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Smug alert! I have a 2008 Ford Escape and 2006 Hyundai Sonota. My gas bill is higher then my heating bill.
  2. Show off. I went to the gastroenterologist this morning and all I have to show for it is a sore ass. Great news campy....glad things are going well.
  3. Do they have enough plots to bury this years team?
  4. I don't know how it is in Cali, but in NY the state university police are trained and have the full authority as regular police.
  5. Yep. The post proccessing on that second pic is horrible.
  7. Ummmm, did you sleep through the October storm?
  8. Well, with the profit they can make a couple trips if they want.
  9. http://www.13wham.com/news/local/story.asp...B9-CF922CB086DE
  10. I thought tornados took you to Oz, I didn't think they occured in Oz.
  11. Wow, he'll sure be eating crow now. Why fans get all defensive over these rankings is beyond me.
  12. Nah, I'd rather they get screwed and play pissed off the rest of the season to prove something.
  13. As an individual I'm all for it so I don't have to walk by you and breathe your smoke or have your cig butt come flying at my car as you throw it out of yours. As an American, this is complete bull sh--. In this case American > Individual.
  14. And we all know that traders make up the majority of America. Although you do have a point in the fact that norms can vary by location. i.e. what's normal at a football game isn't normal at church.
  15. Hey, I didn't make the rules, I just live by them. Like it or not, we have norms in society, things that have been determined to be right or wrong whether there is a law against it or not. The majority of people in American society believe that swearing in public or excessive swearing is wrong. Logically, should it be? That's up for debate. I've never understood why sh-- or fu@! is considered a swear word. Then again, why is cheeseburger the word for a beef patty and cheese between two pieces of bread? It's just the way it is. If enough people in America finally decided that these words were ok then using them would become the norm.
  16. Oh goody, I may not have Social Security when I'm 65, but I'll be able to watch football.
  17. Yes. Just because someone does good deads it doesn't make them a classy person.
  18. Good thing VABills lives in Virginia.
  19. Constant swearing shows a lack of class.
  20. Bash you? Hell no. I've never understood this concept that kids have rights. No, they don't. There is a lot to be said for respecting their privacy and giving them space, but if you feel something is wrong with a kid that age it's your job to do whatever you can to find out about it.
  21. Bald Betty, my personal favorite.
  22. Once again South park is right on the money. If there wasn't religion to blame, people would find something else. Religion isn't the cause of the worlds problems, humans are.
  23. The only thing that can control a 15 year old boy more then sex is the need to brag about it to his friends.
  24. If it's a BJ from Hogan, you buying two?
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