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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Which is why we are, where we are now. Once people realize how much their care actually costs, they'll stop going to the doctor for a sniffle and demanding brand name drugs. It is a risky plan though if you happen to develop a chronic illness.
  2. Which is not always a bad thing. It keeps cost down for small employers. Large employers that can go experience rated to save have in big numbers recently. CDHP is the future though.
  3. HMO guy here. Check with your current insurer. The company I work for will provide up to 2 months of out of area COBRA coverage. You will only be covered for urgent and emergent care according to your current benefits, but that is all you are looking for. If you don't qualify for HNY, you could buy a personal plan, but your looking upwards of $1000 a month for that. Keep in mind, if your gap in coverage is more then 63 days and your new coverage has a pre-existing condition clause, you will not be covered for any pre-x you may have for 12 months. If you have any chronic conditions, $1000 a month for two months might not be so bad. Also, if something happens during those 63 days, that would not be covered either once your new coverage kicks in.
  4. Make a move to where? NY is very competative for Elementary teaching jobs. My wife worked as a short/long term sub for 5 years before she landed a tenure job. You're also a little late in the year for her to be applying. Postings tend to go up around late March/April when they know the the needs for next year. The hiring process takes place in May and June. There will still be jobs popping up, but they usually already have their pool of candidates by now. There are some schools that do the process later though so don't give up on looking. Don't rely on job sites for teaching jobs, you need to be visiting the schools websites directly. Get a map, open google and go to town.
  5. Golfers are pussies [/Darin]
  6. I gave up concerts at Darin right after college, I had enough of that place. If I ever do go back, I'll be sitting in the 100 or 200's and staying at the hotel so I do have to deal with that thing they call a parking lot.
  7. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
  8. Nice, I picked a good week to be on vacation.
  9. Of course, my vacation starts Friday.
  10. So get a tracfone or something to be used in emergencies. My kid will hate me, but they're not getting a phone to use all the time. I'll get them something like a Disney phone when they're young and a prepaid when they get older. Use up the minutes, tough, 911 will still work. To each is own I guess, but in my world no kid needs a high tech phone.
  11. Beat me to it. I'll second that one.
  12. If I get 20% on my house in 5 years I'll fly a Patriots flag outside my house all football season.
  13. I'd say the Indy 500/Coca Cola 600 same day double is more impressive.
  14. Offer a compromise. Let her pick the official dinnerware again
  15. Take it at bedtime, last 24 hours. I've been doing that for years and it's the only reason I can function this time of year.
  16. Magnavox, maybe if it was 1980
  17. Cheaper than sod, but still expensive. Unless you're starting a new lawn from just dirt I wouldn't consider it. It would be overkill on an exisiting lawn. You also don't know the grade of seed you are receiving. Choose a less then honest company and you may end up with more weeds than grass. People underestimate the ability for a lawn to bounce back with a little TLC and proper care. You can do it yourself for about 1/4 the cost for something like hydroseeding. You just have to invest some time and effort.
  18. I spot seeded a couple weeks ago because I pulled out a couple trees and changed the landscaping around the front of my house, pulling some parts back a bit. I'll be watering the hell out of those all summer.
  19. Doesn't matter. Don't do it now. As others have said, seeding now won't give the grass time to develop a good root system. A week of 90 degree temps (not uncommon in WNY) will cause havoc on new grass. End of July use a spray weed killer on your lawn. It won't take care of all of them, but it will give you a good start. Give 4-6 weeks between the weed killer and seeding or grass seed won't germinate. Wait until September. Dethatch your lawn, scalp it with the mower and overseed. Use a high quality seed (Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Fescue mix), or you'll just be introducing more weeds. There are mixed reviews on a starter fertilizer in the fall, I used it last year with great results. Water consistantly, seeds need to stay moist to germinate. Don't mow for the first few weeks and don't expect immediate results. Reviving a lawn is a marathon, not a sprint. You'll see some new growth in the fall, but it will really pop in the spring. Put down a winterizer in early november. Early spring but down a fertilizer with crab grass control. Use the spray weed killer again a few weeks on either side of that if needed. I moved into a house last year with a lawn that had about 80% weeds and the rest was dead grass. 10 months later, my lawn is one of the best in the neighborhood and I still have work to do. Very few weeds, full lawn, only a few trouble spots.
  20. Fun weekend in Foxboro. Didn't stay for the D1 championship (although I wish I had planned on it after SU won on Saturday) but got to watch 4 great games. Not quite as fun of a lacrosse venue as Baltimore, but Foxboro turned out better then I thought it would. Heckling the locals about spygate was a blast, but pick the cops you harass wisely. Can't say I was all that impressed by Gillette Stadium either. I expected more from a "first class organization"
  21. Probably could be answered by a quick call to the rental company. Not all have the same policy. Some allow driving to an adjoining state, others farther. Don't know about international.
  22. Yet, when the same rotten banana is made into banana bread, it opens up a whole new world of yummie goodness.
  23. Isn't that the chick version?
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