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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I'll say it. He deserved it.
  2. I'd never budget under an hour for Atlanta. I've even taken longer flights just to avoid Atlanta.
  3. Any way to have one just big enough to take care of France then die out?
  4. Loud and clear. Seemed a little out of place against an opponent like Seattle in week 1 where there is no bad blood or much meaning to the game. Can't knock the enthusiasm though.
  5. If Kate Hudson had boobs, she'd get my vote hands down. I'd go with Salma though (or any actress on Telemundo for that matter), I've always had a thing for Hispanics.
  6. How 'bout now?
  7. "Whereas others are assoient on their bay-trees after one happy new year, on the contrary, decided to him to redouble heat with the drive"
  8. Not perfect, but close http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=fr&tl=en
  9. Ah yes, I can't count how many -10 degree games I've sat through.
  10. A guy that lived down the street from me when we were young was caught stealing bra's off of our clothesline (3 had been missing the weeks before too.) We think he thought he was taking my sisters, when he was actually taking my grandmothers.
  11. You'd prefer one of the other two games?
  12. I take it that was before you went kite surfing?
  13. Great job. Keep running, not many things feel as good as a runners high. Little advice for the future, go out the first 5k a little slower, it will make all the difference for the last 10.
  14. Problem with this one if it comes in on the projected path, there will be an Easterly wind that could push a pretty good surge right into Lake Borgne and into the canals on the East side of the city. Add to that high tide is around 2pm tomorrow. According to THIS, it's also still the most vunerable part of the system. Hopefully it slides further West.
  15. And you just passed two years, and failed to stay on topic. At least he has an excuse.
  16. '87 Dodge Colt - What a piece of sh-- that was '93 Dodge Shadow - Must have been built on a good day because it lasted me 140,000 without many repairs.
  17. Who said it was peaceful? Did they have a permit, if one was needed? Were they in a public area? If yes, did they comply with the officers requests? Were they impeding traffic? Blocking pedestrians? Were they using profane language? Was anyone trying to incite a riot? Can you answer any of these questons? Neither can I, because like you, I wasn't there. You're making a pretty big leap in logic with you last statement when you have no idea what occured at the protest. I said the cop overreacted and I stand by that, but who's to say they police didn't have a reason to step in, in the first place?
  18. Somehow, I went to the store earlier today, walked by a cop and managed to not get arrested. I wonder how that happened? Not saying the cop didn't overreact, but come on people, use a little common sense and you may manage to be able to protest and still go home that night.
  19. Alienate? Do you really think players will refuse to learn English and not play in the LPGA? It's their chance to make millions, I doubt they'll go to another tour that nobody watches and make 1/10th as much. Why shouldn't sports be like any other job? If you work in America, there is a good chance you have to speak at least basic English to communicate with co-workers, unless you're picking apples of course.
  20. One of the comments Poor, deprived people.
  21. Your man card is in the mail, correct?
  22. Seriously, I wish no ill will upon any individual player. I want to see the whole team fail.
  23. Check out angieslist.com
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