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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I'll take some of the blame Jay. I pulled out my nerf football for the first time this season (I use it as a stress ball). Bills sucked it up. I put it away and they turned it around. I should know better then to change a routine when on a winning streak.
  2. Relax, it's a technical error. They have him linked to Lovie Smith right now.
  3. That's a great stat, but my heart won't hold up if they keep doing that all season. Please start getting more points in the first.
  4. Love the optimism, but after a 8 year drought I'll take everything that plays in the Bills favor.
  5. Houston is up over Jacksonville too. Those types of games are big when it comes to the wild card spot.
  6. This would beat "The Comeback" if they could pull it out.
  7. Pats beat Jets, Jets destroying Cards, Cards destroyed Dolphins, Dolphins destroyed Pats. It's impossible to predict anything this year.
  8. How did it not burn down is the real question.
  9. I'm Bruce Smith, can someone give me a ride home?
  10. You're an insensative ass. [/liberal]
  11. Yeah, but he was caught laying down on the job.
  12. Why turn him into something he's not, when he's already doing an excellent job where he is?
  13. Boo Weekly riding the pony off the first tee ranks with the best golf moments ever.
  14. I wouldn't say played like ass. The Raiders are more talented then anyone is giving them credit for. They're a middle of the pack team, not bottom dwellers like many are saying.
  15. I've always thought the same thing. Not that I automatically dismiss snopes, but who is fact checking them? I usually trust in wikipedia.
  16. Is being sober a job requirement?
  17. I don't know, it sure burned after the first time for me
  18. I don't know about him, but I spent all night running diagnostics on mine.
  19. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/O/ODD...EMPLATE=DEFAULT I almost want to start a fundraiser to pay for this guys legal fees. 10 years ago I would have sympathized with the boyfriend, today I applaud the father.
  20. Estimates by city officials are about 15,000 people have choosen to stay in Galveston. Galveston is predicted to be completely under water. Been nice knowing ya. Darwin will have to mass produce awards this year.
  21. I've got something for every religion. The subject just happened to be catholicism. Although I'll admit, it's nice to see everyone involved is over 18 this time.
  22. Sell a couple grams, immediately confess, pass go, collect $200 and go straight to heaven. Silly Catholics..........
  23. Dude.......
  24. Yeah, that's the dumbass. The best part is there was a hand-operated tram that crossed the river 1/4 of a mile away. I know if I'm trapped by a river, I'm walking up and down it at least 5 miles in both directions to see if there is any way across.
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