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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Down to $3.23 yesterday in Rochester (specifically Henrietta).
  2. It is public health and a smart idea for municipalities to provide it, but that doesn't make it a right (I'm not saying you're implying that btw, just continuing the debate.) If it was a right, every incorporated village, town, hamlet, etc... would need to provide it instead of making rural homeowners put in a septic system and dig a well, or at the very least foot the bill for those two things in areas it can't be provided. That's not how it is though. Cities run water and sewer lines, charge a connection fee for homeowners who would like the service then the homeowner is responsible for paying some of the cost. A few rural areas where the lines aren't run may end up subsidizing the cost for a service they can't utilize, but it's a lot closer to a better system then providing a government luxury that is specifically designed around how much you make.
  3. I figured he'd at least blame it on the Georgians.
  4. Are you talking tax credits and deductions? I don't see what me receiving the money I earned back has anything to do with this arguement. It was my money in the first place. I've never used a service that wasn't also available to my neighbor. I don't complain about people on public assistance that honestly need it and are trying to better their lives, not mooch off the system. Somebody needs food, I'm happy my tax dollars feed them. Need a roof over their head? I'm happy my tax dollars provide that. Lost a job? I'm happy to help them recover. But I'll never be happy about what any half brained individual would consider a technological luxury that has no bearing on whether or not they'll see tomorrow.
  5. And schools, water and police services are offered to every member of the community. Funny, I went to school before the internet and had no problems learning. We also have these wonderful places called public libraries that provide free internet. Why should my tax dollars subsidize a luxury when the services are available elsewhere for free? If the government wants to waste money on free wireless, I should be able to get it too.
  6. It needs to be all or none. I have the same belief as you, which is why I don't think wifi welfare should ever happen. If it's not life sustaining, it should not be considered a welfare program that my tax dollers are used for.
  7. Yes, I would. I don't have the expectation that my tax dollars need to go to either of those services, and would be upset if they were provided to some members of the community and not others based on class.
  8. When I say I'm going to order a large pizza, my wife always asks what she's going to eat.
  9. So the internet is no longer a luxury, but a right? Lovely.
  10. You wouldn't know they're at home from the crowd. Seems like more of a neutral site.
  11. Made that more accurate for you.
  12. Mmmmmmm, Lindburgers. The only reason I was sad to move out of Penfield. I could eat a Far East burger every day.
  13. Western NY living +1
  14. Considering, they weathered the first half pretty well. This could easily be a blowout at this point but the Bills are in it. It's going to take a big defensive play to turn it around, but I expect Warner to make a mistake at some point. Given the Bills 2nd half play this season I'm staying optomistic.
  15. I'm picking the Cards too. Big deal. They're going to lose eventually, and I think this is the week and apparently they do too.
  16. Must be no sex on Sunday in your household.
  17. You're all welcome at my house in Rochester if you bring the beer!
  18. I bet you get invited to a lot of parties.
  19. Cuddled with his hand.
  20. It's hard when half the fan base gets deported every year.
  21. Why coaches continue to accept a job from that man is beyond me. How do people not see when they are being set up for failure?
  22. bull sh-- nobody wins. You win. And society wins.
  23. I felt bad for him for a second. Then I realized the Rams have a Superbowl, so I said f*** him.
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