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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Blame it on Mort
  2. It's more of a one sided hatred then a rivalry, and even some of the younger generation is losing that hatred. R.Rich pointed out why we hate the Dolphins with such passion. The Dolphin fans got a taste of that in the 90's when we returned the favor, but it wasn't enough to sustain a hatred for them.
  3. I miss Bryan Cox. I wish he could be on the Dolphins forever.
  4. Nobody has uploaded that to Youtube yet.
  5. Welcome to TSW http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting
  6. The Dolphins are wondering the same thing. http://assets.espn.go.com/photo/2007/1219/...ns_fans_580.jpg
  7. Oh goodie, another JP thread. No opinion on Flutie vs. Johnson today?
  8. It was recorded. Other stations didn't get the footage though as they weren't able to record the live CBS feed. I'm sure they'll all get it eventually.
  9. You forgot the 25 in your username.
  10. Increased immigration crackdowns, what did you expect?
  11. Do you know how much juice it would take to power everything? Even with them, I doubt the CBS feed would get top priority.
  12. We really need to keep the internet out of state homes.
  13. They can obviously record. They should replay the damn game on tv at 4.
  14. I'll believe it when I see it.
  15. The government promptly denied the sandwich ever existed.
  16. Giant snakes hurting mommy?
  17. It depends, is there an attempt to injure?
  18. I doubt you'd see any college players who know they're going to be drafted in the first few rounds. Why would they risk injury and a multi-million dollar contract?
  19. I think drunk in public would be a better charge as I'm not really afraid of being killed by a drunk person in a wheelchair. Same goes with a BWI. A person walking in traffic poses just as much risk as a bicycle. And yet there is no WWI.
  20. Out of shape (relatively speaking) atheletes playing sloppy, meaningless football risking injury. Brilliant!
  21. I'll do it for $500 plus supplies. No guarentee on quality.
  22. This guy is clearly an idiot. Those are all advantage Buffalo. Don't get too worked up about Syracuse though, when Rochester is obviously superior to both of you.
  23. I would never wish that on the British.
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